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Symposium: Multisensory integration from neurons to behavior; bridging the gap via computational models (Monday PM)

Modeling the temporal profile of multisensory integration
Benjamin A. Rowland, Terrence R. Stanford, Barry E. Stein
A computational model of the SC multisensory neurons: integrative capabilities, maturation and plasticity
Cristiano Cuppini, Mauro Ursino, Elisa Magosso, Benjamin A. Rowland, Barry E. Stein

Symposium: Human Movement, Motor Learning and Sensory Plasticity (Tuesday AM)

Sensorimotor Interactions in Speech Learning
Douglas M Shiller

Symposium: Audiovisual integration: How early does it occur ? (Tuesday PM)

What you see is what you just heard: The effect of temporal rate adaptation on human intersensory perception
Carmel Levitan, Yih-Hsin Alison Ban, Shinsuke Shimojo
Crossmodal contingent aftereffect
Wataru Teramoto, Maori Kobayashi, Souta Hidaka, Yoichi Sugita

Symposium: Effects of proprioceptive and vestibular processing on visual perception (Wednesday AM)

The stream/bounce effect with manual control of moving disks
Philip M Grove, Micah Bernoff, Kenzo Sakurai
Influence of active manipulation of an object on visual motion perception
Kazumichi Matsumiya, Satoshi Shioiri
Perceived direction of self-motion from orthogonally directed visual and vestibular stimulation in passive and active observation.
Kenzo Sakurai, Toshio Kubodera, Philip M. Grove, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki

Symposium: The influences of Multisensory Integration and Attention on Each Other (Thursday AM)

Multisensory contributions to visual motion parsing
Salvador Soto-Faraco

Talk session 1 (Monday AM)

Consistency between modalities enhances visually induced self-motion (vection)
Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga, Emi Hasuo, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Masaki Ogawa

Talk session 2 (Tuesday AM)

Visual and haptic mental rotation
Satoshi Shioiri, Takanori Yamazaki, Kazumichi Matsumiya, Ichiro Kuriki
Haptic Influence on Visual Search
Marcia Grabowecky, Alexandra List, Lucica Iordanescu, Satoru Suzuki
Tactile working memory outside our hands
Takako Yoshida, Hong Tan, Charles Spence

Talk session 3 (Wednesday AM)

Crossmodal correspondences
Charles Spence, Cesare Parise, Ophelia Deroy
Ensemble coding in audition
Elise Piazza, Timothy Sweeny, David Wessel, David Whitney
Direct contribution of auditory motion information to sound-induced visual motion perception
Souta Hidaka, Wataru Teramoto, Yoichi Sugita, Yuko Manaka, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yôiti Suzuki

Talk session 4 (Thursday AM)

Effects of Visual Food Texture on Taste Perception
Katsunori Okajima, Charles Spence

Keynote 1 (Monday PM)

Transcending the Self – The Illusion of Body Ownership in Immersive Virtual Reality and its Impact on Behaviour
Mel Slater

Keynote 2 (Tuesday PM)

How the blind “See” Braille and the deaf “hear” sign: Lessons from fMRI on the cross-modal plasticity, integration, and learning
Norihiro Sadato

Student award session (Wednesday PM)

A multi-sensory illusion: Hong Kong Peak Tram Illusion (II) – Subjective Vertical
Hiu Mei Chow, Ping-Hui Chiu, Chia-huei Tseng, Lothar Spillmann
Context and Crossmodal Interactions: An ERP Study
Beatriz R. Sarmiento, Daniel Sanabria
Attention modulates the neural processes underlying multisensory integration of emotion
Hao Tam Ho, Erich Schröger, Sonja A. Kotz
A ventral visual stream reading center independent of sensory modality and visual experience
LIOR REICH, Ella Striem-Amit, Marcin Szwed, Ornella Dakwar, Miri Guendelman, Laurent Cohen, Amir Amedi
What is sensory about multi-sensory enhancement of vision by sounds?
Alexis Pérez-Bellido, Salvador Soto-Faraco, Joan López-Moliner
Crossmodal semantic constraints on visual perception of binocular rivalry
Yi-Chuan Chen, Su-Ling Yeh, Charles Spence
Multisensory integration: When correlation implies causation
Cesare Valerio Parise, Vanessa Harrar, Charles Spence, Marc Ernst

Poster (Monday)

