Note: This page only applies to authors whose submissions have been accepted in the First Call and cannot attend the extended conference.

Oral Presentation (Symposium and Talk)

The authors prepare a presentation file with embedded audio narration and send it to the organization committee ( by e-mail. We put your audio-visual presentation file on the screen as a formal presentation in a designated session. You may receive feedbacks or questions from audiences and make discussions with them via e-mail after the presentation.

Poster Presentation

The authors prepare a poster file and send it to the organization committee ( by e-mail. We print out your poster and display it as a formal presentation in a designated session. If you prepare an additional audio narration file, we may present it to audiences via PC or digital audio player. You may receive feedbacks or questions from audiences and make discussions with them via e-mail after the presentation.

Presentation Charge

The registration fee for the virtual presentation (discounts from the normal charge) is as follows:

  • Student (early registration): ¥15000 
  • Faculty (early registration): ¥25000 
  • Student (late registration): ¥20000 
  • Faculty (late registration): ¥30000

Please refer to the Instructions for Virtual Presentations page for more detailed instructions for the virtual presentation.