Symposium: Within-modal vs. cross-modal processes: neurons, behavior and clinical studies
Multiple Paper Presentation
Elisabetta Làdavas
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Univeristà di Bologna
Abstract ID Number: 10 Symposium Overview
The symposium will consider the latest neurophysiological, behavioural and neuropsychological contributions to this field. Barry E. Stein will introduce the topic by discussing the differences in the mechanisms underlying the integration of information from different senses and from within the same sense. The first speaker (Terry Stanford), using a simple circuit model, will show how the superior colliculus neuron accomplishes multisensory integration, why the underlying circuitry produces a difference between cross-modal and within-modal integration and why only the former depends on influences of cortex. The second speaker (Mark Wallace) will show how experience with cross-modal cues impacts this neuron and determines the nature of its multisensory interaction later in life.
The remainder of the symposium will deal with how these multisensory processes are manifested in human behavior and how cross-modal stimulation reinforce the innate ability of the human brain to perceive multisensory events, hidden in the normal condition in which the unimodal process is sufficient for perception. Ladavas will review neuropsychological data underlining the relevance of cross-modal audio-visual integration in enhancing visual processing in patients with a unisensory visual deficit. Bolognini will discuss the relevance of multisensory integration in localizing auditory stimuli in normals and in patients with auditory localization deficits.
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