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Keynote Talk

The organization of modules in posterior parietal cortex of primates for specific sensorimotor functions Abstract
Jon Kaas, Iwona Stepniewska, Omar Gharbawie


An embodied view of multisensory speech Abstract
Kevin Munhall, David Ostry, Charlie Schroeder, Asif A Ghazanfar
The Development of Multisensory Integration Abstract
David J. Lewkowicz, Mark Wallace, Robert Lickliter, Lorraine Bahrick, Asif A. Ghazanfar, Bruce D. McCandliss

Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Intersensory Facilitation Across the Life-Span: Adults Show Enhanced Discrimination of Tempo in Bimodal vs. Unimodal Stimulation Abstract
Lorraine E. Bahrick, James T. Todd, Melissa A. Argumosa, Rebecca Grossman, Irina Castellanos, Barbara M. Sorondo (Poster)
Modality-Specific Clock Components and Memory Mechanisms: Evidence from Parallel Timing Abstract
Pierre-Luc Gamache, Simon Grondin (Poster)
Effect of vestibular information on sound source distance travelled estimation Abstract
Shuichi Sakamoto, Fumimasa Furune, Wataru Teramoto, Kenzo Sakurai, Jiro Gyoba, Yo-iti Suzuki (Poster)
Completion of a visual motion representation by auditory information Abstract
Wataru Teramoto, Souta Hidaka, Jiro Gyoba, Yo-iti Suzuki (Poster)
Multimodal integration in perceiving direction of self-motion from visual and vestibular stimulation Abstract
Toshio Kubodera, Philip M. Grove, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yo-iti Suzuki, Kenzo Sakurai (Poster)
Interactions between tactile and auditory signals in roughness perception: A human psychophysical study Abstract
Manuel Gomez-Ramirez, C. Lee, J. F. Dammann III, J. C. Craig, S. S. Hsiao, T. Yoshioka (Poster)
Do Dynamic Visual Analogues Aid Detection of Auditory Stress Patterns in Dyslexia? Abstract
Victoria Cheah, Jarmo Hamalainen, Fruzsina Soltesz, Usha Goswami (Poster)
Short term memory for tactile stimuli presented on the fingertips and across the body surface Abstract
Malika Auvray, Alberto Gallace, Charles Spence (Poster)
From unsupervised to supervised categorization in vision and haptics Abstract
Nina Gaißert, Christian Wallraven, Isabelle Bülthoff (Poster)
Accuracy and Precision of Auditory-Visual Localization in the Two-Dimensional Frontal Field: A Test of the Modality Precision Model Abstract
Martine Godfroy, Robert Welch, Patrick MB Sandor, Corinne Roumes (Poster)
Visual Orientation and Navigation in 3D space: Active manual control countermeasures Abstract
Martine Godfroy, Joel Miller, Patrick MB Sandor, Bernard D. Adelstein (Poster)
Integrating nonspatial, nontemporal multisensory information in action-based perception Abstract
Bruno Lucio Giordano, Federico Avanzini, Marcelo Wanderley, Stephen McAdams (Poster)
The critical pre/post-event temporal range for stable crossmodal perception: Evidence from the stream/bounce display Abstract
Yousuke Kawachi, Michiaki Shibata, Hideaki Kawabata, Miho Kitamura, Jiro Gyoba (Poster)
What perspective do people take when interpreting tactile letters presented on their bodies? Abstract
Malika Auvray, alberto Gallace, Charles Spence (Poster)
Auditory-Visual Interactions and Rhythmic Structure Abstract
Victoria Cheah, Fruzsina Soltesz, Denes Szucs, Usha Goswami (Poster)
Auditory-tactile temporal order judgments during active exploration Abstract
Ilja Frissen, Mounia Ziat, Gianni Campion, Vincent Hayward, Catherine Guastavino (Poster)
Effects of tone-sequence frequency changes on visible persistence of apparently moving visual stimuli Abstract
Souta Hidaka, Wataru Teramoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yôiti Suzuki (Poster)
Multimodal Bayesian combination of visual information about object size with observation of an actor: cue integration by the mirror neuron system? Abstract
Monica Gori, Allessandra Sciutti, Giulio Sandini, David Burr (Poster)
Haptic discrimination in blind and low-vision children Abstract
Monica Gori, Giulio Sandini, Cristina Martinoli, David Burr (Poster)


