The role of the vestibular system in multisensory integration during navigation

Alain Berthoz, College de France, Paris

The vestibular system provide the brain with information concerning head angular and linear acceleration . It also constitutes a fundamental reference frames for spatial orientation .
I shall describe experiments which show that the vestibular system not only contributes to the perception and memeory of travelled paths but is in interaction with vision and kinesthetic cues for the cognitive mechanisms which underly spatial memory fo navigation. The neural basis of these mechanisms will be described both from experimenst using brain imaging (fMRI), neuropsychological studies in patients and neurophysiological studies .
I shall show that at all levels of these mechanisms a multisensory processing is present . In addtition I will show how visual vestibular conflicts are solved in the brain not only by weighing mechanisms but by decision making and sensory selection.

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