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Plasticity and Synergy in Multisensory Integration Abstract
Barry Edward Stein, Terrence R Stanford, Benjamin Rowland, John G McHaffie, Elisabetta Làdavas

Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Sensitivity to audiovisual correspondence depends on temporal structure Abstract
Rachel Denison, Jon Driver, Christian Ruff (Talk)
Tool-use induces functional updating of the body schema Abstract
Lucilla Cardinali, Francesca Frassinetti, Claudio Brozzoli, Christian Urquizar, Alice C. Roy, Alessandro Farnè (Talk)
the breakdown of multisensory speech perception in autism and schizophrenia Abstract
John J. Foxe, Lars Ross, Dave saint-Amour, Victoria Leavitt, Daniella Blanco, Sophie Molholm (Talk)
Asynchrony adaptation induces non-uniform changes in perceived timing Abstract
Neil Roach, James Heron, David Whitaker, Paul McGraw (Poster)
Aurally aided visual search in depth using ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ crowds Abstract
Jason S Chan, Simon Dobbyn, Paul McDonald, Henry J Rice, Carol O'Sullivan, Fiona N Newell (Poster)
Affective expression as multisensory binding feature in a ventriloquist situation Abstract
Brigitte Roeder, Maren Wolfram, Nils Skotara, Julia Foecker (Poster)
Crossmodal short-term memory representation of visual and kinaesthetic information Abstract
Anna Seemüller, Katja Fiehler, Frank Rösler (Poster)
Multisensory disambiguation of a temporal pattern Abstract
Caterina Bertini, Claudia Passamonti, Benjamin Rowland, Barry Stein (Poster)
Perceptual weight judgments when viewing own and other’s movements under minimalist conditions of visual presentation Abstract
Malika Auvray, Thomas Hoellinger, Sylvain Hanneton, Agnes Roby-brami (Poster)
Perception of deceleration during simulated steering by using variation of linear acceleration and tilt Abstract
Anca Melania Stratulat, Christophe Bourdin, Vincent Roussarie, Jean-Louis Vercher (Poster)
Perceptual Interactions in the Detectability and Loudness of Combined Auditory-Tactile Stimuli Abstract
E. Courtenay Wilson, Louis D. Braida, Charlotte M. Reed (Poster)
Orienting endogenous attention to our own and other’s body representations Abstract
Clara Aranda, Maria Ruz, Daniel Sanabria, Manos Tsakiris, Pio Tudela (Poster)
Multisensory influence on the perception of foreign accented speech Abstract
Rebecca Kate Reed, Edward T Auer, Jr (Poster)
Accuracy and Precision of Auditory-Visual Localization in the Two-Dimensional Frontal Field: A Test of the Modality Precision Model Abstract
Martine Godfroy, Robert Welch, Patrick MB Sandor, Corinne Roumes (Poster)
Does sound help locate a moving visual target in a busy dynamic scene? Abstract
Daniel K Rogers (Poster)


Multisensory attentional-spread activity reveals tighter audiovisual-synchrony constraints for the spatial shifts of ventriloquism than for the temporal linking of auditory and visual events Abstract
Sarah E. Donohue, Maria A. Pavlova, Kenneth C. Roberts, Tineke Grent-'t-Jong, Marty G. Woldorff (Poster)
Multi-modal versus modality-specific activation within the "what" and "where" processing streams for sounds and vibro-tactile stimuli Abstract
laurent albert renier, Irina Anurova, Anne ghislaine De Volder, Synnöve Carlson, John VanMeter, Josef Peter Rauschecker (Poster)
Perceiving schematic faces and man-made objects using a visual-to-auditory sensory substitution activates the fusiform gyrus Abstract
Paula Plaza, Isabel Cuevas, Olivier Collignon, Cécile Grandin, Anne G De Volver, Laurent Renier (Poster)
Olfactory processing in early blind subjects: psychophysical and functional magnetic resonance imaging study Abstract
Isabel Cuevas, Paula Plaza, Philippe Rombaux, Cécile Grandin, Olivier Collignon, Anne G. De Volder, Laurent Renier (Poster)
Granger causality mapping reveals congruency-dependent directed influences from superior temporal to auditory cortex during audiovisual integration Abstract
Nienke van Atteveldt, Alard Roebroeck, Rainer Goebel (Poster)
Auditory-visual multisensory interactions between task-irrelevant stimuli engage distinct configurations of brain networks at early latencies in humans Abstract
Celine Cappe, Gregor Thut, Vincenzo Romei, Micah M. Murray (Poster)


Multisensory processing in children with autism: high-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration Abstract
Natalie Russo, John J Foxe, Hilary Gomes, Alice Brown, Ted Altschuler, Sophie Molhom
Distinct temporal lobe projections to auditory and visual regions in the ventral prefrontal cortex support face and vocalization processing. Abstract
Maria M Diehl, Jennifer Bartlow-Kang, Tadashi Sugihara, Lizabeth M Romanski (Talk)
A Comparison of Spatial Receptive Field Architecture of Multisensory Neurons in Subcortex and Cortex Abstract
Juliane Krueger, Matthew C Fister, Michelle S Young, Zachary P Barnett, Brian N Carriere, David W Royal, Mark T Wallace (Poster)
Auditory Stimuli Induce a Desynchronization of Steady-state Visual Evoked Potentials Abstract
Dan Zhang, Bo Hong, Brigitte Röder, Shangkai Gao (Poster)
Sight, sound and touch less bound: a behavioral and ERP investigation of multisensory integration deficits in children with autism spectrum disorders. Abstract
Cliff Saron, Margarita Beransky, Yukari Takarae, David Horton, Ashley Stark, Susan Rivera (Poster)


Audio-visual integration of emotional processing: Evidence from event-related potentials Abstract
Julia Föcker, Brigitte Röder (Poster)

Computational Modelling / Engineering

The acquisition of Human EEG Data during Self-Motion on a Stewart Platform Abstract
Robert Whelan, Hugh Nolan, John S. Butler, Richard B. Reilly, Heinrich H. Bülthoff (Poster)
Multisensory integration in superior colliculus (SC) neurons: a computational study Abstract
Cristiano Cuppini, Mauro Ursino, Elisa Magosso, Benjamin Rowland, Barry Stein (Poster)
Lip-reading aids word recognition most in moderate noise: a Bayesian explanation using high-dimensional feature space Abstract
Xiang Zhou, Wei Ji Ma, Lars A Ross, John J Foxe, Lucas C Parra (Poster)