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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Moving my hand forward to touch my back
Polona Pozeg, Giulio Rognini, Olaf Blanke
On pitch-elevation mapping. Nature, nurture and behaviour.
Cesare V. Parise, Katharina Knorre, Marc O. Ernst
Multisensory mechanisms for perceptual disambiguation. A classification image study on the stream-bounce illusion.
Cesare Valerio Parise, Marc O. Ernst
The Marble-Hand illusion
Irene Senna, Angelo Maravita, Nadia Bolognini, Cesare Valerio Parise
Touching Bouba, Hearing Kiki. Image resolution and sound symbolism in visual-to-auditory sensory substitution.
Dave John Brown, Michael Proulx
The influence of temporal regularities and cross-modal temporal cues on auditory detection
Sanne Ten Oever, Charles Schroeder, David Poeppel, Nienke Van Atteveldt, Elana Zion-Golumbic
Rotating straight ahead or translating in circles: how we learn to integrate contradictory multisensory self-motion cue pairings
Mariia Kaliuzhna, Mario Prsa, Olaf Blanke
Stable Body-Centered Coding of Touch on the Back
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Laurence Harris
The effect of deafness and musical training on perception of space
Zaira Cattaneo, Tomaso Vecchi, Carlo Cecchetto, Costanza Papagno


BOLD responses to tactile stimuli in visual and auditory cortex depend on the frequency content of stimulation
Per Fredrik Nordmark, J. Andrew Pruszynski, Roland S Johansson
Contextual control of audiovisual integration in low-level sensory cortices
Nienke M van Atteveldt, Bradley S Peterson, Charles E Schroeder
A rhythmic deviation within a musical sequence induces neural activation in inferior parietal regions after short-term multisensory training
Claudia Lappe, Olaf Steinsträter, Christo Pantev
Visual experience and the establishment of spatial and tactile maps in the brain
Michael J Proulx, Achille Pasqualotto, Martin I Sereno


Cortical dynamics during rubber hand illusion
Noriaki Kanayama, Alberto Morandi, Daniele Didino, Stefania Cannella, Kazuo Hiraki, Francesco Pavani
Multisensory flexibility within a perceptual system reorganized by crossmodal plasticity
Benedetta Heimler, Francesca Baruffaldi, Roberta Taddei, Francesco Pavani
The impact of saliency on overt visual selection in early-deaf adults
Benedetta Heimler, Wieske van Zoest, Francesca Baruffaldi, Pasquale Rinaldi, Maria Cristina Caselli, Francesco Pavani
Visual predictions influence speed and size of auditory responses: an EEG study
Tim Paris, Jeesun Kim, Chris Davis