Adaptation to delayed speech feedback induces temporal recalibration between vocal sensory and auditory modalities
Last modified: 2011-09-02
We ordinarily perceive our voice sound as occurring simultaneously with vocal production, but the sense of simultaneity in vocalization can be easily interrupted by delayed auditory feedback (DAF). DAF causes normal people to have difficulty speaking fluently but helps people with stuttering to improve speech fluency. However, the underlying temporal mechanism for integrating the motor production of voice and the auditory perception of vocal sound remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the temporal tuning mechanism integrating vocal sensory and voice sounds under DAF with an adaptation technique. Participants read some sentences with specific delay times of DAF (0, 30, 75, 120 ms) during three minutes to induce ‘Lag Adaptation’. After the adaptation, they then judged the simultaneity between motor sensation and vocal sound given feedback in producing simple voice but not speech. We found that speech production with lag adaptation induced a shift in simultaneity responses toward the adapted auditory delays. This indicates that the temporal tuning mechanism in vocalization can be temporally recalibrated after prolonged exposure to delayed vocal sounds. These findings suggest vocalization is finely tuned by the temporal recalibration mechanism, which acutely monitors the integration of temporal delays between motor sensation and vocal sound.
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Fujisaki W, Shimojo S, Kashino M, Nishida S (2004) Recalibration of audiovisual simultaneity. Nat Neurosci 7: 773-778.
Howell P (2004) Effects of delayed auditory feedback and frequency-shifted feedback on speech control and some potentials for future developmental of prosthetic aids for stammering. Stammering Res 1(1): 31-46.
Katz DI, Lackner JR (1977) Adaptation to delayed auditory feedback. Percept Psychophys 22(5): 476-486.
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Spence C, Squire S (2003) Multisensory integration: Maintaining the perception of synchrony. Curr Biol 13(13): 519-521.
Sugano Y, Keetels M, Vroomen J (2010) Adaptation to motor-visual and motor-auditory temporal lags transfer across modalities. Exp Brain Res 201: 393-399.
Vroomen J, Keetels M, de Gelder B, Bertelson P (2004) Recalibration of temporal order perception by exposure to audio-visual asynchrony. Cogn Brain Res 22:32-35.