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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Fast transfer of cross-modal interval training needs attentional engagement
Lihan Chen, Xiaolin Zhou
Veronique Drai-Zerbib, Thierry BACCINO
Alternating speed on dance videos influences duration judgments in dancers and non-dancers
Helena Sgouramani, Argiro Vatakis
Cross-modal associations between vision, touch and audition influence visual search through top-down attention not bottom-up capture.
Emily Orchard-Mills, Erik Van der Burg, David Alais
Moving my hand forward to touch my back
Polona Pozeg, Giulio Rognini, Olaf Blanke
Sound speeds vision through preparation, not integration
Sander Los, Erik Van der Burg
The effects of reverberation on the spatio-temporal synchrony of moving audio-visual stimuli.
Narayan Sankaran, Simon Carlile, Johahn Leung
Multisensory Ambiguities in Impossible Worlds: Assessing Auditory, Visual, and Motor Contributions to the Representation of Space
Thorsten Kluss, Niclas Schult, Tim Hantel, William E. Marsh, Christoph Zetzsche
Proprioception can contribute to the localization of visual targets for goal-directed movements.
Marieke C.W. van der Graaff, Eli Brenner, Jeroen B.J. Smeets
On pitch-elevation mapping. Nature, nurture and behaviour.
Cesare V. Parise, Katharina Knorre, Marc O. Ernst
A body illusion by movements or by touch: Comparing different ways of inducing the rubber hand illusion
Andreas Kalckert, H. Henrik Ehrsson
Multisensory mechanisms for perceptual disambiguation. A classification image study on the stream-bounce illusion.
Cesare Valerio Parise, Marc O. Ernst
Oliver M Toskovic
Visuo-tactile crossmodal correspondances
Ophelia Deroy, Irene Fasiello, Vincent Hayward, Malika Auvray
Summation of duration within and across senses
Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe
The Marble-Hand illusion
Irene Senna, Angelo Maravita, Nadia Bolognini, Cesare Valerio Parise
Motor commands induce time compression for tactile stimuli
Alice Tomassini, Monica Gori, Gabriel Baud-Bovy, Giulio Sandini, Maria Concetta Morrone
Touching Bouba, Hearing Kiki. Image resolution and sound symbolism in visual-to-auditory sensory substitution.
Dave John Brown, Michael Proulx
Motor-movements driving visual motion perception
Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen
Adaptation to audiovisual asynchrony occurs rapidly
Erik Van der Burg, David Alais, John Cass
The influence of temporal regularities and cross-modal temporal cues on auditory detection
Sanne Ten Oever, Charles Schroeder, David Poeppel, Nienke Van Atteveldt, Elana Zion-Golumbic
Leaky path integration is less leaky in full cue conditions
Markus Lappe, Britta Zepp
Modulating tactile perception with rhythmic TMS entrainment
Manuela Ruzzoli, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Switching between the senses: imagination interferes with perception in a stimulus detection tasks
Benjamin Steinweg, Fred Mast, Joseph Krummenacher
Bouncing human vs. bouncing balls: Synchrony perception between auditory rhythm and different naturalistic visual motions
Yi-Huang Su
Dissociating sensory attention and motor preparation: an ERP study
Pia Ley, Brigitte Röder
Audiovisual onset differences are used to determine the identity of ambiguous syllables
Sanne Ten Oever, Alexander Sack, Katherine L Wheat, Nina Bien, Nienke van Atteveldt
Concurrent sensorimotor adaptation for different delays measured via a tapping task
Yoshimori Sugano, Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen
Spatial imagery and cognitive style in blind individuals
Valeria Occelli, Jonathan B Lin, Simon Lacey, K Sathian
When the brain fails to recalibrate audiovisual simultaneity: hysteresis in synchrony perception
Anne Kösem, Jean-Rémy Martin, Virginie van Wassenhove
The effect of blindfolding on sound localization
Patrice Voss, Vanessa Tabry, Robert J Zatorre
Learning regularities from different sensory modalities: Evidence for an a-modal learning mechanism
Arit Glicksohn
The cost of adopting and adapting tactile frames of reference
Gabriel Arnold, Jess Hartcher-O'Brien, Charles Spence, Malika Auvray
Exogenous auditory cues decrease audiovisual integration of simple lights and sounds.
Nathan Van der Stoep, Marieke A. Janssen, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Tanja C. W. Nijboer
Visual allocentric reference frames effects on Audio-Visual spatial fusion.
David Hartnagel, Alain Bichot, Patrick Sandor, Corinne Roumes
Audiovisual temporal integration: a freezing effect from rhythms with continuously shifting phases
Manuel Vidal
Rotating straight ahead or translating in circles: how we learn to integrate contradictory multisensory self-motion cue pairings
Mariia Kaliuzhna, Mario Prsa, Olaf Blanke
Children do not recalibrate motor-sensory temporal order after exposure to delayed sensory feedback
Tiziana Vercillo, David Charles Burr, Giulio Sandini, Monica Gori
Effects of combining visual and olfactory information on affective impressions
Yurie Nishino, Dong Wook Kim, Hiroshi Ando
Perceptual Ambiguity – Perception And Processing of Spatially Discordant/Concordant Audiovisual Stimuli
Jan Bennemann, Philipp Benner, Claudia Freigang, Wiktor Mlynarski, Marc Stöhr, Rudolf Rübsamen
What the temporal dynamics of unimodal sensory estimation can tell us about statistically optimal multimodal integration
Patrick A Byrne, Laurence R Harris
Selective attention determines the direction of audiovisual temporal recalibration
Nara Ikumi, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Spatial magnitude modulates the perceived duration of oddballs: Evidence against attentional theories of the oddball effect
Devin Blair Terhune
Sensitivity of temporal order judgments with repeated stimuli
Massimiliano Di Luca, Alice R Fawdrey
Combining visual and haptic cues when judging a rod’s verticality
Lindsey E Fraser, Laurence R Harris
Distortion of auditory space during visually induced self-acceleration
Wataru Teramoto, Zhenglie Cui, Kazuki Moishi, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yo-iti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba
Temporal recalibration involves adaptation at two time scales
David Alais, John Cass, Erik van der Burg
The contribution of sound in determining the perceptual upright
Michael James Carnevale, Laurence Roy Harris
Interactions of multisensory integration and spatial attention in auditory space perception
Marc Stöhr, Jan Bennemann, Claudia Freigang, Rudolf Rübsamen
Stable Body-Centered Coding of Touch on the Back
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Laurence Harris
Temporal expectancy selectively enhances audiovisual target detection
Fabrizio Leo, Rebecca Jacob, Karsta Benz, Miriam Kiehne, Tömme Noesselt
Tactile feedback improves auditory spatial localization
Monica Gori, Tiziana Vercillo, Giulio Sandini, David Burr
The effect of deafness and musical training on perception of space
Zaira Cattaneo, Tomaso Vecchi, Carlo Cecchetto, Costanza Papagno
Distortions of the perceptual body affect basic tactile properties
Sarah D'Amour, Laurence Harris
Interaction of embodied cognition and social perception in the primary somatosensory cortex
Michael Schaefer, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Michael Rotte
‘Visual’-parsing without visual experience: Is 'seeing' with sounds better than sight restoration in the early blind?
Lior Reich, Miriam Guendelman, Amir Amedi
Visual and vestibular orientation cues interact to influence perceived depth
Charles Michael Mander, Laurence R. Harris
Unconscious temporal association
Irune Fernández-Prieto
Blind in a virtual world – using distance information to accomplish virtual tasks
shachar maidenbaum, Shelly Levi-Tzedek, Daniel-Robert Chebat, Amir Amedi
Early interaction between vision and touch during Binocular Rivalry
Claudia Lunghi, Maria Concetta Morrone
Auditory and tactile signals combine to influence vision during binocular rivalry
Claudia Lunghi, Maria Concetta Morrone, David Charles Burr, David Alais
Minimum audible angle at the subjective front during listener's head rotation
Yôiti Suzuki, Kagesho Ohba, Shuichi Sakamoto, Akio Honda, Yukio Iwaya
Does Metal Always Sound Stiffer Than Drum?
Juan Liu, Hiroshi Ando
EyeMusic: A Colorful Experience for the Blind
Sami Abboud, Shlomi Hanassy, Shelly Levy-Tzedek, Dina Tauber, Shachar Maidenbaum, Amir Amedi
The detection of tactile stimuli while observing another in pain in chronic pain patients and controls
Sophie Vandenbroucke, Liesbet Goubert, Vanessa Harrar
Expectation of tactile events is enough to induce crossmodal congruency effect (CCE)
Federica Iezzi, Pasquale Cardellicchio, Ettore Ambrosini, Francesca Ferri, Marcello Costantini
Does temporal adaptation affect multisensory integration?
Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence, Laurence Harris
At the tip of the fingers: the role of orientation and position on the reference frames used to interpret ambiguous stimuli presented to the hand
Jess Hartcher-O'Brien, Charles J Spence, Malika Auvray
Unleashing synaesthetic-like effects by stimulating the dlPFC but not PPC
Flor Kusnir
The effect of ageing on acoustic facilitation of object movement detection within optic-flow
Eugenie Roudaia, Finnegan J. Calabro, Lucia M. Vaina, Fiona N. Newell
Audio-visual interactions in the perception of intention from actions
Hanni Kiiski, Ludovic Hoyet, Katja Zibrek, Carol O'Sullivan, Fiona N. Newell
Psychophysical evidence for a generalized sense of number
Roberto Arrighi
Perceptual training alters the time window of multisensory integration
David P. McGovern, Neil W. Roach, Eugenie Roudaia, Fiona N. Newell
Audiovisual temporal integration in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Paula Regener
Audition dominates vision after loss of one eye early in life when the systems are in competition but not when they are integrated
Stefania Siera Moro, Laurence R Harris, Jennifer K. E. Steeves
On the colours of odours: Are the French really so different from the British?
Yelena Maric, Carlos Velasco, Charles Spence, Muriel Jacquot
“Bouba” and “Kiki” in Namibia? A remote culture make similar shape–sound matches, but different shape–taste matches to Westerners
Andrew J. Bremner, Serge Caparos, Jules Davidoff, Jan W. de Fockert, Karina Linnell, Charles Spence
Effects of audiovisual motion coherence on multisensory processing
Aaron Nidiffer
Reference frame conflict: Blindfolding and the crossed-hands deficit
David I Shore, Michelle L Cadieux


