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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Oliver M Toskovic
Summation of duration within and across senses
Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe
Motor commands induce time compression for tactile stimuli
Alice Tomassini, Monica Gori, Gabriel Baud-Bovy, Giulio Sandini, Maria Concetta Morrone
The influence of temporal regularities and cross-modal temporal cues on auditory detection
Sanne Ten Oever, Charles Schroeder, David Poeppel, Nienke Van Atteveldt, Elana Zion-Golumbic
Audiovisual onset differences are used to determine the identity of ambiguous syllables
Sanne Ten Oever, Alexander Sack, Katherine L Wheat, Nina Bien, Nienke van Atteveldt
The effect of blindfolding on sound localization
Patrice Voss, Vanessa Tabry, Robert J Zatorre
Spatial magnitude modulates the perceived duration of oddballs: Evidence against attentional theories of the oddball effect
Devin Blair Terhune
Distortion of auditory space during visually induced self-acceleration
Wataru Teramoto, Zhenglie Cui, Kazuki Moishi, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yo-iti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba
EyeMusic: A Colorful Experience for the Blind
Sami Abboud, Shlomi Hanassy, Shelly Levy-Tzedek, Dina Tauber, Shachar Maidenbaum, Amir Amedi


The neural bases of cross-modal correspondences: reality or wishful thinking?
Antonia Thelen, Sarah Amrein, Micah M Murray
Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of sight restoration after longstanding visual deprivation
Giulia Dormal, Franco Lepore, Mona Harissi-Dagher, Geneviève Albouy, Alan Tucholska, Armando Bertone, Bruno Rossion, Olivier Collignon
(Non)sensory reorganisation following arm amputation.
Tamar Makin, Nicola Filippini, Jan Scholz, Eugene Duff, David Henderson Slatere, Irene Tracey, Heidi Johansen-Berg
Emotional valence modulates object-related audiovisual processing in the human brain
Alexandra Tinnermann, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Grit Hein
Subcortical, Modality-Specific Pathways Contribute to Multisensory Processing in Humans
Rudy van den Brink, Mike X. Cohen, Erik van der Burg, Durk Talsma, Vissers Marlies, Heleen A. Slagter


Multisensory integration in ferret auditory cortex: Effects of inactivating visual cortex
Stephen Town, Katherine Wood, Jennifer Bizley


Multisensory flexibility within a perceptual system reorganized by crossmodal plasticity
Benedetta Heimler, Francesca Baruffaldi, Roberta Taddei, Francesco Pavani
Activity in superior colliculus during rubber hand illusion unravel network articulating body-part and full-body illusions processing: an fMRI study
Isadora Olivé, Claus Tempelmann, Hans-Jochen Heinze

Other fields

How to better communicate the sensory properties of a set of products? An application on crisps.
David Blumenthal, Aurélie Trochoux, Jean-Marc Sieffermann