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Symposium: Experimental Aesthetics (Unilever)

Interaction of sound and vision in the perception of tranquillity
David Whitaker, Rob Pheasant, Kirill Horoshenkov, Greg Watts, James Heron

Symposium: Processing of space and self-motion perception in virtual environments

Physical motion but not auditory cues improve tracking performance in a simulated flight task
Georg F Meyer, Helen Furber, Mark D White, Philip Perfect, Gareth Padfield

Symposium: Embodied emotion

Audiovisual temporal correspondence is not necessary for audiovisual integration of emotional signals: An event-related fMRI study
Karin Petrini, Frances Crabbe, Carol Sheridan, Frank Pollick

Talk Session: Friday AM

We know our errors that result from noise
Loes C.J. van Dam, Anna-Antonia Pape, Marc O. Ernst
Dance with or without music: individual interpretations and across-subject synchronization
Corinne Jola, Marie-Helene Grosbras, Philip McAleer, Frank E. Pollick

Talk Session: Friday PM

Effect of background noise on food perception
Andy Thomas Woods, Ellen Poliakoff, Donna Lloyd, Johanna Kuenzel, Rachel Hodson, Helen Gonda, Jennifer Batchelor, Garmt Dijksterhuis, Anna Thomas

Talk Session: Thursday AM

Multisensory representation of the hand
Giovanni Gentile, Valeria Ivanova Petkova, H. Henrik Ehrsson
fMRI-adaptation reveals selectivity for the space near the hand
Claudio Brozzoli, Giovanni Gentile, Valeria Ivanova Petkova, H. Henrik Ehrsson

Talk Session: Wednesday PM

Better late than now: Visual stimuli that follow sounds induce auditory plasticity
Daniel Pages, Jennifer M Groh

Poster Session: Wednesday

The role of the parieto-premotor network in the processing of auditory-visual biological motion
Sophie Wuerger, Georg Meyer, Laura Parkes, Penny Lewis, Roland Rutschmann
The Perceived Location of Touch is Affected Equally by both Eye and Head Position
Lisa M Pritchett, Laurence R Harris
Multiple spatial representations of touch: an fMRI adaptation study
Luigi Tamè, Christoph Braun, Alessandro Farnè, Angelika Lingnau, Jens Schwarzbach, Yiwen Li Hegner, Francesco Pavani
Illusion of owning a third arm
Arvid Guterstam, Valeria Petkova, Henrik Ehrsson
Synchronous Multisensory Stimulation Blurs Self-Other Boundaries
Francesco Pavani, Mara Mazzurega, Thomas W. Schubert, Maria Paola Paladino

Poster Session: Thursday

Mulstisensory Environments and Alzheimer's disease: how to rethink the assessment?
Stéphane Protat, Maryse Savoie, Sylvie Belleville
Predicting Auditory Spatial Discrimination Using Visual Tests
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Alan D Musicant
Mild Cognitive Impairment in older adults does not affect multisensory integration
Frederic Peters, Sylvie Belleville, Simona Brambati, Olivier Collignon
Investigating Synchrony Perception of Audiovisual Speech With a Continuous Carry-over fMRI Design
Scott Love, Marianne Latinus, Phil McAleer, Frank E Pollick
Cross-modal and within-modal integration in patients with collicular lesions
Caterina Bertini, Claudia Passamonti, Fabrizio Leo, Elisabetta Làdavas
Cross-modal interactions between visual and painful stimuli: A case of inverse effectiveness?
Ulrich Pomper, Marion Hoefle, Michael Hauck, Andreas Engel, Daniel Senkowski

Poster Session: Friday

Tactile processing after auditory deprivation: A TMS study of crossmodal plasticity in the “deaf�? auditory cortex’
Nadia Bolognini, Carlo Geraci, Carlo Cecchetto, Angelo Maravita, Costanza Papagno
The Neural Correlates of Multisensory Perceptual Training
Albert R. Powers, Matthew A. Hevey, Mark T. Wallace
Electrophysiological Correlates of Facial Configuration, Congruency and Familiarity
Georg F Meyer, Barnabas Procter
Multiple criteria for multisensory signals
Cesare Valerio Parise, Massimiliano Di Luca, Marc Ernst

Poster Session: Saturday

Auditory enhancement of visual phosphene perception: the effect of temporal and spatial factors and of stimulus intensity
Irene Senna, Angelo Maravita, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Lofti B. Merabet, Nadia Bolognini
Emotional information enhances audiovisual speech integration
Cesare Valerio Parise, Naoimh Stewart, Julia Föcker, Mary Ngo, Michael Browning, Brigitte Roeder, Charles Spence, Robert D Rogers
Effects of Musical Training and Emotional Content of Stimuli on Time Estimation
Maria Panagiotidi, Stavroula Samartzi
Muscular stress as an efficient multisensory facilitation
Isabel Gonzalo-Fonrodona, Miguel A Porras