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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

A weighty matter: The effect of spoon size and weight on food perception
Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence
The influence of the feel of the container on the perception of food within
Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, Charles Spence
Crossmodal correspondences between chemosensory stimuli and musical notes
Anne-Sylvie Crisinel, Charles Spence
Plasticity in multisensory body representations after amputation and prosthesis implantation
Elisa Canzoneri, Elisa Magosso, Amedeo Amoresano, Andrea Serino
The build-up and transfer of sensorimotor temporal recalibration measured via a synchronization task
Yoshimori Sugano, Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen
Sensorimotor temporal recalibration within and across limbs
Kielan Yarrow, Ingvild Sverdrup-Stueland, Derek Arnold
Audiovisual synchrony perception of walkers as a function of distance and depth cues
Carlos César Silva, Jorge Almeida Santos
An invisible speaker can facilitate auditory speech perception
Marcia Grabowecky, Emmanuel Guzman-Martinez, Laura Ortega, Satoru Suzuki
The interplay between multisensory integration and attention in children
Ayla Barutchu, Sarah Toohey, Mohit N Shivdasani, Antonio G Paolini
Preverbal infants experience sound-shape correspondences
Alan Michael Slater, Dina Lew, Gavin Bremner, Peter Walker
When vision is not an option: development of haptic-auditory integration
Karin Petrini, Alicia Remark, Louise Smith, Marko Nardini
Temporal Processing of Self-Motion: Translations Are Processed Slower than Rotations
Florian Soyka, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Heinrich H Bülthoff
It feels like it’s me: interpersonal multisensory stimulation enhances visual remapping of touch from other to self
Flavia Cardini, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Andrea Serino, Manos Tsakiris
Exploring synaesthetes' mental imagery abilities across multiple sensory modalities
Mary Jane Spiller
Observing social stimuli influences detection of subtle somatic sensations differently for pain synaesthetes and controls.
Sophie Vandenbroucke, Geert Crombez, Dimitri Van Ryckeghem, Vanessa Harrar, Liesbet Goubert, Charles Spence, Wouter Durnez, Stefaan van Damme
Investigating task and modality switching costs using bimodal stimuli
Raj Sandhu, Ben Dyson
Influence of visual cues on localization of acoustic sound sources in old adults
Claudia Freigang, Marc Stoehr, Kristina Schmiedchen, Jan Bennemann, Rudolf Ruebsamen
Complexity of sensorimotor transformations alters hand perception
Christine Sutter, Stefan Ladwig, Sandra Sülzenbrück
Assessing audiovisual saliency and visual-information content in the articulation of consonants and vowels on audiovisual temporal perception
Argiro Vatakis, Charles Spence
Sounds prevent selective monitoring of high spatial frequency channels in vision
Alexis Pérez-Bellido, Joan López-Moliner, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Perceptual calibration to delayed auditory feedback of self-body movement
Koichi TOIDA, Kanako UENO, Sotaro SHIMADA
Is maintaining balance during standing associated with inefficient audio-visual integration in older adults?
