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Symposium: Multisensory Integration in Neuropsychiatric Diseases

Multisensory interactions between speech and script in developmental dyslexia
Vera C Blau, Nienke van Atteveldt, Joel Reithler, Jochen Seitz, Rainer Goebel, Leo Blomert
Multisensory Integration in Schizophrenia
Lars Arne Ross, John James Foxe

Talk Session: Thursday PM

Multisensory influences of motor-related reference frames
Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder, Thérèse Collins

Poster Session: Wednesday

Multiple reference frames of body-part specific representations for tactile localization
Jenny Backhaus, Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed
Latent reaction time and event-related potentials to passive physical motion
Michael Barnett-Cowan, Hugh Nolan, John S Butler, John J Foxe, Richard B Reilly, Heinrich H Bülthoff
The role of the parieto-premotor network in the processing of auditory-visual biological motion
Sophie Wuerger, Georg Meyer, Laura Parkes, Penny Lewis, Roland Rutschmann
Event-related potentials (ERPs) to fast-paced laser stimuli projected onto hands in peri-personal space.
Chase Raymond, Mik Ratzlaff, Enrique Alvarez-Vazquez, Wolfgang Alexander Teder-Sälejärvi

Poster Session: Thursday

The effect of ageing on temporal discrimination of audio-visual events: an ERP study
Annalisa Setti, Simon Finnigan, Rory Sobolewski, Laura McLaren, Ian H. Robertson, Richard B. Reilly, Fiona N. Newell
Sensory-motor equivalence: Manual aiming in tetraplegic patients following tendon transfer surgery
Mark Robinson, Spencer J Hayes, Simon J Bennett, Gabor J Barton, Digby Elliott
Inter-sensory biases variations in auditory and visual spatial perception.
David Hartnagel, Alain Bichot, Corinne Roumes
Audiotactile spatial ventriloquism in congenitally blind, late blind and sighted individuals
Valeria Occelli, Patrick Bruns, Massimiliano Zampini, Brigitte Roeder

Poster Session: Friday

Contribution of Vision, Muscle Proprioception & Touch to hand movement perception
Caroline Blanchard, Régine Roll, Jean-Pierre Roll, Anne Kavounoudias
A Computational Study of Multisensory Maturation in the Superior Colliculus (SC)
Cristiano Cuppini, Barry E. Stein, Benjamin A. Rowland, Elisa Magosso, Mauro Ursino
Neuromodulation of Multisensory Perception: a tDCS study of the sound-induced flash illusion
Nadia Bolognini, Angela Rossetti, Carlotta Casati, Flavia Mancini, Giuseppe Vallar
Seeing touch in the somatosensory cortex: A tms study of the visual perception of touch
Angela Rossetti, Angelo Maravita, Carlo Miniussi, Nadia Bolognini
How to use tilt-translation ambiguity for simulating the braking on a dynamic driving simulator
Anca Stratulat, Christophe Bourdin, Vincent Roussarie, Jean-Louis Vercher
The role of simulated auditory location cues in visual search for an avatar in a virtual environment
Jason S. Chan, Corrina Maguinness, Simon Dobbyn, Rachel McDonnell, Paul McDonald, Henry J. Rice, Carol O'Sullivan, Fiona N. Newell

Poster Session: Saturday

Audiovisual synchrony enhances oddball sensitivity and BOLD signal in auditory cortex and superior temporal sulcus.
Jennifer Lynne Marchant Agustus, Christian Ruff, Jon Driver
Emotional information enhances audiovisual speech integration
Cesare Valerio Parise, Naoimh Stewart, Julia Föcker, Mary Ngo, Michael Browning, Brigitte Roeder, Charles Spence, Robert D Rogers
Multisensory Self-Motion Oddball Paradigm Evokes a P3 Response
Hugh Nolan, Robert Whelan, John Butler, John Foxe, Heinrich H Bülthoff, Richard B Reilly