Use of a system to provide independent views to both eyes with a function to generate artificial saccade movements
Last modified: 2013-05-05
In previous work, we developed a wearable system that was named Virtual Chameleon that gives a user an artificial ability to move both eyeballs independently[1][2]. The users could look around, discern between right and left views while independent views were given to both eyes, though binocular rivalry originating from use of Virtual Chameleon affected the vision of the users[3].
The most eye movements performed by humans are saccadic movement but a control method of actuators equipped with Virtual Chameleon was corresponding to smooth eye movements. Therefore, we focused on influence of saccadic eye movements on visual perception with binocular rivalry, and implemented functions to produce artificial saccadic movements in Virtual Chameleon. In this research, we performed fundamental experiments on seven volunteers to evaluate effects on implementation of artificial saccadic eye movements. The experiments were tests to find out each position of targets put in both side of a subject. As experimental results, accuracy rates and response times to find out target positions were obtained. Accuracy rates were from 0.88 to 1.0, and averages of response time were from 2.41±0.20[s] to 4.34±0.84[s]. It was indicated that user can look around and distinguish independent views as previous wok and the implementation of the functions to generate artificial saccade movements to Virtual Chameleon improved the delay of up to 5% on five subjects compared to previous system. It was suggested that the function to switch control timing of the system and generate saccadic eye movements improve human performance with use of Virtual Chameleon.
The most eye movements performed by humans are saccadic movement but a control method of actuators equipped with Virtual Chameleon was corresponding to smooth eye movements. Therefore, we focused on influence of saccadic eye movements on visual perception with binocular rivalry, and implemented functions to produce artificial saccadic movements in Virtual Chameleon. In this research, we performed fundamental experiments on seven volunteers to evaluate effects on implementation of artificial saccadic eye movements. The experiments were tests to find out each position of targets put in both side of a subject. As experimental results, accuracy rates and response times to find out target positions were obtained. Accuracy rates were from 0.88 to 1.0, and averages of response time were from 2.41±0.20[s] to 4.34±0.84[s]. It was indicated that user can look around and distinguish independent views as previous wok and the implementation of the functions to generate artificial saccade movements to Virtual Chameleon improved the delay of up to 5% on five subjects compared to previous system. It was suggested that the function to switch control timing of the system and generate saccadic eye movements improve human performance with use of Virtual Chameleon.
Binocular rivalry; Saccade eye movements; Virtual Reality
[1] F. Mizuno, T. Hayasaka and T. Yamaguchi,Virtual Chameleon -A System to Provide Different Views to Both Eyes, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 25, pp.169-172, 2009
[2] F. Mizuno, T. Hayasaka and T. Yamaguchi, A Portable Device to Represent Different Views to Both Eyes. Proc. the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 3210-3213, 2010
[3] F. Mizuno, T. Hayasaka and T. Yamaguchi, A fundamental evaluation of human performance with use of a device to present different two-eyesight both eyes, 5th European Conference of International Federation Medical and Biological Engineering 2011, Proc. of IFMBE, Vol. 37, pp. 1176-1179, 2011