Audiovisual integration of emotional and linguistic signals in voice and face Abstract
Laura S. Copeland, Shari R. Baum, Vincent L. Gracco (Poster)
Neural modulation of felt and seen touch on one’s own face: a fMRI study Abstract
Flavia Cardini, Marcello Costantini, Gaspare Galati, Elisabetta Làdavas, Andrea Serino (Poster)
Multisensory attentional-spread activity reveals tighter audiovisual-synchrony constraints for the spatial shifts of ventriloquism than for the temporal linking of auditory and visual events Abstract
Sarah E. Donohue, Maria A. Pavlova, Kenneth C. Roberts, Tineke Grent-'t-Jong, Marty G. Woldorff (Poster)
Perceiving schematic faces and man-made objects using a visual-to-auditory sensory substitution activates the fusiform gyrus Abstract
Paula Plaza, Isabel Cuevas, Olivier Collignon, Cécile Grandin, Anne G De Volver, Laurent Renier (Poster)
Olfactory processing in early blind subjects: psychophysical and functional magnetic resonance imaging study Abstract
Isabel Cuevas, Paula Plaza, Philippe Rombaux, Cécile Grandin, Olivier Collignon, Anne G. De Volder, Laurent Renier (Poster)
Granger causality mapping reveals congruency-dependent directed influences from superior temporal to auditory cortex during audiovisual integration Abstract
Nienke van Atteveldt, Alard Roebroeck, Rainer Goebel (Poster)
Entrainment of Neuronal oscillations as a mechanism of attentional selection: human intracranial recordings Abstract
Julien Besle, Peter Lakatos, Cathy Schevon, Robert R Goodman, Guy McKhann, Ashesh D Mehta, Ron G Emerson, Charles E Schroeder (Poster)


Multisensory processing in children with autism: high-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration Abstract
Natalie Russo, John J Foxe, Hilary Gomes, Alice Brown, Ted Altschuler, Sophie Molhom
Vocalization-context dependent neural representation of faces in monkey lateral prefrontal cortex Abstract
Joji Tsunada, Allison E Baker, Selina J Davis, Asif A Ghazanfar, Yale E Cohen (Poster)
Contribution of visual and vestibular signals in extrastriate visual cortex to heading perception Abstract
Yong Gu, Gregory C DeAngelis, Dora E Angelaki (Poster)
Auditory Stimuli Induce a Desynchronization of Steady-state Visual Evoked Potentials Abstract
Dan Zhang, Bo Hong, Brigitte Röder, Shangkai Gao (Poster)
Different Neural Frequency Bands Integrate Faces and Voices Differently in the Superior Temporal Sulcus Abstract
Chandramouli Chandrasekaran, Asif A Ghazanfar (Poster)


Age differences in the pattern of benefit of audio-visual speech perception in younger and older adults Abstract
Natalie Phillips, Jean-Pierre Gagné, Madhavi Basu, Laura Copeland, Penny Gosselin, Arnaud Saint-Pierre, Axel Winneke (Talk)
Amodal central calculation system underlying visual and auditory expert adding performance: a case study Abstract
Yixuan Ku, Wenjing Zhou, Dan Zhang, Bo Hong, Xiaorong Gao, Shangkai Gao (Poster)
Modulations of early visual evoked potential in the profoundly deaf Abstract
Davide Bottari, Anne Caclin, Marie-Hélène Giard, Francesco Pavani (Poster)