Kazutomo Fukue, Kenji Ozawa, Yuichiro Kinoshita

Last modified: 2011-09-02


The sense of presence is crucial for evaluating audio-visual equipment and content. To clarify the multidimensional attributes of the sense, we conducted three experiments on audio, visual, and audio-visual content items. Initially 345 adjectives, which express the sense of presence, were collected and the number of adjectives was reduced to 40 pairs based on the KJ method. Forty scenes were recorded with a high-definition video camera while their sounds were recorded using a dummy head. Each content item was reproduced with a 65-inch display and headphones in three conditions of audio-only, visual-only and audio-visual. Twenty-one subjects evaluated them using the 40 pairs of adjectives by the Semantic Differential method with seven-point scales. The sense of presence in each content item was also evaluated using a Likert scale. The experimental data was analyzed by the factor analysis and four, five and five factors were extracted for audio, visual, and audio-visual conditions, respectively. The multiple regression analysis revealed that audio and audio-visual presences were explained by the extracted factors, although further consideration is required for the visual presence. These results indicated that the factors of psychological loading and activity are relevant for the sense of presence. [Work supported by NICT]


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