Enhanced audiovisual processing in people with one eye: Unaltered by increased temporal load
Stefania Siera Moro, Jennifer K. E Steeves
Leslie Dowell Kwakye, Brittany C Schneider, Mark T Wallace
The multisensory temporal binding window: Perceptual fusion, training, and autism
Ryan Andrew Stevenson, Mark T. Wallace
Perceived congruence between the changing patterns of a visual image and pitch of a sound
Ki-Hong Kim, Xun Su, Shin-ichiro Iwamiya
Audio-visual peripheral localization disparity
Ryota Miyauchi, Dae-Gee Kang, Yukio Iwaya, Yôiti Suzuki
A cross-linguistic ERP examination of audiovisual speech perception between English and Japanese
Satoko Hisanaga, Kaoru Sekiyama, Tomohiko Igasaki, Nobuki Murayama
Self-Voice, but not Self-Face, reduces the McGurk Effect
Christopher Aruffo, David I Shore
Audiovisual Modulation of Attention Towards Fearful Stimuli
Martijn Balsters, Emiel Krahmer, Marc Swerts, Ad Vingerhoets
Effects of Facial Expressions on Recognizing Emotions in Dance Movements
Implicit mood induction and scope of visual processing
Kei Fuji, Hirotsune Sato, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Masayoshi Nagai
Superior Temporal Activity for the Retrieval Process of Auditory-Word Associations
Toshimune Kambara, Takashi Tsukiura, Rui Nouchi, Yayoi Shigemune, Yukihito Yomogida, Akitake Kanno, Ryuta Kawashima
The sense of verisimilitude has different spatial-temporal characteristics from those producing the sense of presence in the evaluation process of audiovisual contents
Takayuki Kanda, Akio Honda, Hiroshi Shibata, Nobuko Asai, Wataru Teramoto, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yukio Iwaya, Jiro Gyoba, Yôiti Suzuki
Multi-Sensory-Motor Research: Investigating Auditory, Visual and Motor Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
Thorsten Kluss, Niclas Schult, Tim Hantel, Christoph Zetzsche, Kerstin Schill
Tactile change blindness induced by tactile and visual distractors
Malika Auvray, Alberto Gallace, Takako Yoshida, Charles Spence
Critical factors for inducing curved somatosensory saccades
Tamami Nakano, Shigefumi Neshime, Yuri Shojima, Shigeru Kitazawa
Auditory modulation of somatosensory spatial judgments in various body regions and locations
Yukiomi Nozoe, Kaoru Sekiyama, Wataru Teramoto
Distortion of auditory space during linear self-motion
Wataru Teramoto, Fumimasa Furune, Shuichi Sakamoto, Jiro Gyoba, Yo-iti Suzuki
Detection thresholds of sound image movement deteriorate during sound localization
Kagesho OHBA, Yukio IWAYA, Akio HONDA, Yôiti SUZUKI
The effect of oddball events on time perception
Qiongyao Shao, Tadayuki Tayama
Cross-Modal Perception in the Framework of Non-Riemannian Sensory Space
Masaru Shimbo, Jun Toyama, Masashi Shimbo
An experiment of soft metrology about the influence of visual and auditory disturbing factors on human performance
Laura Rossi, Alessandro Schiavi, Paola Iacomussi, Giuseppe Rossi, Arianna Astolfi

Poster (Tuesday)

Interaction between space and effectiveness in multisensory integration: behavioral and perceptual measures
Aaron R Nidiffer, Ryan A Stevenson, Juliane Krueger-Fister, Zachary P Barnett, Mark T Wallace
Multisensory interactions across spatial location and temporal synchrony
Ryan Andrew Stevenson, Juliane Krueger Fister, Zachary P. Barnett, Aaron R. Nidiffer, Mark T. Wallace
Influence of auditory stimulation on visual action perception
Matthias Bischoff, Britta Lorey, Sebastian Pilgramm, Karen Zentgraf, Rudolf Stark, Dieter Vaitl, Jörn Munzert
Localisation of moving audio-visual objects in free-field
Kristina Schmiedchen, Nicole Richter, Claudia Freigang, Ines Nitsche, Rudolf Rübsamen
Effects of auditory stimuli on visual velocity perception
Michiaki Shibata, Jiro Gyoba
A fundamental study on influence of concurrently presented visual stimulus upon loudness perception
koji abe, shota tsujimura, shouichi takane, kanji watanabe, sojun sato
Visual target localization, the effect of allocentric audiovisual reference frame
David Hartnagel, Julien Chataignier, Lionel Pellieux, Patrick M.B. Sandor
Audio-visual integration modifies emotional judgment in music
Shen-Yuan Su, Su-Ling Yeh
Red is no warmer than blue: A challenge to the semantic coding hypothesis
George Van Doorn, Mark Symmons, Barry Richardson
Plasticity in body and space representations after amputation and prosthesis implantation
Elisa Canzoneri, Elisa Magosso, Amedeo Amoresano, Andrea Serino
Similarity and difference in symmetry between the visual and haptic motional representations
Mitsumasa Takahashi, Kazumichi Matsumiya, Ichiro Kuriki, Rumi Tokunaga, Satoshi Shioiri
Biphasic Alpha Lateralization in Pro- and Anti-Saccade task: Electrophysiological Evidence of Overlapping Attentional Mechanisms.
Daniel Belyusar, Adam C Snyder, Hans-Peter Frey, John J Foxe
Integration of visual and vestibular information used to discriminate rotational self-motion
Florian Soyka, Ksander de Winkel, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Eric Groen, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
Riding a motorcycle simulator: how do visual and non-visual cues contribute to the illusion of leaning in a bend.
Virginie Dagonneau, Régis Lobjois, Stéphane Caro, Amit Shahar, Isabelle Israël
Psychophysical Influence of Mixed-Reality Visual Stimulation on Sense of Center-Of-Gravity
Hiroki Omosako, Asako Kimura, Fumihisa Shibata, Hideyuki Tamura
The effects of head movement and accurate proprioceptive feedback in training of sound localization
Akio Honda, Hiroshi SHIBATA, Souta HIDAKA, Jiro GYOBA, Yukio IWAYA, Yôiti SUZUKI
Sound localization in the coexistence of visually induced self-motion and vestibular information
Hideaki TERASHIMA, Zhenglie CUI, Shuichi SAKAMOTO, Yukio IWAYA, Yoiti SUZUKI
Modulation of motion perception of ipsilateral tactile stimuli using sound
Yuika Suzuki, Yousuke Kawachi
Consistent wind facilitates vection
Masaki Ogawa, Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga
Interactions between flavor and taste: Using dashi soup as a taste stimulus
Nobuyuki Sakai, Manami Fujimoto, Megumi Murata
The effect of the presence of an observer on prefrontal cortex during a driving video game: A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Tao Liu, Hirofumi Saito, Misato Oi
multimodal Social networks Video content indexing
feryel souami
Effects of lighting direction on the impression of faces and objects and the role of gaze direction in the impression-forming
Keiichi Horibata, Qian Shang, Kanami Narita, Haruo Hibino, Shinichi Koyama
Affective Priming caused by Lying
Megumi SATO

