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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Musical training generalises across modalities and reveals efficient and adaptive mechanisms for judging temporal intervals
David Aagten-Murphy, Giulia Cappagli, David Charles Burr
Audio-visual recalibration is spatially specific, in external coordinates.
David Burr, Roberto Arrighi, Marco Cicchini, David Aagten-Murphy
Plasticity in multisensory body representations after amputation and prosthesis implantation
Elisa Canzoneri, Elisa Magosso, Amedeo Amoresano, Andrea Serino
Sensorimotor temporal recalibration within and across limbs
Kielan Yarrow, Ingvild Sverdrup-Stueland, Derek Arnold
Interpreting sensory substitution beyond the perceptual assumption: An analogy with reading
Malika Auvray, Ophelia Deroy
Working memory span for pictures, names, and touched objects
Alexandra M Fernandes, Pedro B Albuquerque
Is A always red? Multisensory integration of synesthetic stimuli in synesthetes and non-synesthetes
Miketa Arvaniti, Noam Sagiv, Lucille Lecoutre, Argiro Vatakis
The Impact of Imagery-Evoking Category Labels on Perceived Variety
Tamara Leigh Ansons, Aradhna Krishna, Norbert Schwarz
‘Visual’ acuity of the congenitally blind using visual-to-auditory sensory substitution
Ella Striem-Amit, Miriam Guendelman, Amir Amedi
Effects of a secondary task and working memory load on multisensory hand position
Katrina Quinn, Francia Acosta-Saltos, Jan W. de Fockert, Charles Spence, Andrew J. Bremner


Different classes of audiovisual correspondences are processed at distinct levels of the cortical hierarchy
Uta Noppeney, Ruth Adam, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Joost X Maier, HweeLing Lee, Sebastian Werner, Dirk Ostwald, Richard Lewis, Verena Conrad
Brain areas involved in Echolocation Motion Processing in Blind Echolocation Experts
Lore Thaler, Jennifer Milne, Stephen R Arnott, Melvyn A Goodale
Processing of audiovisual phonological incongruency depends on awareness
Ruth Adam, Uta Noppeney

Computational Modelling / Engineering

Predictive power in models of audiovisual integration of speech
Tobias Søren Andersen