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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Explaining the Colavita Visual Dominance Effect Abstract
Charles Spence, Cesare Parise, Yi-Chuan Chen (Talk)
Redundant target or focused attention: Two different paradigms but the same crossmodal integration mechanism? Abstract
Adele Diederich, Hans Colonius (Talk)
Tool-use induces functional updating of the body schema Abstract
Lucilla Cardinali, Francesca Frassinetti, Claudio Brozzoli, Christian Urquizar, Alice C. Roy, Alessandro Farnè (Talk)
The number and precision of neural timing processes underlying duration perception in vision and audition, estimated using the “equivalent noise� paradigm Abstract
David Alais, Joel Cooper (Talk)
Intersensory Facilitation Across the Life-Span: Adults Show Enhanced Discrimination of Tempo in Bimodal vs. Unimodal Stimulation Abstract
Lorraine E. Bahrick, James T. Todd, Melissa A. Argumosa, Rebecca Grossman, Irina Castellanos, Barbara M. Sorondo (Poster)
Aurally aided visual search in depth using ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ crowds Abstract
Jason S Chan, Simon Dobbyn, Paul McDonald, Henry J Rice, Carol O'Sullivan, Fiona N Newell (Poster)
Gender and Vision in the Crossed Hands TOJ Deficit Abstract
Michelle L. Cadieux, Michael Barnett-Cowan, David I. Shore (Poster)
When hearing the bark helps to identify the dog: Semantically-congruent sounds modulate the identification of masked pictures Abstract
Yi-Chuan Chen, Charles Spence (Poster)
Visual object recognition by prehension movement Abstract
Francesco Campanella, Maria Concetta Morrone, Giulio Sandini (Poster)
A Visual or Tactile Signal Can Make the Auditory System More Efficient but Not Less Noisy Abstract
Ewen A. Chao, Bosco S. Tjan, Lynne E. Bernstein (Poster)
Pay attention, the message is coming up! Abstract
Beatriz Blanca, Daniel Sanabria, Jordi Navarra, Ã?ngel Correa (Poster)
Visual-Vestibular Cue Combination during Temporal Asynchrony Abstract
Jennifer Campos, John Butler, Heinrich Buelthoff (Poster)
Interactions between tactile and auditory signals in roughness perception: A human psychophysical study Abstract
Manuel Gomez-Ramirez, C. Lee, J. F. Dammann III, J. C. Craig, S. S. Hsiao, T. Yoshioka (Poster)
Do Dynamic Visual Analogues Aid Detection of Auditory Stress Patterns in Dyslexia? Abstract
Victoria Cheah, Jarmo Hamalainen, Fruzsina Soltesz, Usha Goswami (Poster)
Auditory influences on the temporal dynamics of binocular rivalry Abstract
Verena Conrad, Andreas Bartels, Mario Kleiner, Uta Noppeney (Poster)
Top-down influences on the detection and discrimination of spatially-distributed auditory-somatosensory events. Abstract
Holger Franz Sperdin, Céline Cappe, Micah M Murray (Poster)
Tactile Influence Upon Visual Perception of the Ambiguous Motion Quartets Abstract
Joanna M. Koutros, Brian T. Quinn, Chad Carlson, Amy Trongnetrpunya, Eric Halgren, Thomas Thesen (Poster)
Hemifield Asymmetry in the Integration of Exogenous Auditory and Visual Cues in the Capture of Visuospatial Attention in Visual Line Bisection Abstract
Mark E McCourt, Yamaya Sosa, Aaron M Clarke (Poster)
Audio-visual speech perception and attention Abstract
Jyrki Tuomainen, Raeya Abbas, Michael Coleman (Poster)
Auditory capture on the visual Ternus effect: the influence of subjective inter-sound interval Abstract
Zhuanghua Shi, Lihan Chen, Hermann J. Müller (Poster)
Cross-modal attention in the pause-and-go fan illusion Abstract
Su-Ling Yeh, Chien-Hui Chiu, Chuan-Heng Hsiao (Poster)
Assessing the implicit association between sour food & high-pitched sounds Abstract
Anne-Sylvie Crisinel, Charles Spence (Poster)
Auditory-Visual Interactions and Rhythmic Structure Abstract
Victoria Cheah, Fruzsina Soltesz, Denes Szucs, Usha Goswami (Poster)
Does Maximum Likelihood Integration Predict How we Perceive Walking Humans? A Study on the Audiovisual Integration of Biological Motion Abstract
Ana Catarina Mendonça, Jorge A Santos, Miguel Castelo-Branco (Poster)
Auditory-tactile temporal order judgments during active exploration Abstract
Ilja Frissen, Mounia Ziat, Gianni Campion, Vincent Hayward, Catherine Guastavino (Poster)


