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Symposium: Processing of space and self-motion perception in virtual environments

Physical motion but not auditory cues improve tracking performance in a simulated flight task
Georg F Meyer, Helen Furber, Mark D White, Philip Perfect, Gareth Padfield

Symposium: Multisensory Integration in Neuropsychiatric Diseases

The 'impaired' internal representation of the body in Parkinson's disease
Michael Barnett-Cowan, Richard T Dyde, Susan H Fox, Elena Moro, William D Hutchison, Laurence R Harris

Symposium: Multisensory Applications (EUCog II)

Multimodal Brain-Computer Interfaces
Alexander Maye

Talk Session: Friday AM

Noise vs. Multisensory Integration: The Return of the Race Model
Thomas U Otto, Pascal Mamassian
Audiovisual walkers are perceived optimally
Ana Catarina Mendonça, Jorge A. Santos, Joan Lopez-Moliner
Dance with or without music: individual interpretations and across-subject synchronization
Corinne Jola, Marie-Helene Grosbras, Philip McAleer, Frank E. Pollick

Talk Session: Friday PM

Mapping body surface and the spatial co-localization of sounds in auditory-somatosensory multisensory interactions
Holger F Sperdin, Céline Cappe, Micah M Murray

Talk Session: Thursday AM

Visuo-haptic interactions in the Lateral Occipital Cortex
Flavia Mancini, Nadia Bolognini, Giovanna Soravia, Emanuela Bricolo, Giuseppe Vallar

Talk Session: Thursday PM

Development of integration for visual and proprioceptive hand position information
Marko Nardini, Katarina Begus, Catherine Manning, Denis Mareschal

Poster Session: Wednesday

A body-part map in the occipito-temporal cortex: a visuo-motor homunculus?
Tamar Makin, Tanya Orlov, Ehud Zohary
The ability of haptics to modulate the Ebbinghaus illusion
Toshiko Mochizuki
The role of the parieto-premotor network in the processing of auditory-visual biological motion
Sophie Wuerger, Georg Meyer, Laura Parkes, Penny Lewis, Roland Rutschmann
Multisensory interactions facilitate brain dynamics for categorical discrimination of living vs. man-made auditory-visual objects
Celine Cappe, Micah M Murray
Synchronous Multisensory Stimulation Blurs Self-Other Boundaries
Francesco Pavani, Mara Mazzurega, Thomas W. Schubert, Maria Paola Paladino
Haptic and sensorimotor contributions to visual object recognition
Matt Craddock, Jasna Martinovic, Rebecca Lawson
Timecourse of information processing in visual and haptic object identification: an electroencephalographic study.
Jasna Martinovic, Rebecca Lawson, Matt Craddock

Poster Session: Thursday

The effect of ageing on temporal discrimination of audio-visual events: an ERP study
Annalisa Setti, Simon Finnigan, Rory Sobolewski, Laura McLaren, Ian H. Robertson, Richard B. Reilly, Fiona N. Newell
Multisensory enhancement of visual attentional capture by accessory tones
Pawel J. Matusz, Martin Eimer
The integration of written and heard syllables in dyslexic adults
Maria Mittag, Paula Thesleff, Marja Laasonen, Teija Kujala
An absence of the Colavita effect: enhanced multisensory integration in monocular blindness
Stefania Siera Moro, Jennifer Kate Steeves
Predicting Auditory Spatial Discrimination Using Visual Tests
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Alan D Musicant
Crossing the arms alters the processing of touch and pain in a similar fashion: electrophysiological and behavioral evidence
Alberto Gallace, Diana Torta, Lorimer G. Moseley, Gian Domenico Iannetti
Investigating Synchrony Perception of Audiovisual Speech With a Continuous Carry-over fMRI Design
Scott Love, Marianne Latinus, Phil McAleer, Frank E Pollick
Sounds can induce illusory visual motion perception
Souta Hidaka, Wataru Teramoto, Yoichi Sugita, Yuko Manaka, Ryota Miyauchi, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki
Audio-visual peripheral localization disparity in the median plane
DaeGee Kang, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki
Perceptual Maps of Touch and Pain
Flavia Mancini, Matthew R. Longo, Gian Domenico Iannetti, Patrick Haggard
The effect of task instruction and temporal offset on the integration of audiovisual speech information
Julie N. Buchan, Kevin G. Munhall

