Effect of an hour-long stereoscopic film on human body
Masumi Takada, Kiichi Murakami, Yasuyuki Matsuura, Hiroki Takada, Satoshi Iwase, Masaru Miyao

Last modified: 2011-09-02


Three-dimensional (3D) television sets are available in the market and are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. However, viewing 3D films has potential adverse effects such as asthenopia and visually induced motion sickness (VIMS). The phenomenon of VIMS is not fully understood yet. One cause of VIMS has been considered to be sensory conflict, i.e., the disagreement between vergence and visual accommodation, while viewing a stereoscopic film. VIMS can be analyzed in subjective and physiological terms. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of viewing a long stereoscopic film on the human body. An electrocardiogram was obtained for subjects viewing an hour-long stereoscopic film. We also conducted stabilometric analysis for the subjects in the Romberg posture, flicker tests, and subjective questionnaires to detect fatigue and eye strain every 20 minutes. Statistical significance was observed for subjective averages of the test results obtained before exposure to the film and 40 minutes after the initiation of the measurement (p < 0.05). Symptoms of VIMS could be detected during the exposure to the hour-long 3D film. Based on this result, guidelines will be devised to ensure safety in viewing 3D movies.


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