Audiovisual integration of emotional and linguistic signals in voice and face Abstract
Laura S. Copeland, Shari R. Baum, Vincent L. Gracco (Poster)
The cerebral network involved in the cross-modal interactions between human faces and voices during recognition. Abstract
Frederic Joassin, Pierre Maurage, Mauro Pesenti, Emilie Verreckt, Raymond Bruyer, Salvatore Campanella (Poster)
Neural modulation of felt and seen touch on one’s own face: a fMRI study Abstract
Flavia Cardini, Marcello Costantini, Gaspare Galati, Elisabetta Làdavas, Andrea Serino (Poster)
Multi-modal versus modality-specific activation within the "what" and "where" processing streams for sounds and vibro-tactile stimuli Abstract
laurent albert renier, Irina Anurova, Anne ghislaine De Volder, Synnöve Carlson, John VanMeter, Josef Peter Rauschecker (Poster)
Investigating the Interplay of Time & Semantics during Multimodal Integration Abstract
Jean M Vettel, Adrian Nestor, Chris W. Bird, Laurie M. Heller, Tim Curran, Michael J. Tarr (Poster)
Multisensory interactions facilitate categorical discrimination of objects Abstract
Celine Cappe, Micah M. Murray (Poster)
Neural correlates of audiovisual speech integration in second language Abstract
Marco Calabresi, Alfonso Barrós-Loscertales, Noelia Ventura-Campos, Juan Carlos Bustamante, Agnés Alsius, César Avila, Salvador Soto-Faraco (Poster)
Perceiving schematic faces and man-made objects using a visual-to-auditory sensory substitution activates the fusiform gyrus Abstract
Paula Plaza, Isabel Cuevas, Olivier Collignon, Cécile Grandin, Anne G De Volver, Laurent Renier (Poster)
Olfactory processing in early blind subjects: psychophysical and functional magnetic resonance imaging study Abstract
Isabel Cuevas, Paula Plaza, Philippe Rombaux, Cécile Grandin, Olivier Collignon, Anne G. De Volder, Laurent Renier (Poster)
Auditory-visual multisensory interactions between task-irrelevant stimuli engage distinct configurations of brain networks at early latencies in humans Abstract
Celine Cappe, Gregor Thut, Vincenzo Romei, Micah M. Murray (Poster)


The Development of Multisensory Facilitation in Children and Early Adolescence Abstract
Ayla Barutchu, Hamish Innes-Brown, Sheila Crewther, Mohit Shivdasani, David Crewther, Antonio Paolini (Talk)
Vocalization-context dependent neural representation of faces in monkey lateral prefrontal cortex Abstract
Joji Tsunada, Allison E Baker, Selina J Davis, Asif A Ghazanfar, Yale E Cohen (Poster)
A Comparison of Spatial Receptive Field Architecture of Multisensory Neurons in Subcortex and Cortex Abstract
Juliane Krueger, Matthew C Fister, Michelle S Young, Zachary P Barnett, Brian N Carriere, David W Royal, Mark T Wallace (Poster)
Different Neural Frequency Bands Integrate Faces and Voices Differently in the Superior Temporal Sulcus Abstract
Chandramouli Chandrasekaran, Asif A Ghazanfar (Poster)
H Ruth Clemo, M. Alex Meredith (Poster)


Age differences in the pattern of benefit of audio-visual speech perception in younger and older adults Abstract
Natalie Phillips, Jean-Pierre Gagné, Madhavi Basu, Laura Copeland, Penny Gosselin, Arnaud Saint-Pierre, Axel Winneke (Talk)
Early visual deprivation alters multisensory processing in peripersonal space Abstract
Olivier Collignon, Geneviève Charbonneau, Maryse Lassonde, Franco Lepore (Poster)
Modulations of early visual evoked potential in the profoundly deaf Abstract
Davide Bottari, Anne Caclin, Marie-Hélène Giard, Francesco Pavani (Poster)

Computational Modelling / Engineering

Neural correlates of peri-hand space re-sizing following tool use: A combined computational and in vivo study Abstract
Elisa Magosso, Andrea Serino, Mauro Ursino, Cristiano Cuppini, Giuseppe Di Pellegrino, Elisabetta Ladavàs (Poster)
Multisensory integration in superior colliculus (SC) neurons: a computational study Abstract
Cristiano Cuppini, Mauro Ursino, Elisa Magosso, Benjamin Rowland, Barry Stein (Poster)
The optimal time window of integration Abstract
Hans Colonius, Adele Diederich (Poster)

Other fields

Auditory influences on attending to and processing low-level visual stimuli early in development Abstract
Vivian M. Ciaramitaro, Karen R. Dobkins (Poster)