Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology
Exogenous auditory cues decrease audiovisual integration of simple lights and sounds. | |
Nathan Van der Stoep, Marieke A. Janssen, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Tanja C. W. Nijboer |
Effects of combining visual and olfactory information on affective impressions | |
Yurie Nishino, Dong Wook Kim, Hiroshi Ando |
Temporal expectancy selectively enhances audiovisual target detection | |
Fabrizio Leo, Rebecca Jacob, Karsta Benz, Miriam Kiehne, Tömme Noesselt |
The effect of ageing on acoustic facilitation of object movement detection within optic-flow | |
Eugenie Roudaia, Finnegan J. Calabro, Lucia M. Vaina, Fiona N. Newell |
Audio-visual interactions in the perception of intention from actions | |
Hanni Kiiski, Ludovic Hoyet, Katja Zibrek, Carol O'Sullivan, Fiona N. Newell |
Perceptual training alters the time window of multisensory integration | |
David P. McGovern, Neil W. Roach, Eugenie Roudaia, Fiona N. Newell |
Effects of audiovisual motion coherence on multisensory processing | |
Aaron Nidiffer |
BOLD responses to tactile stimuli in visual and auditory cortex depend on the frequency content of stimulation | |
Per Fredrik Nordmark, J. Andrew Pruszynski, Roland S Johansson |
The influence of gender incongruence on the McGurk-percept: a combined behavioural and fMRI study. | |
Annika Notbohm, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Jason S. Chan |
Emotional valence modulates object-related audiovisual processing in the human brain | |
Alexandra Tinnermann, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Grit Hein |