Symposium: Experimental Aesthetics (Unilever)
Defining the cognitive and neural foundations of tactile aesthetics | |
Alberto Gallace, Charles Spence | |
Symposium: MSI and body experience
The right and left of crossed hands confusions | |
David I Shore | |
My face in yours: Behavioural and Electrophysiological correlates of ‘enfacement’ | |
Ilaria Bufalari, Anna Laura Sforza, Salvatore Maria Aglioti | |
Symposium: Processing of space and self-motion perception in virtual environments
The perception of linear self motion induced by a virtual reality display while viewing eccentrically | |
Laurence Roy Harris, Rainer Herpers, Michael Jenkin, Robert Allison, Heather Jenkin, Bill Kapralos, David Scherfgen, Sandra Boronas | |
Self-motion perception by multimodal stimulation based on virtual reality technology | |
Shuichi Sakamoto, Toshio Kubodera, Philip M. Grove, Kenzo Sakurai, Jiro Gyoba, Yo-iti Suzuki | |
It's All Me; Varying Viewpoints & Motor Learning in a Virtual Reality Environment | |
Judith Schomaker, Joachim Tesch, Heinrich Buelthoff, Jean-Pierre Bresciani | |
Symposium: Embodied emotion
Audiovisual temporal correspondence is not necessary for audiovisual integration of emotional signals: An event-related fMRI study | |
Karin Petrini, Frances Crabbe, Carol Sheridan, Frank Pollick | |
Symposium: Multisensory Integration in Neuropsychiatric Diseases
Cortical integration of vision and haptics reflects nicotine addiction | |
Yavor Yalachkov, Jochen Kaiser, Andreas Görres, Arne Seehaus, Marcus J. Naumer | |
Multisensory interactions between speech and script in developmental dyslexia | |
Vera C Blau, Nienke van Atteveldt, Joel Reithler, Jochen Seitz, Rainer Goebel, Leo Blomert | |
Audiovisual speech perception and visual selective attention in Asperger syndrome | |
Kaisa Tiippana, Satu Saalasti, Jari Kätsyri, Mikko Sams | |
Talk Session: Friday AM
Audiovisual walkers are perceived optimally | |
Ana Catarina Mendonça, Jorge A. Santos, Joan Lopez-Moliner | |
Talk Session: Friday PM
Spatial factors influencing the sound effects on the tactile perception of roughness | |
Yuika Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba | |
Mapping body surface and the spatial co-localization of sounds in auditory-somatosensory multisensory interactions | |
Holger F Sperdin, Céline Cappe, Micah M Murray | |
What do you feel without seeing? Tactile suppression in basic 3-ball juggling | |
Georgiana Juravle, Charles Spence | |
If it tastes like a piano…: Crossmodal associations between tastes/flavours and musical notes | |
Anne-Sylvie Crisinel, Charles Spence | |
Talk Session: Thursday AM
Visuo-haptic interactions in the Lateral Occipital Cortex | |
Flavia Mancini, Nadia Bolognini, Giovanna Soravia, Emanuela Bricolo, Giuseppe Vallar | |
Talk Session: Thursday PM
Tracking tactile remapping with saccadic latencies and evoked potentials | |
Salvador Soto-Faraco, Krista E. Overvliet, Elena Azañón, Marco Calabresi | |
Talk Session: Wednesday PM
0+1 > 1 : when adding non-informative sound improves performance in a visual task | |
Robyn Kim, Ladan Shams | |
Poster Session: Wednesday
The Closer the Better: Others’ Actions Reduce Crossmodal Integration in Peripersonal Space | |
Boukje Habets, Tobias Heed, Natalie Sebanz, Guenther Knoblich | |
Tool-use extends Peripersonal Space and Body Schema | |
Elisa Canzoneri, Silvia Ubaldi, Andrea Serino | |
Multiple spatial representations of touch: an fMRI adaptation study | |
Luigi Tamè, Christoph Braun, Alessandro Farnè, Angelika Lingnau, Jens Schwarzbach, Yiwen Li Hegner, Francesco Pavani | |
Synchronous Multisensory Stimulation Blurs Self-Other Boundaries | |
Francesco Pavani, Mara Mazzurega, Thomas W. Schubert, Maria Paola Paladino | |
The rubber hand illusion does not cross the midline | |
