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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

When vision is not an option: development of haptic-auditory integration
Karin Petrini, Alicia Remark, Louise Smith, Marko Nardini
Inefficient cross-sensory temporal integration in older persons with a history of falling
Fiona N. Newell
Interactions between apparent motion rivalry in vision and touch
Verena Conrad, Marco Pino Vitello, Uta Noppeney
Developmental Processes in Audiovisual Object Recognition and Object Location
Maeve Mary Barrett, Fiona N. Newell
Is maintaining balance during standing associated with inefficient audio-visual integration in older adults?
John Stapleton, Emer P. Doheny, Annalisa Setti, Clodagh Cunningham, Lisa Crosby, Rose Anne Kenny, Fiona N. Newell
Hand ownership and hand position in the rubber hand illusion are uncorrelated
Nicholas Paul Holmes, Tamar Makin, Michelle Cadieux, Claire Williams, Katherine R. Naish, Charles Spence, David I. Shore
Modifying infants' sensitivity to audiovisual temporal mismatch
Ferran Pons, Maria Teixidó, Joel Garcia-Morera, Jordi Navarra
Within and cross-sensory interactions in the perceived attractiveness of unfamiliar faces
Brendan Cullen, Fiona N Newell
Human sounds facilitates conscious processing of emotional faces
Bernard M. C. Stienen, Fiona N. Newell
Response type and sex differences in a tactile temporal order judgment task with tools
Abigail Novick, Nicola Fiddes, Eleanor Huber, Tucker Smith, Jared Medina
Spatial recoding of sound: Pitch-varying auditory cues modulate up/down visual spatial attention
Irune Fernández-Prieto, Fátima Vera-Constán, Joel García-Morera, Jordi Navarra
The effect of balance training on audio-visual integration in older adults
Niamh A. Merriman, Caroline Whyatt, Annalisa Setti, Nicholas Gillian, William Young, Stuart Ferguson, Cathy Craig, Fiona N. Newell
Roll rate thresholds in driving simulation
Alessandro Nesti, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Heinrich H Bülthoff, Paolo Pretto
Auditory effects to complement the absence of visual information
Tomoaki Nakamura, Yukio Pegio Gunji
Sources of Variance in the Audiovisual Perception of Speech in Noise
Celina C. Nahanni, Justin M. Deonarine, Martin Paré, Kevin G. Munhall


Audiovisual stimulus-driven contributions to spatial orienting in ecologically valid situations: an fMRI study
Davide Nardo, Valerio Santangelo, Emiliano Macaluso
Different classes of audiovisual correspondences are processed at distinct levels of the cortical hierarchy
Uta Noppeney, Ruth Adam, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Joost X Maier, HweeLing Lee, Sebastian Werner, Dirk Ostwald, Richard Lewis, Verena Conrad
Processing of audiovisual phonological incongruency depends on awareness
Ruth Adam, Uta Noppeney


Predictable variations in auditory pitch modulate the spatial processing of visual stimuli: an ERP study
Fátima Vera-Constán, Irune Fernández, Joel García, Jordi Navarra
Multisensory processing in synesthesia – Differences in the EEG signal during uni- and multimodal processing
Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Daniel Wiswede, Hinderk M Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Gregor R Szycik
Multisensory Processes in the synaesthetic brain – An event-related potential study in multisensory competition situations
Janina Neufeld, Christopher Sinke, Daniel Wiswede, Hinderk Meiners Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Gregor Raphael Szycik