Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology
A weighty matter: The effect of spoon size and weight on food perception | |
Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence |
Perceived timing of vestibular stimulation | |
Michael Barnett-Cowan |
Principles of multi-sensory behavior | |
Thomas U Otto, Brice Dassy, Pascal Mamassian |
Dissociable crossmodal recruitment of visual and auditory cortex for tactile perception | |
Jeffrey M. Yau, Pablo Celnik, Steven S. Hsiao, John E. Desmond |
Hearing voices then seeing lips: fragmentation and renormalisation of subjective timing in the McGurk illusion | |
Elliot David Freeman, Alberta Ipser |
Time and time again: temporal influences of repeated stimuli | |
Massimiliano Di Luca |
Single-object consistency facilitates multisensory pair learning: evidence for unitization | |
Elan Barenholtz, David Lewkowicz, Lauren Kogelschatz |
Musical training generalises across modalities and reveals efficient and adaptive mechanisms for judging temporal intervals | |
David Aagten-Murphy, Giulia Cappagli, David Charles Burr |
Telling the time with audiovisual speech and non-speech: Does the brain use multiple clocks? | |
Alberta Ipser, Diana Paunoiu, Elliot Freeman |
Now you see it, now you don’t: design dependant sound symbolism effect in categorization studies | |
Vanja Kovic, Jovana Pejovic |
The influence of the feel of the container on the perception of food within | |
Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, Charles Spence |
A Common Scheme for Cross-Sensory Correspondences across Stimulus Domains | |
Laura Walker, Peter Walker, Brian Francis |
Natural Correspondences: From 'Weak' to 'Strong' Synaesthesia | |
Jamie Ward |
Garner's paradigm and audiovisual correspondence in dynamic stimuli: pitch and vertical direction | |
Zohar Eitan, Lawrence E. Marks |
Size-brightness correspondence: Crosstalk and congruity among dimensions of connotative meaning | |
Peter Walker, Laura Walker |
Crossmodal correspondences between chemosensory stimuli and musical notes | |
Anne-Sylvie Crisinel, Charles Spence |
Crossmodal correspondences, crossmodal completion and crossmodal imagery. | |
Ophelia Deroy |
Multisensory interactions in the automatic control of postural sway | |
Georg F Meyer, Emma Clarke, Tony Robotham |
Threat Modulates Perception of Looming Visual Stimuli | |
Eleonora Vagnoni, Stella Lourenco, Matthew Longo |
Moved by stills: Kinesthetic sensory experiences in viewing dance photographs | |
Corinne Jola, Lucie Clements, Julia F Christensen |
Audio-visual recalibration is spatially specific, in external coordinates. | |
David Burr, Roberto Arrighi, Marco Cicchini, David Aagten-Murphy |
Plasticity in multisensory body representations after amputation and prosthesis implantation | |
Elisa Canzoneri, Elisa Magosso, Amedeo Amoresano, Andrea Serino |
The build-up and transfer of sensorimotor temporal recalibration measured via a synchronization task | |
Yoshimori Sugano, Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen |
Sensorimotor temporal recalibration within and across limbs | |
Kielan Yarrow, Ingvild Sverdrup-Stueland, Derek Arnold |
How to combine direction cues optimally | |
Richard F Murray, Yaniv Morgenstern, Laurence R Harris |
Leaky integration during blindfolded walking along veering paths | |
Markus Lappe, Claudia Fontaine, Harald Frenz |
Audiovisual synchrony perception of walkers as a function of distance and depth cues | |
Carlos César Silva, Jorge Almeida Santos |
Interpreting sensory substitution beyond the perceptual assumption: An analogy with reading | |
Malika Auvray, Ophelia Deroy |
Haptic object recognition is influenced by head position but not the position of an inactive hand nor by task-irrelevant visual information | |
Rebecca Lawson, Lauren Edwards, Amy Boylan |
Ignoring in vision and touch - is it really the same? | |
Christian Frings |
Changes in haptic sensitivity during tool use: implications for optimal design of visual-haptic devices. | |
Chie Takahashi, Simon J Watt |
An invisible speaker can facilitate auditory speech perception | |
Marcia Grabowecky, Emmanuel Guzman-Martinez, Laura Ortega, Satoru Suzuki |
