Symposium: Multisensory Integration in Neuropsychiatric Diseases
Multisensory interactions between speech and script in developmental dyslexia | |
Vera C Blau, Nienke van Atteveldt, Joel Reithler, Jochen Seitz, Rainer Goebel, Leo Blomert | |
Multisensory integration in Alzheimer's disease | |
Xavier Delbeuck, Martial Van der Linden | |
Talk Session: Friday AM
We know our errors that result from noise | |
Loes C.J. van Dam, Anna-Antonia Pape, Marc O. Ernst | |
Talk Session: Thursday AM
Visuo-haptic interactions in the Lateral Occipital Cortex | |
Flavia Mancini, Nadia Bolognini, Giovanna Soravia, Emanuela Bricolo, Giuseppe Vallar | |
Talk Session: Wednesday PM
Audiovisual synchrony perception and stimulus predictability | |
Laura A Cook, David L Van Valkenburg, David R Badcock | |
Poster Session: Wednesday
Neural correlates of audio-visual self-motion perception | |
Anna von Hopffgarten, Matthias Bischoff, Carlo Blecker, Frank Bremmer | |
The role of spatial frames of reference in the storage of tactile information | |
Alberto Gallace, Carlotta Casati, Giuseppe Vallar | |
Poster Session: Thursday
The neural correlates of audiovisual integration during non-native speech comprehension | |
Maya Visser, Marco Calabresi, Alfonso Barrós-Loscertales, Noelia Ventura-Campos, Agnés Alsius, César Avila Rivera, Salvador Soto-Faraco | |
Can cochlear implant users be primed with environmental sounds in a visual task? | |
Filipa Campos Viola, Jeremy Thorne, Jemma Hine, Angela Barks, Julie Eyles, Stefan Bleeck, Till R Schneider, Stefan Debener | |
Processing spatial and pitch attributes of sounds in the absence of visual experience: an fMRI study | |
Olivier Collignon, Gilles Vandewalle, Patrice Voss, Geneviève Albouy, Geneviève Charbonneau, Maryse Lassonde, Franco Lepore | |
Phonetic recalibration does not depend on working memory | |
Martijn Baart, Jean Vroomen | |
Sound Ameliorates Visual Temporal Processing Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder | |
Liselotte de Boer-Schellekens, Jean Vroomen, Mart Eussen | |
How auditory information influences binocular rivalry: Revisiting the McGurk effect | |
Manuel Vidal, Victor Barrès | |
Poster Session: Friday
Neuromodulation of Multisensory Perception: a tDCS study of the sound-induced flash illusion | |
Nadia Bolognini, Angela Rossetti, Carlotta Casati, Flavia Mancini, Giuseppe Vallar | |
How to use tilt-translation ambiguity for simulating the braking on a dynamic driving simulator | |
Anca Stratulat, Christophe Bourdin, Vincent Roussarie, Jean-Louis Vercher | |
No effect of Synesthetic Congruency on Temporal Ventriloquism | |
Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen | |
Visuo-motor temporal recalibration dissipates rapidly | |
Yoshimori Sugano, Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen | |
Influence of pitch body orientation on the perception of self-motion direction induced by optic flow | |
Aurore Bourrelly, Jean-Louis Vercher, Lionel Bringoux | |
Poster Session: Saturday
Temporal Order Judgment of Audiovisual Speech in Dutch and Japanese | |
Akihiro Tanaka, Jeroen Stekelenburg, Shiho Miyazawa, Jean Vroomen | |