An experiment of soft metrology about the influence of visual and auditory disturbing factors on human performance
Laura Rossi, Alessandro Schiavi, Paola Iacomussi, Giuseppe Rossi, Arianna Astolfi

Last modified: 2011-09-02


Our research is part of "Soft Metrology" that is defined as "the set of techniques and models that allow objective quantification of the properties determined by perception in the domain of all five senses." [1]. We set an experimental session investigating the influence of different light sources and background noise on the perceived contrast, using self luminous images of a target on a monitor in a semi-anechoic room.
Target dimension and testing luminance values satisfy the constraints of the CIE model for glare [2] and of the so called “Adrian model” [4], able to calculate the threshold contrast in a context with several sources in the field of view.
Twentyfive subjects, with no distinction of sex, has been tested.
WIth this test we investigate:
• The contribution of disturbing background noise, the contribution of glare due to a specific light source (and the combination of both factors) on perceived contrast, in order to delineate the perceptual threshold, with particular attention to the specific influence of light with different spectrum and different angular extension;
• The influence of glare on the ability of subjects in discriminating little differences between target with different contrast;
•The influence of noise on reaction time [4].


[1] B.M. Paul, H.D. Heinhorn, Discomfort glare from small light sources, LRT 31(4) 139-144

[2] CIE, Collection on glare: CIE 146 CIE 147, 2002

[3] W. Adrian, The Physiological Basis of the Visibility Concept, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Visibility and Luminance in Roadway Lighting October 26-27 1993 Orlando Florida

[4] T. Saeki, T. Fujii, S. Yamaguchi, S. Harima, “Effects of acoustical noise on annoyance, performance and fatigue during mental memory task”, Applied Acoustics 65, (2004), 913- 921

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