Michelle L. Cadieux, Katelyn Whitworth, David I Shore | |
Object and spatial dimensions in haptic and visual representations | |
Simon Lacey, Jonathan B. Lin, K. Sathian | |
Going beyond the boundaries between self and other | |
Flavia Cardini, Ana Tajadura, Manos Tsakiris, Andrea Serino | |
Hand clasping, arm folding and arm crossing | |
Karla Camacho, Elena Azañón, Salvador Soto-Faraco | |
Poster Session: Thursday
The effect of ageing on temporal discrimination of audio-visual events: an ERP study | |
Annalisa Setti, Simon Finnigan, Rory Sobolewski, Laura McLaren, Ian H. Robertson, Richard B. Reilly, Fiona N. Newell | |
The neural correlates of audiovisual integration during non-native speech comprehension | |
Maya Visser, Marco Calabresi, Alfonso Barrós-Loscertales, Noelia Ventura-Campos, Agnés Alsius, César Avila Rivera, Salvador Soto-Faraco | |
Auditory and Visual Cues in a Pro- and Anti-Saccadic Task | |
Daniel Belyusar, Adam C. Snyder, Hans-Peter Frey, Mark Harwood, John J. Foxe | |
Integration of TMS and FMRI for Virtual depression: A Novel Feasibility Study | |
Vinay Kumar Shukla | |
Mulstisensory Environments and Alzheimer's disease: how to rethink the assessment? | |
Stéphane Protat, Maryse Savoie, Sylvie Belleville | |
An absence of the Colavita effect: enhanced multisensory integration in monocular blindness | |
Stefania Siera Moro, Jennifer Kate Steeves | |
People with one eye have enhanced sound localization in central regions but show large errors in the periphery | |
Adria E N Hoover, Laurence R Harris, Jennifer K E Steeves | |
Can cochlear implant users be primed with environmental sounds in a visual task? | |
Filipa Campos Viola, Jeremy Thorne, Jemma Hine, Angela Barks, Julie Eyles, Stefan Bleeck, Till R Schneider, Stefan Debener | |
Sounds can induce illusory visual motion perception | |
Souta Hidaka, Wataru Teramoto, Yoichi Sugita, Yuko Manaka, Ryota Miyauchi, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki | |
Cross-modal interactions between visual and painful stimuli: A case of inverse effectiveness? | |
Ulrich Pomper, Marion Hoefle, Michael Hauck, Andreas Engel, Daniel Senkowski | |
Visual speech can enhance word segmentation even in poor conditions | |
Azra Nahid Ali, Vidya Sajja | |
Audio-visual synchrony perception of simplified speech sounds heard as speech or non-speech | |
Kaori Asakawa, Akihiro Tanaka, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki | |
Auditory spatial recalibration based on a single audio-visual exposure | |
David R Wozny, Ladan Shams | |
Audio-visual peripheral localization disparity in the median plane | |
DaeGee Kang, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki | |
Bimodal training of speech understating with highly distorted speech sound | |
Mika Sato, Tetsuaki Kawase, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki, Toshimitsu Kobayashi | |
Poster Session: Friday
A Computational Study of Multisensory Maturation in the Superior Colliculus (SC) | |
Cristiano Cuppini, Barry E. Stein, Benjamin A. Rowland, Elisa Magosso, Mauro Ursino | |
How to use tilt-translation ambiguity for simulating the braking on a dynamic driving simulator | |
Anca Stratulat, Christophe Bourdin, Vincent Roussarie, Jean-Louis Vercher | |
Common or separable neural circuits for duration processing across audition and touch. | |
John S Butler, Sophie Molholm, Ian C. Fiebelkorn, Manuel Mercier, Theodore R. Schwartz, John J Foxe | |
Manual tracking with visual background and/or gravito-inertial rotations: Dynamic of combination between reference frames | |
Cécile Scotto di Césare, Lionel Bringoux, Christophe Bourdin, Fabrice Sarlegna, Daniel Mestre | |
Can audiovisual timing influence perceived object distance? | |
Philip Jaekl, Laurence Harris, Salvador Soto-Faraco | |