John Stapleton, Emer P. Doheny, Annalisa Setti, Clodagh Cunningham, Lisa Crosby, Rose Anne Kenny, Fiona N. Newell
Hand ownership and hand position in the rubber hand illusion are uncorrelated
Nicholas Paul Holmes, Tamar Makin, Michelle Cadieux, Claire Williams, Katherine R. Naish, Charles Spence, David I. Shore
Improved tactile acuity following perceptual learning generalises to untrained fingers
Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence, Tamar Makin
The influence of time prediction on modality expectancy
Stefanie Mühlberg, Manuela Ruzzoli, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Is A always red? Multisensory integration of synesthetic stimuli in synesthetes and non-synesthetes
Miketa Arvaniti, Noam Sagiv, Lucille Lecoutre, Argiro Vatakis
Emmanuel Biau, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Scrutinizing integrative effects in multi-stimuli detection task
mario pannunzi, alexis Perez Bellido, Alexandre Pereda Baños, Joan Lopez Moliner, Gustavo Deco, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Effects of full body vibration on the perceived sense of verisimilitude and sense of presence
Shuichi Sakamoto, Gen Hasegawa, Akio Honda, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba
Human sounds facilitates conscious processing of emotional faces
Bernard M. C. Stienen, Fiona N. Newell
Remapping of touch in the blind for current, but not for planned postures
Jonathan Schubert, Brigitte Roeder, Tobias Heed
Response type and sex differences in a tactile temporal order judgment task with tools
Abigail Novick, Nicola Fiddes, Eleanor Huber, Tucker Smith, Jared Medina
Natural scenes have matched amplitude-modulated sounds that systematically influence visual scanning
Marcia Grabowecky, Aleksandra Sherman, Satoru Susuki
TMS entrainment of pre-stimulus oscillatory activity in tactile perception.
Manuela Ruzzoli, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Influence of selective attention to sound in multisensory integration
Luis Morís Fernández, Maya Visser, Salvador Soto-Faraco
The effect of balance training on audio-visual integration in older adults
Niamh A. Merriman, Caroline Whyatt, Annalisa Setti, Nicholas Gillian, William Young, Stuart Ferguson, Cathy Craig, Fiona N. Newell
Visual benefit in bimodal training with highly distorted speech sound
Mika Sato, Tetsuaki Kawase, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki, Toshimitsu Kobayashi
Synchronisation and correction of stepping to phase-perturbed multisensory metronome cues
Rachel L Wright, Mark T Elliott, Laura C Spurgeon, Alan M Wing
The size of the ventriloquist effect is modulated by emotional valence
Mario Maiworm, Marina Bellantoni, Charles Spence, Brigitte Roeder
Fear-specific modulation of tactile perception is disrupted after amygdala lesions
Caterina Bertini, Claudia Passamonti, Cristina Scarpazza, Elisabetta Ladavas
Haptic object recognition is influenced by the orientation of the body relative to gravity
Michael Barnett-Cowan, Jody C Culham, Jacqueline C Snow
Direct comparison of the haptic and visual horizontal-vertical illusions using traditional figures and single lines
jacqui howell, mark symmons, george van doorn
From observation to enactment: Can dance experience enhance multisensory temporal integration?
Helena Sgouramani, Chris Muller, Leon van Noorden, Marc Leman, Argiro Vatakis
The Impact of Imagery-Evoking Category Labels on Perceived Variety
Tamara Leigh Ansons, Aradhna Krishna, Norbert Schwarz
Restricted recovery of external remapping of tactile stimuli after restoring vision in a congenitally blind man
Pia Ley, Davide Bottari, Bhamy Hariprasad Shenoy, Ramesh Kekunnaya, Brigitte Roeder
‘Visual’ acuity of the congenitally blind using visual-to-auditory sensory substitution
Ella Striem-Amit, Miriam Guendelman, Amir Amedi
Product-related sounds speed visual search
Klemens Knöferle, Charles Spence
Time course of audio-visual phoneme identification: A cross-modal Gating study
Carolina Sánchez-García, Sonia Kandel, Christophe Savariaux, Nara Ikumi, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Auditory-visual, positional, and semantic effects in visual extraction of slope
Marcia Grabowecky, Stacey Parrott, Emmanuel Guzman-Martinez, Laura Ortega, Satoru Suzuki
