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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Tool-use induces functional updating of the body schema Abstract
Lucilla Cardinali, Francesca Frassinetti, Claudio Brozzoli, Christian Urquizar, Alice C. Roy, Alessandro Farnè (Talk)
Tactile and Auditory Cues to Communicate Multiple Levels of Information Abstract
Ellen C Haas, Christopher Stachowiak, Timothy White, Krishna Pilalamarri, Theodric Feng (Talk)
The Influence of Visual Stimuli on Auditory Apparent Motion Perception Abstract
Thorsten Kluss, Niclas Schult, Christoph Zetzsche, Manfred Fahle, Kerstin Schill (Talk)
the breakdown of multisensory speech perception in autism and schizophrenia Abstract
John J. Foxe, Lars Ross, Dave saint-Amour, Victoria Leavitt, Daniella Blanco, Sophie Molholm (Talk)
Affective expression as multisensory binding feature in a ventriloquist situation Abstract
Brigitte Roeder, Maren Wolfram, Nils Skotara, Julia Foecker (Poster)
Crossmodal short-term memory representation of visual and kinaesthetic information Abstract
Anna Seemüller, Katja Fiehler, Frank Rösler (Poster)
Effect of vestibular information on sound source distance travelled estimation Abstract
Shuichi Sakamoto, Fumimasa Furune, Wataru Teramoto, Kenzo Sakurai, Jiro Gyoba, Yo-iti Suzuki (Poster)
You see? You dont’ feel: Spatially Modulated Visuo-tactile Extinction in Healthy Subjects Abstract
Claudio Brozzoli, Romeo Salemme, Alessandro Farnè (Poster)
The Semantics of Touch:How People Intuitively Perceive and Interpret Tactile Signals Abstract
Huiyang Li, Thomas Ferris, Nadine Sarter (Poster)
Walking changes perceived visual speed of both expanding and contracting optic flow fields Abstract
Jan L. Souman, Verena Eikmeier, Marc O. Ernst, Tom C.A. Freeman (Poster)
Auditory-tactile temporal order judgments during active exploration Abstract
Ilja Frissen, Mounia Ziat, Gianni Campion, Vincent Hayward, Catherine Guastavino (Poster)


Olfactory function is correlated to cortical thickness of chemosensory and non-chemosensory regions Abstract
Johannes Frasnelli (Poster)
Neural correlates of disambiguating an ambiguous multisensory motion stimulus Abstract
Benjamin Taylor Files, Lynne E Bernstein (Poster)


Multisensory processing in children with autism: high-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration Abstract
Natalie Russo, John J Foxe, Hilary Gomes, Alice Brown, Ted Altschuler, Sophie Molhom
Phase coherence evolution in cortical networks: adaptation to audiovisual stimulation with fixed inter-modality asynchrony Abstract
Abdelhafid Zeghbib, Antje Fillbrandt, Frank W. Ohl (Talk)
Audiovisual category transfer in rodents Abstract
Antje Fillbrandt, Frank W Ohl (Poster)
Multisensory Feature Binding: Does Visual Object Processing Modulate the Cross-Modal Spread of Attention? Abstract
Ian C. Fiebelkorn, John J. Foxe, Adam Snyder, Sophie Molholm (Poster)
A Comparison of Spatial Receptive Field Architecture of Multisensory Neurons in Subcortex and Cortex Abstract
Juliane Krueger, Matthew C Fister, Michelle S Young, Zachary P Barnett, Brian N Carriere, David W Royal, Mark T Wallace (Poster)
Reliability-based cue re-weighting in rhesus monkeys: behavior and neural correlates Abstract
Christopher R. Fetsch, Amanda H. Turner, Gregory C. DeAngelis, Dora E. Angelaki (Poster)


Audio-visual integration of emotional processing: Evidence from event-related potentials Abstract
Julia Föcker, Brigitte Röder (Poster)

Computational Modelling / Engineering

Lip-reading aids word recognition most in moderate noise: a Bayesian explanation using high-dimensional feature space Abstract
Xiang Zhou, Wei Ji Ma, Lars A Ross, John J Foxe, Lucas C Parra (Poster)