Multisensory hand representations in early life
Date: 2012-06-21 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM
Last modified: 2012-04-24
Research into perceptual and cognitive development has, with notable exceptions, neglected both multisensory processes, and embodied representations. In an attempt to address these issues I will describe our programme of research tracing the early development of multisensory representations of the hand. I will mention several studies currently being conducted in our lab, including investigations of: i) the emergence of multisensory processes in hand localisation and ownership in early childhood, ii) the development of categorical representation of the hand as a discrete body part, iii) the representation of the location of tactile stimuli on the hand. I will focus mainly on the last of these investigations, relating both behavioural and physiological measures of infants' and young children's emerging abilities to use multisensory information to locate the hand and stimuli applied to it across changes in arm posture.