Silvia Convento, Chiara Galantini, Nadia Bolognini, Giuseppe Vallar |
Multisensory hand representations in early life | |
Andrew J. Bremner, José L. van Velzen, Silvia Rigato |
The Critical Role of Experience in the Early Development of Multisensory Perception | |
David J. Lewkowicz |
The development of intramodal and crossmodal temporal order judgments | |
Brigitte Roeder, Birthe Pagel, Tobias Heed |
The interplay between multisensory integration and attention in children | |
Ayla Barutchu, Sarah Toohey, Mohit N Shivdasani, Antonio G Paolini |
Preverbal infants experience sound-shape correspondences | |
Alan Michael Slater, Dina Lew, Gavin Bremner, Peter Walker |
When vision is not an option: development of haptic-auditory integration | |
Karin Petrini, Alicia Remark, Louise Smith, Marko Nardini |
Temporal Processing of Self-Motion: Translations Are Processed Slower than Rotations | |
Florian Soyka, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Heinrich H Bülthoff |
Inefficient cross-sensory temporal integration in older persons with a history of falling | |
Fiona N. Newell |
Temporal integration in sound localization via head rotation | |
Ewan Andrew Macpherson, Janet Kim |
Multisensory integration enhances coordination: the necessity of a phasing matching between cross-modal events and movements | |
Gregory Zelic, Denis Mottet, Julien Lagarde |
The structure of self-experience during visuo-tactile stimulation of a virtual and the physical body | |
Martin Dobricki, Betty J. Mohler, Heinrich H. Bülthoff |
It feels like it’s me: interpersonal multisensory stimulation enhances visual remapping of touch from other to self | |
Flavia Cardini, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Andrea Serino, Manos Tsakiris |
Action sounds recalibrate perceived tactile distance | |
Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Aleksander Väljamäe, Iwaki Toshima, Toshitaka Kimura, Manos Tsakiris, Norimichi Kitagawa |
Ordinary associations or 'special cases'; defining mechanisms in synesthesia | |
Romke Rouw |
The role of visual experience for spatial numerical associations | |
Michael J Proulx, Achille Pasqualotto, Shuichiro Taya |
Enhanced memory ability: Insights from synaesthesia | |
Nicolas Rothen, Beat Meier, Jamie Ward |
Synaesthesia and the SNARC effect | |
Clare Jonas |
Exploring synaesthetes' mental imagery abilities across multiple sensory modalities | |
Mary Jane Spiller |
The role of visual experience in spatial reference frame preference | |
Achille Pasqualotto |
Working memory span for pictures, names, and touched objects | |
Alexandra M Fernandes, Pedro B Albuquerque |
Observing social stimuli influences detection of subtle somatic sensations differently for pain synaesthetes and controls. | |
Sophie Vandenbroucke, Geert Crombez, Dimitri Van Ryckeghem, Vanessa Harrar, Liesbet Goubert, Charles Spence, Wouter Durnez, Stefaan van Damme |
Investigating task and modality switching costs using bimodal stimuli | |
Raj Sandhu, Ben Dyson |
Influence of visual cues on localization of acoustic sound sources in old adults | |
Claudia Freigang, Marc Stoehr, Kristina Schmiedchen, Jan Bennemann, Rudolf Ruebsamen |
Detection performance for short visual stimuli depends on the duration of co-occuring auditory stimuli | |
Roberto Cecere, Benjamin De Haas, Harriett Cullen, Jon Driver, Vincenzo Romei |
Interactions between apparent motion rivalry in vision and touch | |
Verena Conrad, Marco Pino Vitello, Uta Noppeney |
Complexity of sensorimotor transformations alters hand perception | |
Christine Sutter, Stefan Ladwig, Sandra Sülzenbrück |
Assessing audiovisual saliency and visual-information content in the articulation of consonants and vowels on audiovisual temporal perception | |
Argiro Vatakis, Charles Spence |
Human temporal coordination of visual and auditory events in virtual reality | |
Michiteru Kitazaki |
Persistent perceptual delay for head movement onset relative to auditory stimuli of different duration and rise times | |
Sophie Raeder, Heinrich H Bülthoff, Michael Barnett-Cowan |
Multisensory integration in body perception is unaffected by concurrent interoceptive and exteroceptive tasks | |
