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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Exogenous auditory cues decrease audiovisual integration of simple lights and sounds.
Nathan Van der Stoep, Marieke A. Janssen, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Tanja C. W. Nijboer
Effects of combining visual and olfactory information on affective impressions
Yurie Nishino, Dong Wook Kim, Hiroshi Ando
Temporal expectancy selectively enhances audiovisual target detection
Fabrizio Leo, Rebecca Jacob, Karsta Benz, Miriam Kiehne, Tömme Noesselt
The effect of ageing on acoustic facilitation of object movement detection within optic-flow
Eugenie Roudaia, Finnegan J. Calabro, Lucia M. Vaina, Fiona N. Newell
Audio-visual interactions in the perception of intention from actions
Hanni Kiiski, Ludovic Hoyet, Katja Zibrek, Carol O'Sullivan, Fiona N. Newell
Perceptual training alters the time window of multisensory integration
David P. McGovern, Neil W. Roach, Eugenie Roudaia, Fiona N. Newell
Effects of audiovisual motion coherence on multisensory processing
Aaron Nidiffer


BOLD responses to tactile stimuli in visual and auditory cortex depend on the frequency content of stimulation
Per Fredrik Nordmark, J. Andrew Pruszynski, Roland S Johansson
The influence of gender incongruence on the McGurk-percept: a combined behavioural and fMRI study.
Annika Notbohm, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Jason S. Chan
Emotional valence modulates object-related audiovisual processing in the human brain
Alexandra Tinnermann, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Grit Hein