Fukuoka, JapanThe International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) fosters research in areas where more than one sensory modality plays a role. Our interests include, but are not limited to, mathematical psychology, psychophysics, neurophysiology and anatomy, development, neuroimaging, application development.

The 2011 IMRF conference in Fukuoka, Japan, will follow the structure of our successful previous meetings. We will offer a single stream of oral presentations, either in structured symposia or as conference submission presentations, and poster presentations. 

Fukuoka (福岡市 Fukuoka-shi) is the capital city of Fukuoka Prefecture and is situated on the northern shore of the island of Kyūshū in Southern Japan.

IMRF LogoPrevious IMRF Meetings

Previous IMRF annual meetings have been held in Oxford (England), Tarrytown (New York, USA), Geneva (Switzerland), Hamilton (Ontario, Canada), Sitges (Barcelona, Spain), Rovereto (Italy), Dublin (Ireland), Syndey (Australia), Hamburg (Germany), New York (USA), and Liverpool (England).  Programs of past meetings are available at www.IMRF.info.