stefania cannella, alessia folegatti, massimiliano zampini, francesco pavani |
Somatosensory Amplification and Illusory Tactile Sensations | |
Vrushant Lakhlani, Kirsten J McKenzie |
The effect of vision on tactile TOJ during arm crossing | |
Makoto Wada, Kenji Kansaku |
Infant perception of audiovisual synchrony in fluent speech | |
Ferran Pons, David Lewkowicz |
Developmental Processes in Audiovisual Object Recognition and Object Location | |
Maeve Mary Barrett, Fiona N. Newell |
Determinants of the efficacy of single-trial multisensory learning | |
Antonia Thelen, Micah M Murray |
Sounds prevent selective monitoring of high spatial frequency channels in vision | |
Alexis Pérez-Bellido, Joan López-Moliner, Salvador Soto-Faraco |
Can itch-related visual stimuli provoke an itch response? | |
Donna M Lloyd, Elizabeth Hall, Samantha Hall, Francis McGlone |
Audiovisual crossmodal correspondences in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) | |
Valeria Occelli, Gianluca Esposito, Paola Venuti, Peter Walker, Massimiliano Zampini |
Face aftereffect in haptic perception | |
Kazumichi Matsumiya |
Perceptual calibration to delayed auditory feedback of self-body movement | |
Koichi TOIDA, Kanako UENO, Sotaro SHIMADA |
Using audiovisual feedback during speaking | |
Jennifer Chesters, Riikka Möttönen |
Is maintaining balance during standing associated with inefficient audio-visual integration in older adults? | |
John Stapleton, Emer P. Doheny, Annalisa Setti, Clodagh Cunningham, Lisa Crosby, Rose Anne Kenny, Fiona N. Newell |
Spatial codes for movement coordination do not depend on developmental vision | |
Tobias Heed, Brigitte Roeder |
Hand ownership and hand position in the rubber hand illusion are uncorrelated | |
Nicholas Paul Holmes, Tamar Makin, Michelle Cadieux, Claire Williams, Katherine R. Naish, Charles Spence, David I. Shore |
Improved tactile acuity following perceptual learning generalises to untrained fingers | |
Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence, Tamar Makin |
The influence of time prediction on modality expectancy | |
Stefanie Mühlberg, Manuela Ruzzoli, Salvador Soto-Faraco |
The spatial distribution of auditory attention in early blindness | |
Elodie Lerens, Laurent Renier, Anne De volder |
Is A always red? Multisensory integration of synesthetic stimuli in synesthetes and non-synesthetes | |
Miketa Arvaniti, Noam Sagiv, Lucille Lecoutre, Argiro Vatakis |
Modifying infants' sensitivity to audiovisual temporal mismatch | |
Ferran Pons, Maria Teixidó, Joel Garcia-Morera, Jordi Navarra |
Emmanuel Biau, Salvador Soto-Faraco |
The development of the bodily self: Chidlren’s responses to the Rubber Hand Illusion | |
Dorothy Ailsa Cowie, Tamar R Makin, Andrew J Bremner |
Heterogeneous auditory-visual integration: effects of pitch, band-width and visual eccentricity | |
Antonia Thelen, Micah M Murray |
Objective and Subjective Evaluations of Flight Simulator Fidelity | |
Li Wong, Georg Meyer, Emma Timson, Philip Perfect, Mark White |
Within and cross-sensory interactions in the perceived attractiveness of unfamiliar faces | |
Brendan Cullen, Fiona N Newell |
Visual stimuli within peripersonal space prioritize pain. | |
Annick De Paepe, Valéry Legrain, Geert Crombez |
Short and sweet, or long and complex? Perceiving temporal synchrony in audiovisual events | |
Ragnhild Eg, Dawn Behne |
Interpersonal multisensory stimulation and emotion: The impact of threat-indicative facial expressions on enfacement | |
Brianna Beck, Caterina Bertini, Elisabetta Làdavas |
The effect of task-irrelevant stimulus “graspability” on reaching actions | |
Samuel Couth, Ellen Poliakoff, Emma Gowen |
Scrutinizing integrative effects in multi-stimuli detection task | |
mario pannunzi, alexis Perez Bellido, Alexandre Pereda Baños, Joan Lopez Moliner, Gustavo Deco, Salvador Soto-Faraco |
The effect of eccentric gaze on tactile localization on areas of the body that cannot be seen | |
Michael James Carnevale, Lisa Marie Pritchett, Laurence Roy Harris |
Auditory gating during visually-guided action? | |
Luc Tremblay, Joanne Wong, Gerome Manson |
That smells blue! Differences between colour associations for odours and odour-evocative words | |