Response to varying level of cues for gesture recognition
Anat Dahan
BOLD responses to tactile stimuli in visual and auditory cortex depend on the frequency content of stimulation
Per Fredrik Nordmark, J. Andrew Pruszynski, Roland S Johansson
Odours modulate early neural responses to matching visual objects
Amanda Robinson, Judith Reinhard, Jason Mattingley
Contextual control of audiovisual integration in low-level sensory cortices
Nienke M van Atteveldt, Bradley S Peterson, Charles E Schroeder
Orthographic dependency in the neural correlates of reading: Evidence from audiovisual integration in English readers
Nienke M van Atteveldt, Ian D Holloway, Leo Blomert, Daniel Ansari
The neural bases of cross-modal correspondences: reality or wishful thinking?
Antonia Thelen, Sarah Amrein, Micah M Murray
Perception of rhythm through auditory, vibro-tactile and visual stimulations: an fMRI study
Rodrigo Araneda, Elodie Lerens, Laurent Renier, Anne De Volder
Spatial imagery is more associated with unfamiliar than familiar haptic shape perception: activation and connectivity analyses.
Simon Lacey, Randall Stilla, Karthik Sreenivasan, Gopikrishna Deshpande, K. Sathian
Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of sight restoration after longstanding visual deprivation
Giulia Dormal, Franco Lepore, Mona Harissi-Dagher, Geneviève Albouy, Alan Tucholska, Armando Bertone, Bruno Rossion, Olivier Collignon
Neural correlates of audio-visual perception in 3D-surround cinematography
Akitoshi Ogawa, Cécile Bordier, Emiliano Macaluso
Selective attention to sound modulates neural activity in areas of audiovisual integration
Luis Morís Fernández, Maya Visser, César Ávila, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Phase encoding of perceived events timing
Anne Kösem, Virginie van Wassenhove
A rhythmic deviation within a musical sequence induces neural activation in inferior parietal regions after short-term multisensory training
Claudia Lappe, Olaf Steinsträter, Christo Pantev
(Non)sensory reorganisation following arm amputation.
Tamar Makin, Nicola Filippini, Jan Scholz, Eugene Duff, David Henderson Slatere, Irene Tracey, Heidi Johansen-Berg
The influence of gender incongruence on the McGurk-percept: a combined behavioural and fMRI study.
Annika Notbohm, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Jason S. Chan
fMRI-guided TMS of the superior temporal sulcus impairs multisensory temporal processing
Ryan Andrew Stevenson, Caitlin R. Mullin, Mark T. Wallace, Jennifer K. E. Steeves
Visual experience and the establishment of spatial and tactile maps in the brain
Michael J Proulx, Achille Pasqualotto, Martin I Sereno
Synchrony perception between looming sounds and static touches: a meg study on audiotactile integration
Elisa Leonardelli, Christoph Braun, Nathan Weisz, Valeria Occelli, Massimiliano Zampini
Stable and dynamic, context dependent elements of sensory processing
Uri Hertz, Amir Amedi
Emotional valence modulates object-related audiovisual processing in the human brain
Alexandra Tinnermann, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Grit Hein
Supramodal processing in visual learning and plasticity.
Nicolas Zilber, Philippe Ciuciu, Alexandre Gramfort, Virginie van Wassenhove
Subcortical, Modality-Specific Pathways Contribute to Multisensory Processing in Humans
Rudy van den Brink, Mike X. Cohen, Erik van der Burg, Durk Talsma, Vissers Marlies, Heleen A. Slagter
Cerebral encoding of structures from different sensory sources
Corinne Jola


