The effect of the presence of an observer on prefrontal cortex during a driving video game: A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Last modified: 2011-09-02
It has been reported that the presence of others facilitates or inhibits an individual’s performance. To investigate the neural bases of the effect of the presence of others, using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), we measured bilateral prefrontal activation (BA 10) in humans while they performed a simulated driving task. Participants were divided into four groups according to the combination of the presence of others (Single vs. Paired) and the game experience (High vs. Low): S-H, S-L, P-H, and P-L groups. The participant’s task was to drive from start to goal using a route map either driving alone without a paired partner (single condition) or driving with a paired partner as an observer (paired condition). The results revealed that the single groups (S-H, S-L) yielded more errors than the paired groups (P-H, P-L) regardless of the game experience. However, the NIRS data demonstrated an interaction between the presence of others (S, P) and the game experience (H, L): The P-H showed higher brain activity than the S-H, whereas the P-L showed lower brain activity than the S-L. These results suggest that the presence of others functions distinctively in the prefrontal cortex in participants according to their prior experience in the relevant task.
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[2] R.S. Baron (1986). Distraction-conflict theory: Progress and problems. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 19, 1–40.
[3] C.F. Bond, & L.J. Titus (1983). Social facilitation: A meta-analysis of 241 studies. Psychol. Bull., 94(2), 265-292.
[4] P.W. Burgess, I. Dumontheil, & S.J. Gilbert (2007). The gateway hypothesis of rostral prefrontal cortex (area 10) function. Trends. Cogn. Sci., 11(7), 290-298.
[5] S.J. Gilbert, G. Gonen-Yaacovi, R.G. Benoit, E. Volle, P.W. Burgess (2010). Distinct functional connectivity associated with lateral versus medial rostral prefrontal cortex: A meta-analysis. NeuroImage, 53(4), 1359-1367.
[6] K.J. Haley, & D.M.T. Fessler (2005). Nobody’s watching?: Subtle cues affect generosity in an anonymous economic game. Evol. Hum. Behav., 26(3), 245-256.
[7] E, Koechlin, C. Ody, & F. Kouneiher (2003) The architecture of cognitive control in the human prefrontal cortex. Science, 302, 1181-1185.
[8] D.R. Leff, F. Orihuela-Espina, C.E. Elwell, T. Athanasiou, D.T. Delpy, A.W. Darzi, & G.Z. Yang (2011). Assessment of the cerebral cortex during motor task behaviours in adults: A systematic review of functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) studies. NeuroImage, 54(4), 2922-2936.
[9] F. Strack, & R. Deutsch (2004). Reflective and impulsive determinants of social behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 220–247.
[10] R.B. Zajonc (1965). Social facilitation. Science, 149, 269-274.