Online Submissions

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Submissions for this conference were closed on 2009-06-16.
Call for Papers


Graduate Student Awards

The Graduate Student Symposium affords an opportunity for outstanding graduate students to present papers at the conference in a highlighted symposium. Up to five students will be selected to participate in the symposium. Their accommodation and travel expenses will be partly covered by the Organizing Committee, but they must pay their own conference registration fee.


  • Any individual registered as a graduate student at the time of submission.
  • Previous winners of the graduate student competition are NOT eligible.

Application Procedure:

  1. On the main abstract submission page, check the box indicating you wish to be considered for the Graduate Student Symposium and follow the normal procedure for submitting an abstract for a poster presentation.

  2. Submit the following additional information by e-mail to
    1. A 50 word statement in lay language about why your findings are important
    2. A 2 page synopsis of the research
    3. Your CV

  3. Arrange for the supervisor of your submitted research to send a letter directly to indicating:
    1. Your role in the project
    2. Your proficiency at presentation (in English)
    3. His/her support of your application for the competition
      Note: While an individual supervisor may sponsor more than one student, the committee will make all efforts to have the awardees reflect the diversity present in the field of multisensory research and thus may limit awards to one per lab

All documents submitted by e-mail should be in PDF format.

Deadline: All documents must be submitted prior to the close of abstract submissions (June 16, 2009).


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this conference site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this conference and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.