The development of cross-modal processing in the primary somatosensory cortex of the rat
Kay Sieben, Brigitte Röder, Ileana L. Hanganu-Opatz
Pre-Attentive Processing of Audition and Touch: A High-Density Electrical Mapping Study of Multisensory Mismatch Negativity.
John S Butler, Sophie Molholm, Manuel Mercier, Ian Fieblekorn, John Foxe
Mouth reversal extinguishes Mismatch Negativity induced by the McGurk Illusion
Kasper Eskelund, Tobias Andersen
Nonlinear bimodal integration of ON/OFF visual and auditory signals in awake rat V1
Kuo-Sheng Lee, Chun-I Yeh
Spontaneous gestures modulate speech processing through phase resetting of delta-theta neural oscillations
Emmanuel Biau, Salvador Soto-Faraco, LLuís Fuentemilla, Ruth de Diego Balaguer
External spatial coordinates for tactile spatial attention are reflected in prestimulus oscillations in sighted but not in blind individuals
Jonathan Till Wendelin Schubert, Tobias Heed, Julia Föcker, Brigitte Röder
Visuo-vestibular interaction in the perception of curvilinear trajectories for passive and active drivers.
Florian Savona, Anca Melania Stratulat, Christophe Bourdin, Vincent Roussarie
Multisensory integration in ferret auditory cortex: Effects of inactivating visual cortex
Stephen Town, Katherine Wood, Jennifer Bizley
Throwing out the rules: anticipatory alpha-band oscillatory attention mechanisms during intersensory task-set reconfigurations.
John J. Foxe, Jeremy W. Murphy, Peirfilippo De Sanctis


