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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Moving my hand forward to touch my back
Polona Pozeg, Giulio Rognini, Olaf Blanke
Modulating tactile perception with rhythmic TMS entrainment
Manuela Ruzzoli, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Dissociating sensory attention and motor preparation: an ERP study
Pia Ley, Brigitte Röder
Visual allocentric reference frames effects on Audio-Visual spatial fusion.
David Hartnagel, Alain Bichot, Patrick Sandor, Corinne Roumes
Perceptual Ambiguity – Perception And Processing of Spatially Discordant/Concordant Audiovisual Stimuli
Jan Bennemann, Philipp Benner, Claudia Freigang, Wiktor Mlynarski, Marc Stöhr, Rudolf Rübsamen
Interactions of multisensory integration and spatial attention in auditory space perception
Marc Stöhr, Jan Bennemann, Claudia Freigang, Rudolf Rübsamen
Interaction of embodied cognition and social perception in the primary somatosensory cortex
Michael Schaefer, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Michael Rotte
‘Visual’-parsing without visual experience: Is 'seeing' with sounds better than sight restoration in the early blind?
Lior Reich, Miriam Guendelman, Amir Amedi
The effect of ageing on acoustic facilitation of object movement detection within optic-flow
Eugenie Roudaia, Finnegan J. Calabro, Lucia M. Vaina, Fiona N. Newell
Perceptual training alters the time window of multisensory integration
David P. McGovern, Neil W. Roach, Eugenie Roudaia, Fiona N. Newell
Audiovisual temporal integration in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Paula Regener


Odours modulate early neural responses to matching visual objects
Amanda Robinson, Judith Reinhard, Jason Mattingley
Perception of rhythm through auditory, vibro-tactile and visual stimulations: an fMRI study
Rodrigo Araneda, Elodie Lerens, Laurent Renier, Anne De Volder
Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of sight restoration after longstanding visual deprivation
Giulia Dormal, Franco Lepore, Mona Harissi-Dagher, Geneviève Albouy, Alan Tucholska, Armando Bertone, Bruno Rossion, Olivier Collignon


The development of cross-modal processing in the primary somatosensory cortex of the rat
Kay Sieben, Brigitte Röder, Ileana L. Hanganu-Opatz
External spatial coordinates for tactile spatial attention are reflected in prestimulus oscillations in sighted but not in blind individuals
Jonathan Till Wendelin Schubert, Tobias Heed, Julia Föcker, Brigitte Röder
Visuo-vestibular interaction in the perception of curvilinear trajectories for passive and active drivers.
Florian Savona, Anca Melania Stratulat, Christophe Bourdin, Vincent Roussarie


The impact of saliency on overt visual selection in early-deaf adults
Benedetta Heimler, Wieske van Zoest, Francesca Baruffaldi, Pasquale Rinaldi, Maria Cristina Caselli, Francesco Pavani
Crossmodal enhancement of visual orientation discrimination by looming sounds requires functional activation of primary visual areas: a case study.
Roberto Cecere, Vincenzo Romei, Elisabetta Ladavas