Amputees 'neglect' the space near their missing hand
Tamar R Makin, Meytal Wilf, Isabella Schwartz, Ehud Zohary
Time: 2009-06-30 01:30 PM – 01:45 PM
Last modified: 2009-06-04
Action space, the space within reach of our hands, provides a medium for our constant interaction with the world. We hypothesized that hand-amputation, producing an asymmetry in action space, would cause permanent distortions in visuospatial perception. We report here that hand-amputation is associated with a mild visual ‘neglect’ of the amputated side: Amputees favored the intact side when comparing distances in a position-judgment task. This bias was absent when the targets were placed in far space. We suggest that near-space hemineglect, which is often coupled with left-hand paralysis, may be exacerbated by a similar asymmetry in action space.