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Symposium: Human Movement, Motor Learning and Sensory Plasticity (Tuesday AM)

Self-­Movement Perception is Violated by Implicit Sensorimotor Processing
Hiroaki Gomi
Somatosensory Changes Accompanying Motor Learning
Paul L Gribble

Symposium: Effects of proprioceptive and vestibular processing on visual perception (Wednesday AM)

The stream/bounce effect with manual control of moving disks
Philip M Grove, Micah Bernoff, Kenzo Sakurai
Perceived direction of self-motion from orthogonally directed visual and vestibular stimulation in passive and active observation.
Kenzo Sakurai, Toshio Kubodera, Philip M. Grove, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki

Talk session 2 (Tuesday AM)

Efficient cross-modal transfer of shape information in visual and haptic object categorization
Nina Gaissert, Steffen Waterkamp, Loes van Dam, Heinrich Buelthoff, Christian Wallraven
Haptic Influence on Visual Search
Marcia Grabowecky, Alexandra List, Lucica Iordanescu, Satoru Suzuki

Talk session 3 (Wednesday AM)

Visual distance cues amplify neuromagnetic auditory N1m responses
Christian F Altmann, Masao Matsuhashi, Mikhail Votinov, Kazuhiro Goto, Tatsuya Mima, Hidenao Fukuyama

Talk session 4 (Thursday AM)

The other in me: Interpersonal multisensory stimulation changes the mental representation of the self
Ana Tajadura-Jimenez, Stephanie Grehl, Manos Tsakiris
Interaction between olfaction and gustation by using synchrony perception task
Tatsu Kobayakawa, Naomi Gotow

Student award session (Wednesday PM)

A ventral visual stream reading center independent of sensory modality and visual experience
LIOR REICH, Ella Striem-Amit, Marcin Szwed, Ornella Dakwar, Miri Guendelman, Laurent Cohen, Amir Amedi

Poster (Monday)

Neural architecture of auditory object categorization
Yune-Sang Lee, Michael Hanke, David Kraemer, Samuel Lloyd, Richard Granger
The sense of verisimilitude has different spatial-temporal characteristics from those producing the sense of presence in the evaluation process of audiovisual contents
Takayuki Kanda, Akio Honda, Hiroshi Shibata, Nobuko Asai, Wataru Teramoto, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yukio Iwaya, Jiro Gyoba, Yôiti Suzuki
Audio-visual cross-modal association in color and sound perception
Tomoaki Nakamura, Yukio Pegio Gunji
Tactile change blindness induced by tactile and visual distractors
Malika Auvray, Alberto Gallace, Takako Yoshida, Charles Spence
Event-related potentials reflect speech-relevant somatosensory-auditory interactions
Takayuki Ito, Vincent L. Gracco, David J. Ostry
Distortion of auditory space during linear self-motion
Wataru Teramoto, Fumimasa Furune, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yo-iti Suzuki

Poster (Tuesday)

Effects of auditory stimuli on visual velocity perception
Michiaki Shibata, Jiro Gyoba
Somatotopic representation of visual stimuli – Evidence from the Simon effect
Jared Medina, Michael P. Greenberg, H. Branch Coslett, Roy H. Hamilton
Integration of visual and vestibular information used to discriminate rotational self-motion
Florian Soyka, Ksander de Winkel, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Eric Groen, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
The effects of head movement and accurate proprioceptive feedback in training of sound localization
Akio Honda, Hiroshi SHIBATA, Souta HIDAKA, Jiro GYOBA, Yukio IWAYA, Yôiti SUZUKI

Poster (Wednesday)

The occurrence rate of the fission illusion differs depending on the complexity of visual stimuli
Yasuhiro Takeshima, Jiro Gyoba
Spatial and semantic processing between audition and vision: an event-related potential study
Xiaoxi Chen, Zhenzhu Yue, Dingguo Gao
Interactive processing of auditory amplitude-modulation rate and visual spatial frequency.
Marcia Grabowecky, Emmanuel Guzman-Martinez, Laura Ortega, Julia Mossbridge
Dissociation between olfactory and auditory-verbal processing in the occipital cortex of early blind subjects.
Laurent A Renier, Isabel Cuevas, Paula Plaza, Laurence Dricot, Elodie Lerens, Cécile B Grandin, Philippe Rombaux, Anne G De Volder