Cortical dynamics during rubber hand illusion
Noriaki Kanayama, Alberto Morandi, Daniele Didino, Stefania Cannella, Kazuo Hiraki, Francesco Pavani
Deficient multisensory integration in schizophrenia: An event-related potential study
Jeroen Stekelenburg
Visual experience differentially impacts the egocentric and allocentric coding of touch and motor sequence.
Virginie Crollen, Geneviève Albouy, Franco Lepore, Olivier Collignon
The feeling of vision: Induction of mirror-touch synaesthesia by increasing of somatosensory cortical excitability
Nadia Bolognini, Carlo Miniussi, Selene Gallo, Giuseppe Vallar
Multisensory flexibility within a perceptual system reorganized by crossmodal plasticity
Benedetta Heimler, Francesca Baruffaldi, Roberta Taddei, Francesco Pavani
The impact of saliency on overt visual selection in early-deaf adults
Benedetta Heimler, Wieske van Zoest, Francesca Baruffaldi, Pasquale Rinaldi, Maria Cristina Caselli, Francesco Pavani
Visual predictions influence speed and size of auditory responses: an EEG study
Tim Paris, Jeesun Kim, Chris Davis
Activity in superior colliculus during rubber hand illusion unravel network articulating body-part and full-body illusions processing: an fMRI study
Isadora Olivé, Claus Tempelmann, Hans-Jochen Heinze
The effects of a multisensory training for hemianopia on spatial attention
Neil Dundon, Martin Maier, Caterina Bertini, Elisabetta Ladavas
Crossmodal enhancement of visual orientation discrimination by looming sounds requires functional activation of primary visual areas: a case study.
Roberto Cecere, Vincenzo Romei, Elisabetta Ladavas

Computational Modelling / Engineering

Response time variability and stage dependence in the time-window-of-integration model
Hans Colonius, Adele Diederich
Regularization improves models of audiovisual integration in speech perception
Tobias Søren Andersen
Accurate and precise parameter recovery with the basic TWIN model
Farid I Kandil, Hans Colonius, Adele Diederich
Visual and auditory spatial signals in naturalistic environments: a computationally-based analysis of functional imaging data
Cecile Bordier, Akitoshi Ogawa, Emiliano Macaluso

Other fields

Dissociating pitch and loudness interactions between audition and touch
Jeffrey Yau
Amplified Extrastriate Visual Cortical Projections to the Dorsal Zone of Auditory Cortex Following Early- and Late-Onset Deafness
Melanie A. Kok, Nicole Chabot, Stephen G. Lomber
Use of a system to provide independent views to both eyes with a function to generate artificial saccade movements
Fumio Mizuno, Tomoaki Hayasaka, Takami Yamaguchi
Access to Art: Different Ways of Looking.
Abigail Hirsch
How to better communicate the sensory properties of a set of products? An application on crisps.
David Blumenthal, Aurélie Trochoux, Jean-Marc Sieffermann