Crossmodal facilitation of rapidly-masked visual target identification | |
Thuan Kim Ngo, Charles Spence | |
Visuo-motor temporal recalibration dissipates rapidly | |
Yoshimori Sugano, Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen | |
Latencies for the crossmodal release of motion-induced blindness | |
Michiaki Shibata, Yousuke Kawachi, Satoshi Yairi, Yukio Iwaya, Jiro Gyoba, Yôiti Suzuki | |
Attentional modulation of audiovisual interactions in the temporal domain | |
Beatriz R. Sarmiento, Bruce Milliken, David I Shore, Daniel Sanabria | |
Temporal properties of multimodal integration in perceiving direction of self-motion from visual and vestibular information | |
Toshio Kubodera, Philip M. Grove, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki, Kenzo Sakurai | |
Tactile remapping occurs automatically | |
Elena Azañón, Karla Camacho, Salvador Soto-Faraco | |
Poster Session: Saturday
Speech-like stimuli can be frequency-tagged to investigate effects of sustained intermodal attention | |
Christian Keitel, Katja Saupe, Erich Schröger, Matthias M Müller | |
Oscillatory alpha-band mechanisms and the deployment of spatial attention to anticipated auditory and visual target locations: Common or separable control mechanisms? | |
Snigdha Banerjee, Sophie Molholm, Adam C Snyder, John J. Foxe | |
Eyes closure during a clinical examination reduces diagnostic variability in experienced osteopaths | |
Jorge E Esteves, Charles Spence | |
An fMRI study on temporal characteristics of crossmodal/unimodal bouncing effects | |
Yousuke Kawachi, Michiaki Shibata, Hideaki Kawabata, Miho Kitamura, Jiro Gyoba | |
Auditory enhancement of visual phosphene perception: the effect of temporal and spatial factors and of stimulus intensity | |
Irene Senna, Angelo Maravita, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Lofti B. Merabet, Nadia Bolognini | |
Laminar profiles of audiovisual response in the macaque auditory cortex | |
Yoshinao Kajikawa, Arnaud Falchier, Peter Lakatos, Aimee Mills, Monica N O'Connell, Charles E Schroeder | |
Inverse effectiveness in the visual evoked potential | |
Maori Kobayashi, Yuko Manaka, Wataru Teramoto, Souta Hidaka, Yoichi Sugita, yôiti Suzuki | |
Effects of congruency and attention on multisensory perception of emotion | |
Hao Tam Ho, Erich Schröger, Sonja Kotz | |
Emotional information enhances audiovisual speech integration | |
Cesare Valerio Parise, Naoimh Stewart, Julia Föcker, Mary Ngo, Michael Browning, Brigitte Roeder, Charles Spence, Robert D Rogers | |
Intracranial electrophysiological evidences for multisensory integration in the frontal lobe | |
Manuel R Mercier, Sophie Molholm, Theodore H Schwartz, John J Foxe | |
Multisensory Integration in Apparent Motion Perception | |
Thorsten Kluss, Niclas Schult, Kerstin Schill, Manfred Fahle, Christoph Zetzsche | |
Sound localization in a remote place via an avatar robot synchronizing to listener's head rotation | |
Yukio Iwaya, Makoto Otani, Yusuke Masuyama, Yoiti Suzuki | |
Effects of Musical Training and Emotional Content of Stimuli on Time Estimation | |
Maria Panagiotidi, Stavroula Samartzi | |
Temporal Order Judgment of Audiovisual Speech in Dutch and Japanese | |
Akihiro Tanaka, Jeroen Stekelenburg, Shiho Miyazawa, Jean Vroomen | |
Enhancing the detectability of a picture requires the prior presentation of a semantically-congruent sound | |
Yi-Chuan Chen, Charles Spence | |
The contribution of spectral-cue-based sound localization to illusory visual motion perception | |
Wataru Teramoto, Souta Hidaka, Yoichi Sugita, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yukio Iwaya, Yo-iti Suzuki | |
Talking faces: the detection of auditory-visual synchronicity in children and adults | |
Sophie Wuerger, Lee Spence, Sarah Milligan, Kirsten Maccallum, Aisha McLean, Kimberley Morgan | |