Poster (Wednesday)

Multisensory illusions and the temporal binding window
Ryan Andrew Stevenson, Raquel K. Zemtsov, Mark T. Wallace
Interplay of multisensory processing, attention, and consciousness as revealed by bistable figures
Su-Ling Yeh, Jhih-Yun Hsiao, Yi-Chuan Chen, Charles Spence
Synchronous Sounds Enhance Visual Sensitivity without Reducing Target Uncertainty
Yi-Chuan Chen, Pi-Chun Huang, Su-Ling Yeh, Charles Spence
The characteristics of visual and tactual activities after the congenital cataract operation.
Masaharu Sasaki
Extended peripersonal space in professional fencers
Andrea Serino, Elisa Canzoneri, Fabrizio Leo, Camilla Furetta, Elisabetta Làdavas
Eriko Shibata, Fuminari Kaneko, Tatsuya Hayami, Keita Nagahata, Masaki Katayose
The build-up course of visuo-motor and audio-motor temporal recalibration
Yoshimori Sugano, Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen
Purposeful goal-directed movements give rise to higher tactile discrimination performance
Georgiana Juravle, Charles Spence
The Effect of Fatigued External Rotator Muscles of the Shoulder on the Shoulder Position Sense
Naoya Iida, Fuminari Kaneko, Nobuhiro Aoki, Yoshinari Sakaki
Eye movement-related activity in and below the macaque auditory cortex.
Yoshinao Kajikawa, Charles Schroeder
Spatial Alignment of the Senses: The Role of Audition in Eye-Hand-Coordination
Thorsten Kluss, Niclas Schult, Kerstin Schill, Christoph Zetzsche, Manfred Fahle
Effects of compression by means of sports socks on the ankle kinesthesia
Tatsuya Hayami, Fuminari Kaneko, Naoya Iida, Eriko Shibata, Nobuhiro Aoki, Takashi Miura, Tetsuji Iwasaki
What and how you see affects your appetite
Hsin-I Liao, Shinsuke Shimojo, Szu-Chi Huang, Su-Ling Yeh
Color congruent odorant is perceived prominently in mixture odor
Mari ARAO, Maya SUZUKI, Jun'ichi KATAYAMA, Akihiro YAGI
Tasting with eyes.
Nobuyuki Sakai
Visually perceived fat content of foods affects response time
Vanessa Harrar, Ulrike Toepel, Micah Murray, Charles Spence
Similarities in affective processing and aesthetic preference of visual, auditory and gustatory stimuli
Dragan Jankovic, Jasmina Stevanov
Stimulation with an intermittent fragrance relieves the sleepiness of a driver.
Kenji SUSAMI, Chika Oshima, Kayoko Muto, Hiroshi Ando, Noriyoshi Matsuo
Brain network involved in the recognition of facial expressions of emotion in the early blind
Ryo Kitada, Yuko Okamoto, Akihiro T Sasaki, Takanori Kochiyama, Motohide Miyahara, Susan Lederman, Norihiro Sadato