Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology
Dissociable crossmodal recruitment of visual and auditory cortex for tactile perception | |
Jeffrey M. Yau, Pablo Celnik, Steven S. Hsiao, John E. Desmond |
Musical training generalises across modalities and reveals efficient and adaptive mechanisms for judging temporal intervals | |
David Aagten-Murphy, Giulia Cappagli, David Charles Burr |
Crossmodal correspondences between chemosensory stimuli and musical notes | |
Anne-Sylvie Crisinel, Charles Spence |
Multisensory interactions in the automatic control of postural sway | |
Georg F Meyer, Emma Clarke, Tony Robotham |
Moved by stills: Kinesthetic sensory experiences in viewing dance photographs | |
Corinne Jola, Lucie Clements, Julia F Christensen |
Audio-visual recalibration is spatially specific, in external coordinates. | |
David Burr, Roberto Arrighi, Marco Cicchini, David Aagten-Murphy |
Plasticity in multisensory body representations after amputation and prosthesis implantation | |
Elisa Canzoneri, Elisa Magosso, Amedeo Amoresano, Andrea Serino |
Silvia Convento, Chiara Galantini, Nadia Bolognini, Giuseppe Vallar |
It feels like it’s me: interpersonal multisensory stimulation enhances visual remapping of touch from other to self | |
Flavia Cardini, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Andrea Serino, Manos Tsakiris |
Observing social stimuli influences detection of subtle somatic sensations differently for pain synaesthetes and controls. | |
Sophie Vandenbroucke, Geert Crombez, Dimitri Van Ryckeghem, Vanessa Harrar, Liesbet Goubert, Charles Spence, Wouter Durnez, Stefaan van Damme |
Detection performance for short visual stimuli depends on the duration of co-occuring auditory stimuli | |
Roberto Cecere, Benjamin De Haas, Harriett Cullen, Jon Driver, Vincenzo Romei |
Interactions between apparent motion rivalry in vision and touch | |
Verena Conrad, Marco Pino Vitello, Uta Noppeney |
Multisensory integration in body perception is unaffected by concurrent interoceptive and exteroceptive tasks | |
stefania cannella, alessia folegatti, massimiliano zampini, francesco pavani |
Using audiovisual feedback during speaking | |
Jennifer Chesters, Riikka Möttönen |
Is maintaining balance during standing associated with inefficient audio-visual integration in older adults? | |
John Stapleton, Emer P. Doheny, Annalisa Setti, Clodagh Cunningham, Lisa Crosby, Rose Anne Kenny, Fiona N. Newell |
Hand ownership and hand position in the rubber hand illusion are uncorrelated | |
Nicholas Paul Holmes, Tamar Makin, Michelle Cadieux, Claire Williams, Katherine R. Naish, Charles Spence, David I. Shore |
The development of the bodily self: Chidlren’s responses to the Rubber Hand Illusion | |
Dorothy Ailsa Cowie, Tamar R Makin, Andrew J Bremner |
Within and cross-sensory interactions in the perceived attractiveness of unfamiliar faces | |
Brendan Cullen, Fiona N Newell |
Visual stimuli within peripersonal space prioritize pain. | |
Annick De Paepe, Valéry Legrain, Geert Crombez |
The effect of task-irrelevant stimulus “graspability” on reaching actions | |
Samuel Couth, Ellen Poliakoff, Emma Gowen |
The effect of eccentric gaze on tactile localization on areas of the body that cannot be seen | |
Michael James Carnevale, Lisa Marie Pritchett, Laurence Roy Harris |
That smells blue! Differences between colour associations for odours and odour-evocative words | |
Kirsten J McKenzie, Andrew T Woods, Christine Leong, Jiana Ren, Jason Chan, Jai Levin, Michael Dodson, Carmel Levitan |
Seeing and feeling for self and other: proprioceptive spatial location determines multisensory enhancement of touch | |
Flavia Cardini, Patrick Haggard, Elisabetta Ladavas |
Twelve-month-old infants learn crossmodal associations between visual objects and natural sounds in ecologically valid situations | |
Yi-Chuan Chen, Gert Westermann |
Age-related changes in temporal processing of vestibular stimuli | |
Alex Malone, Nai-Yuan Chang, Timothy Hullar, MD FACS |
The effect of balance training on audio-visual integration in older adults | |
Niamh A. Merriman, Caroline Whyatt, Annalisa Setti, Nicholas Gillian, William Young, Stuart Ferguson, Cathy Craig, Fiona N. Newell |
Crossmodal Attention Alters Auditory Contrast Sensitivity | |
Vivian Ciaramitaro, Dan Jentzen |
Haptic object recognition is influenced by the orientation of the body relative to gravity | |
Michael Barnett-Cowan, Jody C Culham, Jacqueline C Snow |
Body and gaze centered coding of touch locations during a dynamic task | |
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Michael J Carnevale, Laurence R Harris |
Different classes of audiovisual correspondences are processed at distinct levels of the cortical hierarchy | |
Uta Noppeney, Ruth Adam, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Joost X Maier, HweeLing Lee, Sebastian Werner, Dirk Ostwald, Richard Lewis, Verena Conrad |
Electrical neuroimaging of memory discrimination based on single-trial multisensory learning | |
Antonia Thelen, Céline Cappe, Micah M Murray |
Changes in temporal binding related to decreased vestibular input | |
Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang, Alex Kramer Malone, Timothy Everett Hullar |
Examining tactile spatial remapping using transcranial magnetic stimulation | |
Jared Medina, Shaan Khurshid, Roy H. Hamilton, H. Branch Coslett |
Migraine, motion sensitivity, and temporal binding | |
Timothy Everett Hullar, Alexander Kremer Malone, Spencer Benjamin Smith, Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang |
Magdalena Chechlacz, Anna Terry, Pia Rotshtein, Wai-Ling Bickerton, Glyn Humphreys |
An Acquired Deficit of Intermodal Temporal Processing for Audiovisual Speech: A Case Study | |
Daniel Drebing, Jared Medina, Branch Coslett, Jeffrey T. Shenton, Roy Hamilton |
Computational Modelling / Engineering
A neurocomputational model of cortical auditory-visual illusions | |
Cristiano Cuppini, Elisa Magosso, Mauro Ursino |
Other fields
4 year olds localize tactile stimuli using an external frame of reference | |
Jannath Begum, Andrew J Bremner, Dorothy Cowie |