Aesthetic preferences for tridimensional shapes: a comparison between vision and touch
Roberta Etzi, Charles Spence, Alberto Gallace
Effects of a secondary task and working memory load on multisensory hand position
Katrina Quinn, Francia Acosta-Saltos, Jan W. de Fockert, Charles Spence, Andrew J. Bremner
Where’s Wally? Audio-visual mismatch directs ocular saccades in sensory substitution
Thomas David Wright, Jamie Ward, Sarah Simonon, Aaron Margolis
Temporal rate adaptation transfers cross-modally at a subconscious level
Charlotte Ling Yang, Noelle R. B. Stiles, Carmel A. Levitan, Shinsuke Shimojo
Exploring the Sensory Basis of Developmental Dyspraxia in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Stefanie Bodison, Terrence D. Sanger


Audiovisual stimulus-driven contributions to spatial orienting in ecologically valid situations: an fMRI study
Davide Nardo, Valerio Santangelo, Emiliano Macaluso
Combining fiber tracking and functional brain imaging for revealing brain networks involved in auditory-visual integration in humans
Anton L Beer, Tina Plank, Evangelia-Regkina Symeonidou, Georg Meyer, Mark W. Greenlee
Neural mechanisms of intermodal attention in human EEG/MEG
Christian Keitel, Erich Schröger, Matthias M Müller
Different classes of audiovisual correspondences are processed at distinct levels of the cortical hierarchy
Uta Noppeney, Ruth Adam, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Joost X Maier, HweeLing Lee, Sebastian Werner, Dirk Ostwald, Richard Lewis, Verena Conrad
Can maladaptive cortical plasticity form new sensory experiences? Revisiting phantom pain.
Tamar R Makin, Jan Scholz, Nicola Filippini, David Henderson Slater, Irene Tracey, Heidi Johansen-Berg
Multisensory objects and the orienting of spatial attention
Serena Mastroberardino, Valerio Santangelo, Emiliano Macaluso
Electrophysiological correlates of tactile and visual perception during goal-directed movement
Georgiana Juravle, Tobias Heed, Charles Spence, Brigitte Roeder


Plasticity in the acquisition of multisensory integration capabilities in superior colliculus
Barry Edward Stein, Liping Yu, Jinghong Xu, Benjamin Andrew Rowland
Multisensory processing in synesthesia – Differences in the EEG signal during uni- and multimodal processing
Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Daniel Wiswede, Hinderk M Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Gregor R Szycik
Crossmodal stimulation influences communication in visual-somatosensory cortical networks of Brown Norway rat
Kay Sieben, Ileana Hanganu-Opatz
Multisensory Processes in the synaesthetic brain – An event-related potential study in multisensory competition situations
Janina Neufeld, Christopher Sinke, Daniel Wiswede, Hinderk Meiners Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Gregor Raphael Szycik
Cross-sensory cuing drives cross-frequency neural coupling, dramatically altering performance of a taxing visual-detection task.
Foxe J. John, Adam C. Snyder, Manuel M. Mercier, John S. Butler, Sophie Molholm, Ian C. Fiebelkorn
Early Auditory sensory processing is facilitated by visual mechanisms
Sonja Schall, Stefan J. Kiebel, Burkhard Maess, Katharina von Kriegstein
Auditory modulation of oscillatory activity in extra-striate visual cortex and its contribution to audio-visual multisensory integration: A human intracranial EEG study
Manuel R. Mercier, John J. Foxe, Ian C. Fiebelkorn, John S. Butler, Theodore H. Schwartz, Sophie Molholm
The hands have it: hand-specific vision of touch enhances touch perception and somatosensory evoked potentials
Brenda Malcolm, Karen Reilly, Jérémie Mattout, Roméo Salemme, Olivier Bertrand, Michael S. Beauchamp, Tony Ro, Alessandro Farnè


Migraine, motion sensitivity, and temporal binding
Timothy Everett Hullar, Alexander Kremer Malone, Spencer Benjamin Smith, Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang
ERP evidence for crossmodal interactions during the encoding of audio-visual motion offsets
Kristina Schmiedchen, Nicole Richter, Stephan Getzmann, Erich Schröger, Rudolf Rübsamen
An Acquired Deficit of Intermodal Temporal Processing for Audiovisual Speech: A Case Study
Daniel Drebing, Jared Medina, Branch Coslett, Jeffrey T. Shenton, Roy Hamilton