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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Hearing voices then seeing lips: fragmentation and renormalisation of subjective timing in the McGurk illusion
Elliot David Freeman, Alberta Ipser
Telling the time with audiovisual speech and non-speech: Does the brain use multiple clocks?
Alberta Ipser, Diana Paunoiu, Elliot Freeman
Effects of full body vibration on the perceived sense of verisimilitude and sense of presence
Shuichi Sakamoto, Gen Hasegawa, Akio Honda, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba
Crossmodal correspondences in natural language: distribution of phonemes and consonant-vowel patterns in Serbian words denoting round and angular objects
Olivera Ilic, Vanja Kovic, Dragan Jankovic
The rubber hand illusion and the tactile Simon effect
Michael Iannacone, Jared Medina
Time course of audio-visual phoneme identification: A cross-modal Gating study
Carolina Sánchez-García, Sonia Kandel, Christophe Savariaux, Nara Ikumi, Salvador Soto-Faraco