Crossmodal transfer of object information in human echolocation
Santani Teng, Amrita Puri, David Whitney

Last modified: 2011-08-22


In active echolocation, reflections from self-generated acoustic pulses are used to represent the external environment. This ability has been described in some blind humans to aid in navigation and obstacle perception[1-4]. Echoic object representation has been described in echolocating bats and dolphins[5,6], but most prior work in humans has focused on navigation or other basic spatial tasks[4,7,8]. Thus, the nature of echoic object information received by human practitioners remains poorly understood. In two match-to-sample experiments, we tested the ability of five experienced blind echolocators to identify objects haptically which they had previously sampled only echoically. In each trial, a target object was presented on a platform and subjects sampled it using echolocation clicks. The target object was then removed and re-presented along with a distractor object. Only tactile sampling was allowed in identifying the target. Subjects were able to identify targets at greater than chance levels among both common household objects (p < .001) and novel objects constructed from plastic blocks (p = .018). While overall accuracy was indicative of high task difficulty, our results suggest that objects sampled by echolocation are recognizable by shape, and that this representation is available across sensory modalities.


1 Kellogg, W. N. Sonar system of the blind. Science 137, 399-404 (1962).

2 Rice, C. E., Feinstein, S. H. & Schusterman, R. J. Echo-Detection Ability of the Blind: Size and Distance Factors. Journal of experimental psychology 70, 246-255 (1965).

3 Teng, S. & Whitney, D. The acuity of echolocation: Spatial resolution in sighted persons compared to the performance of an expert who is blind. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 105, 20-32 (2011).

4 Thaler, L., Arnott, S. R. & Goodale, M. A. Neural correlates of natural human echolocation in early and late blind echolocation experts. PLoS ONE 6, e20162, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020162PONE-D-11-04391 [pii] (2011).

5 Firzlaff, U., Schuchmann, M., Grunwald, J. E., Schuller, G. & Wiegrebe, L. Object-oriented echo perception and cortical representation in echolocating bats. PLoS biology 5, e100, doi:06-PLBI-RA-1898R3 [pii]10.1371/journal.pbio.0050100 (2007).

6 Pack, A. A. & Herman, L. M. Sensory integration in the bottlenosed dolphin: immediate recognition of complex shapes across the senses of echolocation and vision. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 98, 722-733 (1995).

7 Hughes, B. Active artificial echolocation and the nonvisual perception of aperture passability. Human movement science 20, 371-400 (2001).

8 Supa, M., Cotzin, M. & Dallenbach, K. M. "Facial Vision": The Perception of Obstacles by the Blind. The American Journal of Psychology 57, 133-183 (1944).

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