Kirsten J McKenzie, Andrew T Woods, Christine Leong, Jiana Ren, Jason Chan, Jai Levin, Michael Dodson, Carmel Levitan |
Watching touch increases people’s alertness to tactile stimuli presented on the body surface | |
Valeria Bellan, Carlo Reverberi, Alberto Gallace |
Effects of full body vibration on the perceived sense of verisimilitude and sense of presence | |
Shuichi Sakamoto, Gen Hasegawa, Akio Honda, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba |
Auditory signal dominates visual in the perception of emotional social interactions. | |
Lukasz Piwek, Karin Petrini, Frank Earl Pollick |
Seeing and feeling for self and other: proprioceptive spatial location determines multisensory enhancement of touch | |
Flavia Cardini, Patrick Haggard, Elisabetta Ladavas |
An interaction between body orientation and gravity produces a novel illusion in visual distance perception | |
Charles Michael Mander, Laurence R. Harris |
Twelve-month-old infants learn crossmodal associations between visual objects and natural sounds in ecologically valid situations | |
Yi-Chuan Chen, Gert Westermann |
Human sounds facilitates conscious processing of emotional faces | |
Bernard M. C. Stienen, Fiona N. Newell |
Remapping of touch in the blind for current, but not for planned postures | |
Jonathan Schubert, Brigitte Roeder, Tobias Heed |
Response type and sex differences in a tactile temporal order judgment task with tools | |
Abigail Novick, Nicola Fiddes, Eleanor Huber, Tucker Smith, Jared Medina |
Natural scenes have matched amplitude-modulated sounds that systematically influence visual scanning | |
Marcia Grabowecky, Aleksandra Sherman, Satoru Susuki |
Spatial recoding of sound: Pitch-varying auditory cues modulate up/down visual spatial attention | |
Irune Fernández-Prieto, Fátima Vera-Constán, Joel García-Morera, Jordi Navarra |
TMS entrainment of pre-stimulus oscillatory activity in tactile perception. | |
Manuela Ruzzoli, Salvador Soto-Faraco |
Age-related changes in temporal processing of vestibular stimuli | |
Alex Malone, Nai-Yuan Chang, Timothy Hullar, MD FACS |
Influence of selective attention to sound in multisensory integration | |
Luis Morís Fernández, Maya Visser, Salvador Soto-Faraco |
The effect of balance training on audio-visual integration in older adults | |
Niamh A. Merriman, Caroline Whyatt, Annalisa Setti, Nicholas Gillian, William Young, Stuart Ferguson, Cathy Craig, Fiona N. Newell |
Visual benefit in bimodal training with highly distorted speech sound | |
Mika Sato, Tetsuaki Kawase, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki, Toshimitsu Kobayashi |
The effect of audio-visual expectancies on stereoacuity | |
Marina Zannoli, Pascal Mamassian |
Synchronisation and correction of stepping to phase-perturbed multisensory metronome cues | |
Rachel L Wright, Mark T Elliott, Laura C Spurgeon, Alan M Wing |
Inter-hemispheric interaction of touches at the fingers: a combined psychophysics and TMS approach | |
Luigi Tamè, Tom Johnstone, Nicholas Paul Holmes |
Investigations into visually-induced somatic amplification | |
Kirsten J McKenzie, Ellen Poliakoff, Stephen Puntis, Adam Lawrence, Richard J Brown, Donna M LLoyd |
The size of the ventriloquist effect is modulated by emotional valence | |
Mario Maiworm, Marina Bellantoni, Charles Spence, Brigitte Roeder |
Roll rate thresholds in driving simulation | |
Alessandro Nesti, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Heinrich H Bülthoff, Paolo Pretto |
Auditory effects to complement the absence of visual information | |
Tomoaki Nakamura, Yukio Pegio Gunji |
Crossmodal correspondences in natural language: distribution of phonemes and consonant-vowel patterns in Serbian words denoting round and angular objects | |
Olivera Ilic, Vanja Kovic, Dragan Jankovic |
Temporal disparity effects on audiovisual integration in low vision individuals | |
Stefano Targher, Valeria Occelli, Massimiliano Zampini |
Use of auditory and visual cues during observation of conversations in young children and adults | |
Anne Melzer, Moritz M Daum |
Crossmodal Attention Alters Auditory Contrast Sensitivity | |
Vivian Ciaramitaro, Dan Jentzen |
