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The Development of Multisensory Integration Abstract
David J. Lewkowicz, Mark Wallace, Robert Lickliter, Lorraine Bahrick, Asif A. Ghazanfar, Bruce D. McCandliss
Multisensory Processing in Flavour Perception Abstract
Andy Woods, Garmt Dijksterhuis, Larry Marks, Julie Boyle, Donald Katz, Max Zampini

Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Amputees 'neglect' the space near their missing hand Abstract
Tamar R Makin, Meytal Wilf, Isabella Schwartz, Ehud Zohary
Motion aftereffects transfer between touch and vision Abstract
Talia Konkle, Qi Wang, Vincent Hayward, Christopher I Moore (Talk)
Tactile and Auditory Cues to Communicate Multiple Levels of Information Abstract
Ellen C Haas, Christopher Stachowiak, Timothy White, Krishna Pilalamarri, Theodric Feng (Talk)
Perceptual constancy effects in taste discrimination Abstract
Andy Thomas Woods, Ellen Poliakoff, Donna Lloyd, Garmt Dijksterhuis (Poster)
Asynchrony adaptation induces non-uniform changes in perceived timing Abstract
Neil Roach, James Heron, David Whitaker, Paul McGraw (Poster)
Effect before cause: Bayesian adaptation explains sensorimotor temporal recalibration Abstract
James Heron, James Vincent Michael Hanson, David Whitaker (Poster)
Affective expression as multisensory binding feature in a ventriloquist situation Abstract
Brigitte Roeder, Maren Wolfram, Nils Skotara, Julia Foecker (Poster)
An investigation of visuohaptic integration: visual vs. haptic dominance; unimodal vs. bimodal exploration; common vs. uncommon sources Abstract
Jennifer Lynn Woodland, Alexander E. Wilson (Poster)
Visual freezing effect by sound in infants Abstract
Yuji Wada, Nobu Shirai, Yumiko Otsuka, So Kanazawa, Masami K Yamaguchi (Poster)
Unisensory temporal performance is predictive of the size of the temporal window of multisensory integration Abstract
Leslie Ellen Dowell, Haleh Kadivar, Mark Wallace (Poster)
Multiple Modes of Perceptual Training Induce a Narrowing in the Multisensory Temporal Binding Window Abstract
Albert R. Powers, Andrea R. Hillock, Mark T. Wallace (Poster)
Short-term Memory Representation of Tactile Stimuli to Fingertips. Abstract
Yuki Miyazaki, Takako Yoshida, Hiromi Wake, Tenji Wake, Shigeru Ichihara (Poster)
Thermal intensity perception under thermo-tactile interaction Abstract
Hsin-Ni Ho, Junji Watanabe, Hideyuki Ando, Makio Kashino (Poster)
From unsupervised to supervised categorization in vision and haptics Abstract
Nina Gaißert, Christian Wallraven, Isabelle Bülthoff (Poster)
Visual experience supports haptic face recognition: Evidence from the early- and late-blind Abstract
Lisa Dopjans, Christian Wallraven, Heinrich H. Bülthoff (Poster)
Perceptual Interactions in the Detectability and Loudness of Combined Auditory-Tactile Stimuli Abstract
E. Courtenay Wilson, Louis D. Braida, Charlotte M. Reed (Poster)
Maturation of audiovisual simultaneity judgment. Abstract
Andrea R. Hillock, Albert R. Powers, Mark T. Wallace (Poster)
Cognitive load during training facilitates expert skilled performance in a complex spatio-temporal domain Abstract
Lisa Wise (Poster)
Accuracy and Precision of Auditory-Visual Localization in the Two-Dimensional Frontal Field: A Test of the Modality Precision Model Abstract
Martine Godfroy, Robert Welch, Patrick MB Sandor, Corinne Roumes (Poster)
Integrating nonspatial, nontemporal multisensory information in action-based perception Abstract
Bruno Lucio Giordano, Federico Avanzini, Marcelo Wanderley, Stephen McAdams (Poster)
Distortion of visual and auditory duration in short term memory Abstract
Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe (Poster)


. Inverse effectiveness in BOLD-response and its behavioural relevance in object categorization Abstract
Uta Noppeney, Sebastian Werner (Talk)
Multisensory attentional-spread activity reveals tighter audiovisual-synchrony constraints for the spatial shifts of ventriloquism than for the temporal linking of auditory and visual events Abstract
Sarah E. Donohue, Maria A. Pavlova, Kenneth C. Roberts, Tineke Grent-'t-Jong, Marty G. Woldorff (Poster)
Do effects of training on texture categorisation transfer across modalities? Abstract
Cristina Simoes-Franklin, Mark Byrne, T. Aisling Whitaker, Fiona N. Newell (Poster)
The contributions of transient and sustained responses to audiovisual integration of dynamic information Abstract
Sebastian Werner, Uta Noppeney (Poster)
Network Analyses of Multisensory Processing Abstract
Paul J Laurienti, Christina E Hugenschmidt, Joseph A Maldjian, Benjamin Wagner, Satoru Hayasaka (Poster)
Evidence for distinct roles of posterior superior temporal sulcus and inferior frontal areas in audiovisual action recognition. Abstract
Georg F Meyer, Sophie Wuerger (Poster)
Decomposition of audiovisual interactions in event-related fields using independent component analysis Abstract
Melissa M Pangelinan, Erika K Hussey, Shelby N Wilson, David E Poeppel (Poster)
Does a task-irrelevant sound modulate the spread of visual attention differently in lateral versus central visual attention? Abstract
Ulrike Zimmer, Suksun Itthipanyanan, Marty G Woldorff (Poster)
Combining hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-testing tools during analyses of multisensory fMRI data Abstract
Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper van den Bosch, Michael Wibral, Axel Kohler, Wolf Singer, Jochen Kaiser, Vincent van de Ven, Lars Muckli (Poster)


Attentional influences on multisensory processing Abstract
Marty G. Woldorff (Talk)
Enhanced Sensory Perception in Synaesthesia Abstract
Michael Joseph Banissy, Vincent Walsh, Jamie Ward (Poster)
A Comparison of Spatial Receptive Field Architecture of Multisensory Neurons in Subcortex and Cortex Abstract
Juliane Krueger, Matthew C Fister, Michelle S Young, Zachary P Barnett, Brian N Carriere, David W Royal, Mark T Wallace (Poster)
Axel H Winneke, Natalie A Phillips (Poster)


Age differences in the pattern of benefit of audio-visual speech perception in younger and older adults Abstract
Natalie Phillips, Jean-Pierre Gagné, Madhavi Basu, Laura Copeland, Penny Gosselin, Arnaud Saint-Pierre, Axel Winneke (Talk)
Elucidating the correlates of the multisensory perception of naturalness Abstract
T Aisling Whitaker, Cristina Simoes-Franklin, Fiona N Newell (Poster)

Computational Modelling / Engineering

The acquisition of Human EEG Data during Self-Motion on a Stewart Platform Abstract
Robert Whelan, Hugh Nolan, John S. Butler, Richard B. Reilly, Heinrich H. Bülthoff (Poster)
Ventriloquist aftereffect reflects a shift in auditory likelihood functions Abstract
David Wozny, Ulrik Beierholm, Ladan Shams (Poster)