Abstracts for talks and posters:
We will publish a booklet containing a brief abstract that should be no longer than 250 words. The International Advisory Board will review the abstracts and assign it to a poster or talk session, taking your stated preferences into account where possible. The IMRF meeting has a single presentation track covering a broad range of specialisations. As such, there will be a limited number of talks, each chosen as much on scientific merit as on its suitability for a diverse audience. The majority of presentations will be poster presentations, which we regard as equal in status to talks. We have allocated the poster sessions to 'prime slots' in the day to reflect their importance. In allocating talk slots, the committee will also bear in mind whether or not applicants were given a talk slot at meetings held in recent years. You will be notified of the outcome and the first author will be given ten days to register for the conference in order to reserve their slot. In addition, only students who have been awarded Student Awards will present talks; students who submit under any other forum will only be considered for posters. While you may submit abstracts plurally as the first author, the organizing committee will make efforts to provide opportunities for the researchers of various fields and affiliations. Thus the organizing committee may reduce the number of the presentations by the identical first author appropriately, depending on the reviewers' comments and the number of the other submissions, especially for the talk sessions.
The symposium organizer/chair (submitter) is required to submit the title of the proposed symposium and a description of the topics to be covered by all the speakers (up to 250 words). The names and affiliations of all the suggested speakers and the titles of their presentations should be included in the body of the abstract.
The organizer/ chair of the symposium should ensure that those they have contacted to participate in the symposium will submit a talk abstract through the website and indicate the name of the suggested symposium at the time of submission.
Only the symposium outline is required to be submitted by the symposium organizer/ chair by the March 4, 2013 deadline.
A minimum of three and a maximum of five speakers (including the Chairman) should submit a talk. Organisers reserve the right to add relevant talks to the symposium if there are any submitted independently
Symposia will be selected by the IMRF Organizing Committee based on the evaluation of the International Advisory Board members on the basis of scientific merit, timeliness, theoretical innovation and/or breadth of appeal to IMRF community at large, methodological innovation and/or diversity. Proposals from young investigators are particularly welcome.
Student Awards:
PhD students wishing to give talks should submit their work for a Student Award, otherwise their abstracts will be considered for a poster slot. The Organizing Committee will grant up to 5 Student Awards for excellent contributions from students. The awardees will have their conference registration fee waived and will be offered an opportunity to present their research orally at the conference. Some contribution to other costs will also be made to these students, funds permitting.
1. Any individual registered as a PhD student at the time of submission.
2. Previous winners of the student competition are NOT eligible.
Application Procedure:
1. On the main abstract submission page, please check on the Student Award button and follow the normal procedure for submitting an abstract
2. In addition, submit the following information by email to admin13@imrf.info:
- 50 word statement in lay language about why your findings are important
- 1 page synopsis of the research including any relevant figures
- A copy of your CV
3. Arrange for the supervisor of your submitted research to send a letter directly to admin13@imrf.info indicating:
- Your role in the project
- Your proficiency at presentation (in English)
- His/her support of your application for the competition
Note: While an individual supervisor may sponsor more than one student, the committee will make all efforts to have the awardees reflect the diversity present in the field of multisensory research and thus we will most likely limit awards to one per lab.
All documents submitted by e-mail must be in PDF format.
Deadline: All documents (including letter of support) must be submitted prior to the close of abstract submissions . Decisions for Student Awards will be announced 1-week after the close of abstract submissions (approximately by April 5, 2013).