Poster Session: Friday

A Computational Study of Multisensory Maturation in the Superior Colliculus (SC)
Cristiano Cuppini, Barry E. Stein, Benjamin A. Rowland, Elisa Magosso, Mauro Ursino
Neuromodulation of Multisensory Perception: a tDCS study of the sound-induced flash illusion
Nadia Bolognini, Angela Rossetti, Carlotta Casati, Flavia Mancini, Giuseppe Vallar
Seeing touch in the somatosensory cortex: A tms study of the visual perception of touch
Angela Rossetti, Angelo Maravita, Carlo Miniussi, Nadia Bolognini
Tactile processing after auditory deprivation: A TMS study of crossmodal plasticity in the “deaf�? auditory cortex’
Nadia Bolognini, Carlo Geraci, Carlo Cecchetto, Angelo Maravita, Costanza Papagno
Electrophysiological Correlates of Facial Configuration, Congruency and Familiarity
Georg F Meyer, Barnabas Procter
Common or separable neural circuits for duration processing across audition and touch.
John S Butler, Sophie Molholm, Ian C. Fiebelkorn, Manuel Mercier, Theodore R. Schwartz, John J Foxe
Manual tracking with visual background and/or gravito-inertial rotations: Dynamic of combination between reference frames
Cécile Scotto di Césare, Lionel Bringoux, Christophe Bourdin, Fabrice Sarlegna, Daniel Mestre
The role of simulated auditory location cues in visual search for an avatar in a virtual environment
Jason S. Chan, Corrina Maguinness, Simon Dobbyn, Rachel McDonnell, Paul McDonald, Henry J. Rice, Carol O'Sullivan, Fiona N. Newell
Attentional modulation of audiovisual interactions in the temporal domain
Beatriz R. Sarmiento, Bruce Milliken, David I Shore, Daniel Sanabria
Bimodal Reaction Time Facilitation for Horizontally-Moving Auditory-Visual Stimuli
Neil Harrison, Georg Meyer, Sophie Wuerger

Poster Session: Saturday

Speech-like stimuli can be frequency-tagged to investigate effects of sustained intermodal attention
Christian Keitel, Katja Saupe, Erich Schröger, Matthias M Müller
Oscillatory alpha-band mechanisms and the deployment of spatial attention to anticipated auditory and visual target locations: Common or separable control mechanisms?
Snigdha Banerjee, Sophie Molholm, Adam C Snyder, John J. Foxe
Auditory enhancement of visual phosphene perception: the effect of temporal and spatial factors and of stimulus intensity
Irene Senna, Angelo Maravita, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Lofti B. Merabet, Nadia Bolognini
Laminar profiles of audiovisual response in the macaque auditory cortex
Yoshinao Kajikawa, Arnaud Falchier, Peter Lakatos, Aimee Mills, Monica N O'Connell, Charles E Schroeder
Audiovisual synchrony enhances oddball sensitivity and BOLD signal in auditory cortex and superior temporal sulcus.
Jennifer Lynne Marchant Agustus, Christian Ruff, Jon Driver
Investigating Mechanisms for Multisensory Enhancement of Visual-target Detection: Does temporal information within the auditory modality reset the phase of ongoing oscillations in visual cortex?
Ian C. Fiebelkorn, John J. Foxe, John Butler, Manuel Mercier, Sophie Molholm
Inverse effectiveness in the visual evoked potential
Maori Kobayashi, Yuko Manaka, Wataru Teramoto, Souta Hidaka, Yoichi Sugita, yôiti Suzuki
Intracranial electrophysiological evidences for multisensory integration in the frontal lobe
Manuel R Mercier, Sophie Molholm, Theodore H Schwartz, John J Foxe
A Three-Layer Model for Emotion Exchange
Imen Tayari Meftah, Nhan LE THANH, Anis Meftah, Chokri Ben Amar
Sound localization in a remote place via an avatar robot synchronizing to listener's head rotation
Yukio Iwaya, Makoto Otani, Yusuke Masuyama, Yoiti Suzuki
Influences of auditory and visual information on the perception of multimodal emotional expressions
Valerie Milesi, Didier Grandjean
Temporal Order Judgment of Audiovisual Speech in Dutch and Japanese
Akihiro Tanaka, Jeroen Stekelenburg, Shiho Miyazawa, Jean Vroomen
Talking faces: the detection of auditory-visual synchronicity in children and adults
Sophie Wuerger, Lee Spence, Sarah Milligan, Kirsten Maccallum, Aisha McLean, Kimberley Morgan