Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology
A weighty matter: The effect of spoon size and weight on food perception | |
Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence |
Dissociable crossmodal recruitment of visual and auditory cortex for tactile perception | |
Jeffrey M. Yau, Pablo Celnik, Steven S. Hsiao, John E. Desmond |
How to combine direction cues optimally | |
Richard F Murray, Yaniv Morgenstern, Laurence R Harris |
The development of intramodal and crossmodal temporal order judgments | |
Brigitte Roeder, Birthe Pagel, Tobias Heed |
Observing social stimuli influences detection of subtle somatic sensations differently for pain synaesthetes and controls. | |
Sophie Vandenbroucke, Geert Crombez, Dimitri Van Ryckeghem, Vanessa Harrar, Liesbet Goubert, Charles Spence, Wouter Durnez, Stefaan van Damme |
Can itch-related visual stimuli provoke an itch response? | |
Donna M Lloyd, Elizabeth Hall, Samantha Hall, Francis McGlone |
Spatial codes for movement coordination do not depend on developmental vision | |
Tobias Heed, Brigitte Roeder |
Hand ownership and hand position in the rubber hand illusion are uncorrelated | |
Nicholas Paul Holmes, Tamar Makin, Michelle Cadieux, Claire Williams, Katherine R. Naish, Charles Spence, David I. Shore |
Improved tactile acuity following perceptual learning generalises to untrained fingers | |
Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence, Tamar Makin |
The effect of eccentric gaze on tactile localization on areas of the body that cannot be seen | |
Michael James Carnevale, Lisa Marie Pritchett, Laurence Roy Harris |
Effects of full body vibration on the perceived sense of verisimilitude and sense of presence | |
Shuichi Sakamoto, Gen Hasegawa, Akio Honda, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba |
Seeing and feeling for self and other: proprioceptive spatial location determines multisensory enhancement of touch | |
Flavia Cardini, Patrick Haggard, Elisabetta Ladavas |
An interaction between body orientation and gravity produces a novel illusion in visual distance perception | |
Charles Michael Mander, Laurence R. Harris |
Remapping of touch in the blind for current, but not for planned postures | |
Jonathan Schubert, Brigitte Roeder, Tobias Heed |
Response type and sex differences in a tactile temporal order judgment task with tools | |
Abigail Novick, Nicola Fiddes, Eleanor Huber, Tucker Smith, Jared Medina |
Age-related changes in temporal processing of vestibular stimuli | |
Alex Malone, Nai-Yuan Chang, Timothy Hullar, MD FACS |
Inter-hemispheric interaction of touches at the fingers: a combined psychophysics and TMS approach | |
Luigi Tamè, Tom Johnstone, Nicholas Paul Holmes |
Direct comparison of the haptic and visual horizontal-vertical illusions using traditional figures and single lines | |
jacqui howell, mark symmons, george van doorn |
Body and gaze centered coding of touch locations during a dynamic task | |
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Michael J Carnevale, Laurence R Harris |
Greater sensitivity in detecting cross-modal asynchrony for body parts that are seen most often | |
Adria E. N. Hoover, Laurence R. Harris |
The pleasant heat? A study of thermal-emotion associations | |
Hsin-Ni Ho, Penny Bergman, Ai Koizumi, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Norimichi Kitagawa |
Two-point touch discrimination depends on the perceived length of the arm | |
Laurence R. Harris, Sarah D'Amour, Lisa Marie Pritchett |
Multisensory task action strategies affect arm placement | |
Blake Cameron Martin, Laurence R. Harris |
The effect of brief auditory non-vocal emotional cues on visual spatial attention | |
Neil Richard Harrison, Simon Davies |
Task dependent anatomical connections underlie multisensory processing | |
David Brang, Zack Taich, Steven A Hillyard, Vilayanur S Ramachandran |
Can maladaptive cortical plasticity form new sensory experiences? Revisiting phantom pain. | |
Tamar R Makin, Jan Scholz, Nicola Filippini, David Henderson Slater, Irene Tracey, Heidi Johansen-Berg |
Electrophysiological correlates of tactile and visual perception during goal-directed movement | |
Georgiana Juravle, Tobias Heed, Charles Spence, Brigitte Roeder |
Crossmodal stimulation influences communication in visual-somatosensory cortical networks of Brown Norway rat | |
Kay Sieben, Ileana Hanganu-Opatz |
Changes in temporal binding related to decreased vestibular input | |
Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang, Alex Kramer Malone, Timothy Everett Hullar |
Recovery Periods of Event-Related Potentials Indicating Crossmodal Interactions Between the Visual, Auditory and Tactile System | |
Marlene Hense, Boukje Habets, Brigitte Roeder |
Intramodal and crossmodal refracory effects: Evidence from oscillatory brain activity | |
Davide Bottari, Sophie Rohlf, Marlene Hense, Boukje Habets, Brigitte Roeder |
Examining tactile spatial remapping using transcranial magnetic stimulation | |
Jared Medina, Shaan Khurshid, Roy H. Hamilton, H. Branch Coslett |
Migraine, motion sensitivity, and temporal binding | |
Timothy Everett Hullar, Alexander Kremer Malone, Spencer Benjamin Smith, Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang |
Magdalena Chechlacz, Anna Terry, Pia Rotshtein, Wai-Ling Bickerton, Glyn Humphreys |
Intra- and crossmodal refractory effects in auditory and somatosensory ERPs | |
Boukje Habets, Marlene Hense, Davide Bottari, Brigitte Roeder |
An Acquired Deficit of Intermodal Temporal Processing for Audiovisual Speech: A Case Study | |
Daniel Drebing, Jared Medina, Branch Coslett, Jeffrey T. Shenton, Roy Hamilton |
Multisensory Cueing and the Attention Network Test in Aging | |
Jeannette R. Mahoney, Joe Verghese, Kristina Dumas, Cuiling Wang, Roee Holtzer |
Other fields
Providing a human user artificial ability to control their eyes independently with various eye movement patterns | |
Fumio Mizuno, Tomoaki Hayasaka, Takami Yamaguchi |