6th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum
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Jeroen J. Stekelenburg

An event-related potential investigation of the time-course of temporal ventriloquism
Poster Presentation

Jeroen J. Stekelenburg
Psychonomics Laboratory, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Jean Vroomen
Psychonomics Laboratory, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

     Abstract ID Number: 164
     Full text: Not available
     Last modified: April 18, 2005

Temporal ventriloquism refers to the phenomenon that a sound presented in close temporal proximity of a visual stimulus attracts its perceived temporal occurrence. Here, we investigate the time-course of the neuronal processes underlying temporal ventriloquism, using event-related brain potentials. To measure shifts in perceived temporal visual occurrence, we used a paradigm in which a sound modulates the magnitude of a visual illusion called the flash-lag effect. A sound presented before the flash reduced both the size of the flash-lag effect and the amplitude of visual N1 compared to when the sound lagged the flash. We attribute the modulation of the flash-lag effect to a modulation of facilitation of visual processing. The time-course (190 ms) and localization (occipito-parietal cortex) of this particular auditory-visual interaction confirms the sensory nature of temporal ventriloquism.

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