Fear-specific modulation of tactile perception is disrupted after amygdala lesions | |
Caterina Bertini, Claudia Passamonti, Cristina Scarpazza, Elisabetta Ladavas |
Haptic object recognition is influenced by the orientation of the body relative to gravity | |
Michael Barnett-Cowan, Jody C Culham, Jacqueline C Snow |
Effects of within-modal congruency, cross-modal congruency and temporal asynchrony on the perception of perceived audio-visual distance | |
Jonathan Michael Paul Wilbiks, Benjamin Dyson |
Redundancy Gains in Audio-Visual Search | |
Tifanie Bouchara, Brian F.G. Katz |
Direct comparison of the haptic and visual horizontal-vertical illusions using traditional figures and single lines | |
jacqui howell, mark symmons, george van doorn |
The effect of perceptual grouping on haptic numerosity perception | |
Krista E Overvliet, Kim Verlaers, Ralf Th Krampe, Johan Wagemans |
From observation to enactment: Can dance experience enhance multisensory temporal integration? | |
Helena Sgouramani, Chris Muller, Leon van Noorden, Marc Leman, Argiro Vatakis |
The Impact of Imagery-Evoking Category Labels on Perceived Variety | |
Tamara Leigh Ansons, Aradhna Krishna, Norbert Schwarz |
Restricted recovery of external remapping of tactile stimuli after restoring vision in a congenitally blind man | |
Pia Ley, Davide Bottari, Bhamy Hariprasad Shenoy, Ramesh Kekunnaya, Brigitte Roeder |
‘Visual’ acuity of the congenitally blind using visual-to-auditory sensory substitution | |
Ella Striem-Amit, Miriam Guendelman, Amir Amedi |
The rubber hand illusion and the tactile Simon effect | |
Michael Iannacone, Jared Medina |
Product-related sounds speed visual search | |
Klemens Knöferle, Charles Spence |
Time course of audio-visual phoneme identification: A cross-modal Gating study | |
Carolina Sánchez-García, Sonia Kandel, Christophe Savariaux, Nara Ikumi, Salvador Soto-Faraco |
Body and gaze centered coding of touch locations during a dynamic task | |
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Michael J Carnevale, Laurence R Harris |
Auditory-visual, positional, and semantic effects in visual extraction of slope | |
Marcia Grabowecky, Stacey Parrott, Emmanuel Guzman-Martinez, Laura Ortega, Satoru Suzuki |
Greater sensitivity in detecting cross-modal asynchrony for body parts that are seen most often | |
Adria E. N. Hoover, Laurence R. Harris |
Sources of Variance in the Audiovisual Perception of Speech in Noise | |
Celina C. Nahanni, Justin M. Deonarine, Martin Paré, Kevin G. Munhall |
The pleasant heat? A study of thermal-emotion associations | |
Hsin-Ni Ho, Penny Bergman, Ai Koizumi, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Norimichi Kitagawa |
Feedforward Modalities in Remote Pointing | |
Ju-Hwan Lee |
Two-point touch discrimination depends on the perceived length of the arm | |
Laurence R. Harris, Sarah D'Amour, Lisa Marie Pritchett |
Evaluative similarity hypothesis of crossmodal correspondences: A developmental view | |
Dragan Jankovic |
The goal is not special: electrophysiological evidence for the simultaneous selection of goal and effector location during motor preparation. | |
Luke Mason, Jose Van Velzen |
Moods alter audiovisual integration | |
Miho Kitamura, Katsumi Watanabe, Norimichi Kitagawa |
Aesthetic preferences for tridimensional shapes: a comparison between vision and touch | |
Roberta Etzi, Charles Spence, Alberto Gallace |
Multisensory task action strategies affect arm placement | |
Blake Cameron Martin, Laurence R. Harris |
Effects of a secondary task and working memory load on multisensory hand position | |
Katrina Quinn, Francia Acosta-Saltos, Jan W. de Fockert, Charles Spence, Andrew J. Bremner |
The effect of brief auditory non-vocal emotional cues on visual spatial attention | |
Neil Richard Harrison, Simon Davies |
Top-down knowledge about reflection modulates response competition to multisensory stimuli | |
Adam Jones, Marco Bertamini, Georg F Meyer |
Where’s Wally? Audio-visual mismatch directs ocular saccades in sensory substitution | |
Thomas David Wright, Jamie Ward, Sarah Simonon, Aaron Margolis |
Temporal rate adaptation transfers cross-modally at a subconscious level | |
