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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Telling the time with audiovisual speech and non-speech: Does the brain use multiple clocks?
Alberta Ipser, Diana Paunoiu, Elliot Freeman
Now you see it, now you don’t: design dependant sound symbolism effect in categorization studies
Vanja Kovic, Jovana Pejovic
The influence of the feel of the container on the perception of food within
Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, Charles Spence
The development of intramodal and crossmodal temporal order judgments
Brigitte Roeder, Birthe Pagel, Tobias Heed
The interplay between multisensory integration and attention in children
Ayla Barutchu, Sarah Toohey, Mohit N Shivdasani, Antonio G Paolini
When vision is not an option: development of haptic-auditory integration
Karin Petrini, Alicia Remark, Louise Smith, Marko Nardini
The role of visual experience for spatial numerical associations
Michael J Proulx, Achille Pasqualotto, Shuichiro Taya
The role of visual experience in spatial reference frame preference
Achille Pasqualotto
Multisensory integration in body perception is unaffected by concurrent interoceptive and exteroceptive tasks
stefania cannella, alessia folegatti, massimiliano zampini, francesco pavani
Infant perception of audiovisual synchrony in fluent speech
Ferran Pons, David Lewkowicz
Sounds prevent selective monitoring of high spatial frequency channels in vision
Alexis Pérez-Bellido, Joan López-Moliner, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Modifying infants' sensitivity to audiovisual temporal mismatch
Ferran Pons, Maria Teixidó, Joel Garcia-Morera, Jordi Navarra
Objective and Subjective Evaluations of Flight Simulator Fidelity
Li Wong, Georg Meyer, Emma Timson, Philip Perfect, Mark White
The effect of task-irrelevant stimulus “graspability” on reaching actions
Samuel Couth, Ellen Poliakoff, Emma Gowen
Scrutinizing integrative effects in multi-stimuli detection task
mario pannunzi, alexis Perez Bellido, Alexandre Pereda Baños, Joan Lopez Moliner, Gustavo Deco, Salvador Soto-Faraco
The effect of eccentric gaze on tactile localization on areas of the body that cannot be seen
Michael James Carnevale, Lisa Marie Pritchett, Laurence Roy Harris
Auditory signal dominates visual in the perception of emotional social interactions.
Lukasz Piwek, Karin Petrini, Frank Earl Pollick
Investigations into visually-induced somatic amplification
Kirsten J McKenzie, Ellen Poliakoff, Stephen Puntis, Adam Lawrence, Richard J Brown, Donna M LLoyd
Roll rate thresholds in driving simulation
Alessandro Nesti, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Heinrich H Bülthoff, Paolo Pretto
Fear-specific modulation of tactile perception is disrupted after amygdala lesions
Caterina Bertini, Claudia Passamonti, Cristina Scarpazza, Elisabetta Ladavas
Body and gaze centered coding of touch locations during a dynamic task
Lisa Marie Pritchett, Michael J Carnevale, Laurence R Harris
Auditory-visual, positional, and semantic effects in visual extraction of slope
Marcia Grabowecky, Stacey Parrott, Emmanuel Guzman-Martinez, Laura Ortega, Satoru Suzuki
Sources of Variance in the Audiovisual Perception of Speech in Noise
Celina C. Nahanni, Justin M. Deonarine, Martin Paré, Kevin G. Munhall
Two-point touch discrimination depends on the perceived length of the arm
Laurence R. Harris, Sarah D'Amour, Lisa Marie Pritchett


Combining fiber tracking and functional brain imaging for revealing brain networks involved in auditory-visual integration in humans
Anton L Beer, Tina Plank, Evangelia-Regkina Symeonidou, Georg Meyer, Mark W. Greenlee


Updating Expectencies about Audiovisual Associations in Speech
Tim Paris, Jeesun Kim, Christopher Davis

Other fields

Crossmodal correspondences
Cesare Valerio Parise
Acquiring object affordances through touch, vision, and language
Argiro Vatakis, Katerina Pastra, Panagiotis Dimitrakis