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Symposium: Experimental Aesthetics (Unilever)

Interaction of sound and vision in the perception of tranquillity
David Whitaker, Rob Pheasant, Kirill Horoshenkov, Greg Watts, James Heron
Visual and aesthetic processing of the human body: a sensorimotor approach.
Beatriz Calvo-Merino, Helge Gillmeister, Guido Orgs, Patrick Haggard, Bettina Forster

Symposium: Processing of space and self-motion perception in virtual environments

The perception of linear self motion induced by a virtual reality display while viewing eccentrically
Laurence Roy Harris, Rainer Herpers, Michael Jenkin, Robert Allison, Heather Jenkin, Bill Kapralos, David Scherfgen, Sandra Boronas

Symposium: Multisensory Integration in Neuropsychiatric Diseases

The 'impaired' internal representation of the body in Parkinson's disease
Michael Barnett-Cowan, Richard T Dyde, Susan H Fox, Elena Moro, William D Hutchison, Laurence R Harris

Symposium: Multisensory Applications (EUCog II)

An Audio-Visual Attention System for Interactive Learning
Martin Heckmann

Talk Session: Friday PM

Effect of background noise on food perception
Andy Thomas Woods, Ellen Poliakoff, Donna Lloyd, Johanna Kuenzel, Rachel Hodson, Helen Gonda, Jennifer Batchelor, Garmt Dijksterhuis, Anna Thomas

Talk Session: Thursday AM

Crossmodal repetition suppression for auditorily and visually perceived actions
Brenda S Hijmans, Annerose Engel, Marc Bangert, Peter E Keller, Christian Keysers

Talk Session: Thursday PM

Multisensory influences of motor-related reference frames
Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder, Thérèse Collins

Talk Session: Wednesday PM

Time channels: Adaptation of auditory and visual duration
Craig Aaen-Stockdale, John Hotchkiss, James Heron, David Whitaker

Poster Session: Wednesday

Multiple reference frames of body-part specific representations for tactile localization
Jenny Backhaus, Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed
The Closer the Better: Others’ Actions Reduce Crossmodal Integration in Peripersonal Space
Boukje Habets, Tobias Heed, Natalie Sebanz, Guenther Knoblich
The Perceived Location of Touch is Affected Equally by both Eye and Head Position
Lisa M Pritchett, Laurence R Harris
Temporal binding during illusory movement of the human body
Guido Orgs, Patrick Haggard
Viewing the body modulates somatosensory cortical inhibition
Flavia Cardini, Matthew R. Longo, Patrick Haggard

Poster Session: Thursday

Sensory-motor equivalence: Manual aiming in tetraplegic patients following tendon transfer surgery
Mark Robinson, Spencer J Hayes, Simon J Bennett, Gabor J Barton, Digby Elliott
Auditory and Visual Cues in a Pro- and Anti-Saccadic Task
Daniel Belyusar, Adam C. Snyder, Hans-Peter Frey, Mark Harwood, John J. Foxe
People with one eye have enhanced sound localization in central regions but show large errors in the periphery
Adria E N Hoover, Laurence R Harris, Jennifer K E Steeves
Streaming/bouncing phenomenon in audition: a multimodal perspective in the perceptual organization
Hidekazu Yasuhara, Yuki Hongoh, Shinichi Kita
Can cochlear implant users be primed with environmental sounds in a visual task?
Filipa Campos Viola, Jeremy Thorne, Jemma Hine, Angela Barks, Julie Eyles, Stefan Bleeck, Till R Schneider, Stefan Debener
Sounds can induce illusory visual motion perception
Souta Hidaka, Wataru Teramoto, Yoichi Sugita, Yuko Manaka, Ryota Miyauchi, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki
Cross-modal interactions between visual and painful stimuli: A case of inverse effectiveness?
Ulrich Pomper, Marion Hoefle, Michael Hauck, Andreas Engel, Daniel Senkowski
Audio-visual interactions in binocular rivalry using the Shepard illusion in the auditory and visual domain
Verena Conrad, Mario Kleiner, Jessica Hartcher-O'Brien, Andreas Bartels, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Uta Noppeney
Inter-sensory biases variations in auditory and visual spatial perception.
David Hartnagel, Alain Bichot, Corinne Roumes
Perceptual Maps of Touch and Pain
Flavia Mancini, Matthew R. Longo, Gian Domenico Iannetti, Patrick Haggard

Poster Session: Friday

Crossmodal transfer for newly learned finger movements on a piano keyboard
Annerose Engel, Marc Bangert, Brenda S. Hijmans, David Horbank, Peter E. Keller, Christian Keysers
The Neural Correlates of Multisensory Perceptual Training
Albert R. Powers, Matthew A. Hevey, Mark T. Wallace
Disentangling unisensory and multisensory components in audiovisual integration: from low-level integration to sensory substitution in the blind using novel spectral analysis.
uri hertz, Amir Amedi
Nonlinear temporal distortions in vision and audition
Jess Hartcher-O'Brien, Sebastian Telgen, Massimiliano Di Luca, Marc O Ernst
Can audiovisual timing influence perceived object distance?
Philip Jaekl, Laurence Harris, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Encoding-efficiency of visual pattern modulates the audio-visual interaction in repetition blindness
Junichi Takahashi, Souta Hidaka, Wataru Teramoto, Jiro Gyoba
Bimodal Reaction Time Facilitation for Horizontally-Moving Auditory-Visual Stimuli
Neil Harrison, Georg Meyer, Sophie Wuerger

Poster Session: Saturday

Inverse effectiveness in the visual evoked potential
Maori Kobayashi, Yuko Manaka, Wataru Teramoto, Souta Hidaka, Yoichi Sugita, yôiti Suzuki
Effects of congruency and attention on multisensory perception of emotion
Hao Tam Ho, Erich Schröger, Sonja Kotz
The contribution of spectral-cue-based sound localization to illusory visual motion perception
Wataru Teramoto, Souta Hidaka, Yoichi Sugita, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yukio Iwaya, Yo-iti Suzuki