Charlotte Ling Yang, Noelle R. B. Stiles, Carmel A. Levitan, Shinsuke Shimojo |
Exploring the Sensory Basis of Developmental Dyspraxia in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | |
Stefanie Bodison, Terrence D. Sanger |
The categorical perception of tactile distance: A difference in acuity at anatomical landmarks? | |
Frances Le Cornu Knight, Matthew Longo, Andrew J. Bremner |
Audiovisual stimulus-driven contributions to spatial orienting in ecologically valid situations: an fMRI study | |
Davide Nardo, Valerio Santangelo, Emiliano Macaluso |
Combining fiber tracking and functional brain imaging for revealing brain networks involved in auditory-visual integration in humans | |
Anton L Beer, Tina Plank, Evangelia-Regkina Symeonidou, Georg Meyer, Mark W. Greenlee |
Neural mechanisms of intermodal attention in human EEG/MEG | |
Christian Keitel, Erich Schröger, Matthias M Müller |
Task dependent anatomical connections underlie multisensory processing | |
David Brang, Zack Taich, Steven A Hillyard, Vilayanur S Ramachandran |
Spatio-temporal updating in the posterior parietal cortex | |
Kenji Kansaku |
Different classes of audiovisual correspondences are processed at distinct levels of the cortical hierarchy | |
Uta Noppeney, Ruth Adam, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Joost X Maier, HweeLing Lee, Sebastian Werner, Dirk Ostwald, Richard Lewis, Verena Conrad |
Spatial and temporal dynamics of visual processing during movement preparation: ERP evidence from adults with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder. | |
Jose van Velzen |
Multisensory interactions modulate response of V3A for depth-motion processing | |
Akitoshi Ogawa, Emiliano Macaluso |
Can maladaptive cortical plasticity form new sensory experiences? Revisiting phantom pain. | |
Tamar R Makin, Jan Scholz, Nicola Filippini, David Henderson Slater, Irene Tracey, Heidi Johansen-Berg |
Brain areas involved in Echolocation Motion Processing in Blind Echolocation Experts | |
Lore Thaler, Jennifer Milne, Stephen R Arnott, Melvyn A Goodale |
ERP investigations into the effects of gaze and spatial attention on the processing of tactile events | |
Elena Gherri, Bettina Forster |
Multisensory objects and the orienting of spatial attention | |
Serena Mastroberardino, Valerio Santangelo, Emiliano Macaluso |
Effects of looming and static sounds on somatosensory processing: a MEG study | |
Elisa Leonardelli, Valeria Occelli, Gianpaolo Demarchi, Massimo Grassi, Christoph Braun, Massimiliano Zampini |
An ERP study of audiovisual simultaneity perception | |
Marek Binder |
Processing of audiovisual phonological incongruency depends on awareness | |
Ruth Adam, Uta Noppeney |
Electrophysiological correlates of tactile and visual perception during goal-directed movement | |
Georgiana Juravle, Tobias Heed, Charles Spence, Brigitte Roeder |
Electrical neuroimaging of memory discrimination based on single-trial multisensory learning | |
Antonia Thelen, Céline Cappe, Micah M Murray |
A neural link between feeling and hearing | |
Tony Ro, Timothy Ellmore, Michael Beauchamp |
The Effects of Rehearsal on Auditory cortex: An fMRI study of the putative neural mechanisms of dance therapy | |
Joseph F DeSouza, Rachel Bar |
Predicting Multisensory Enhancement in Neuronal Responses | |
Benjamin Andrew Rowland |
Simultaneous measurement of visual accommodation and convergence during 3D sickness | |
Hiroki Takada, Masaru Miyao |
Plasticity in the acquisition of multisensory integration capabilities in superior colliculus | |
Barry Edward Stein, Liping Yu, Jinghong Xu, Benjamin Andrew Rowland |
Predictable variations in auditory pitch modulate the spatial processing of visual stimuli: an ERP study | |
Fátima Vera-Constán, Irune Fernández, Joel García, Jordi Navarra |
Multisensory processing in synesthesia – Differences in the EEG signal during uni- and multimodal processing | |
Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Daniel Wiswede, Hinderk M Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Gregor R Szycik |
Crossmodal stimulation influences communication in visual-somatosensory cortical networks of Brown Norway rat | |
Kay Sieben, Ileana Hanganu-Opatz |
Multisensory Processes in the synaesthetic brain – An event-related potential study in multisensory competition situations | |
Janina Neufeld, Christopher Sinke, Daniel Wiswede, Hinderk Meiners Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Gregor Raphael Szycik |
Changes in temporal binding related to decreased vestibular input | |
Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang, Alex Kramer Malone, Timothy Everett Hullar |
Recovery Periods of Event-Related Potentials Indicating Crossmodal Interactions Between the Visual, Auditory and Tactile System | |
Marlene Hense, Boukje Habets, Brigitte Roeder |
Updating Expectencies about Audiovisual Associations in Speech | |
Tim Paris, Jeesun Kim, Christopher Davis |
Cross-sensory cuing drives cross-frequency neural coupling, dramatically altering performance of a taxing visual-detection task. | |
Foxe J. John, Adam C. Snyder, Manuel M. Mercier, John S. Butler, Sophie Molholm, Ian C. Fiebelkorn |
The effects of audiovisual task-set in visual search | |
Pawel J. Matusz, Martin Eimer |
Early Auditory sensory processing is facilitated by visual mechanisms | |
Sonja Schall, Stefan J. Kiebel, Burkhard Maess, Katharina von Kriegstein |
Intramodal and crossmodal refracory effects: Evidence from oscillatory brain activity | |
Davide Bottari, Sophie Rohlf, Marlene Hense, Boukje Habets, Brigitte Roeder |
Auditory modulation of oscillatory activity in extra-striate visual cortex and its contribution to audio-visual multisensory integration: A human intracranial EEG study | |
Manuel R. Mercier, John J. Foxe, Ian C. Fiebelkorn, John S. Butler, Theodore H. Schwartz, Sophie Molholm |
The hands have it: hand-specific vision of touch enhances touch perception and somatosensory evoked potentials | |
Brenda Malcolm, Karen Reilly, Jérémie Mattout, Roméo Salemme, Olivier Bertrand, Michael S. Beauchamp, Tony Ro, Alessandro Farnè |
Examining tactile spatial remapping using transcranial magnetic stimulation | |
Jared Medina, Shaan Khurshid, Roy H. Hamilton, H. Branch Coslett |
Migraine, motion sensitivity, and temporal binding | |
Timothy Everett Hullar, Alexander Kremer Malone, Spencer Benjamin Smith, Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang |
Psychedelic synaesthesia: Evidence for a serotonergic role in synaesthesia | |
David Luke, Devin Terhune, Ross Friday |
Mirror-touch synaesthesia and broader social perception abilities | |
Michael Banissy |
Magdalena Chechlacz, Anna Terry, Pia Rotshtein, Wai-Ling Bickerton, Glyn Humphreys |
ERP evidence for crossmodal interactions during the encoding of audio-visual motion offsets | |
Kristina Schmiedchen, Nicole Richter, Stephan Getzmann, Erich Schröger, Rudolf Rübsamen |
Intra- and crossmodal refractory effects in auditory and somatosensory ERPs | |
Boukje Habets, Marlene Hense, Davide Bottari, Brigitte Roeder |
An Acquired Deficit of Intermodal Temporal Processing for Audiovisual Speech: A Case Study | |
Daniel Drebing, Jared Medina, Branch Coslett, Jeffrey T. Shenton, Roy Hamilton |
Forming of intelligence that is intermittently opened to the real world – How a newborn baby acquires primitive intelligence- | |
Shinji Karasawa |
Multisensory Cueing and the Attention Network Test in Aging | |
Jeannette R. Mahoney, Joe Verghese, Kristina Dumas, Cuiling Wang, Roee Holtzer |
Computational Modelling / Engineering
A neurocomputational model of cortical auditory-visual illusions | |
Cristiano Cuppini, Elisa Magosso, Mauro Ursino |
Predictive power in models of audiovisual integration of speech | |
Tobias Søren Andersen |
Vincent A Billock, Brian H. Tsou |
Other fields
Crossmodal correspondences | |
Cesare Valerio Parise |
Acquiring object affordances through touch, vision, and language | |
Argiro Vatakis, Katerina Pastra, Panagiotis Dimitrakis |
4 year olds localize tactile stimuli using an external frame of reference | |
Jannath Begum, Andrew J Bremner, Dorothy Cowie |
Evaluating multi-sensory congruency through atmospherics for Carte Noire Instinct® | |
James Andrew Gater |
Providing a human user artificial ability to control their eyes independently with various eye movement patterns | |
Fumio Mizuno, Tomoaki Hayasaka, Takami Yamaguchi |