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Psychophysics / Experimental Psychology

Alternating speed on dance videos influences duration judgments in dancers and non-dancers
Helena Sgouramani, Argiro Vatakis
Cross-modal associations between vision, touch and audition influence visual search through top-down attention not bottom-up capture.
Emily Orchard-Mills, Erik Van der Burg, David Alais
Sound speeds vision through preparation, not integration
Sander Los, Erik Van der Burg
Proprioception can contribute to the localization of visual targets for goal-directed movements.
Marieke C.W. van der Graaff, Eli Brenner, Jeroen B.J. Smeets
Motor-movements driving visual motion perception
Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen
Adaptation to audiovisual asynchrony occurs rapidly
Erik Van der Burg, David Alais, John Cass
The influence of temporal regularities and cross-modal temporal cues on auditory detection
Sanne Ten Oever, Charles Schroeder, David Poeppel, Nienke Van Atteveldt, Elana Zion-Golumbic
Audiovisual onset differences are used to determine the identity of ambiguous syllables
Sanne Ten Oever, Alexander Sack, Katherine L Wheat, Nina Bien, Nienke van Atteveldt
Concurrent sensorimotor adaptation for different delays measured via a tapping task
Yoshimori Sugano, Mirjam Keetels, Jean Vroomen
When the brain fails to recalibrate audiovisual simultaneity: hysteresis in synchrony perception
Anne Kösem, Jean-Rémy Martin, Virginie van Wassenhove
The effect of blindfolding on sound localization
Patrice Voss, Vanessa Tabry, Robert J Zatorre
Exogenous auditory cues decrease audiovisual integration of simple lights and sounds.
Nathan Van der Stoep, Marieke A. Janssen, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Tanja C. W. Nijboer
Audiovisual temporal integration: a freezing effect from rhythms with continuously shifting phases
Manuel Vidal
Children do not recalibrate motor-sensory temporal order after exposure to delayed sensory feedback
Tiziana Vercillo, David Charles Burr, Giulio Sandini, Monica Gori
Temporal recalibration involves adaptation at two time scales
David Alais, John Cass, Erik van der Burg
Tactile feedback improves auditory spatial localization
Monica Gori, Tiziana Vercillo, Giulio Sandini, David Burr
The effect of deafness and musical training on perception of space
Zaira Cattaneo, Tomaso Vecchi, Carlo Cecchetto, Costanza Papagno
The detection of tactile stimuli while observing another in pain in chronic pain patients and controls
Sophie Vandenbroucke, Liesbet Goubert, Vanessa Harrar
The effect of ageing on acoustic facilitation of object movement detection within optic-flow
Eugenie Roudaia, Finnegan J. Calabro, Lucia M. Vaina, Fiona N. Newell
On the colours of odours: Are the French really so different from the British?
Yelena Maric, Carlos Velasco, Charles Spence, Muriel Jacquot


Contextual control of audiovisual integration in low-level sensory cortices
Nienke M van Atteveldt, Bradley S Peterson, Charles E Schroeder
Orthographic dependency in the neural correlates of reading: Evidence from audiovisual integration in English readers
Nienke M van Atteveldt, Ian D Holloway, Leo Blomert, Daniel Ansari
Selective attention to sound modulates neural activity in areas of audiovisual integration
Luis Morís Fernández, Maya Visser, César Ávila, Salvador Soto-Faraco
Phase encoding of perceived events timing
Anne Kösem, Virginie van Wassenhove
The influence of gender incongruence on the McGurk-percept: a combined behavioural and fMRI study.
Annika Notbohm, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Jason S. Chan
Emotional valence modulates object-related audiovisual processing in the human brain
Alexandra Tinnermann, Marcus J. Naumer, Jasper J.F. van den Bosch, Jochen Kaiser, Grit Hein
Supramodal processing in visual learning and plasticity.
Nicolas Zilber, Philippe Ciuciu, Alexandre Gramfort, Virginie van Wassenhove
Subcortical, Modality-Specific Pathways Contribute to Multisensory Processing in Humans
Rudy van den Brink, Mike X. Cohen, Erik van der Burg, Durk Talsma, Vissers Marlies, Heleen A. Slagter


The feeling of vision: Induction of mirror-touch synaesthesia by increasing of somatosensory cortical excitability
Nadia Bolognini, Carlo Miniussi, Selene Gallo, Giuseppe Vallar
The impact of saliency on overt visual selection in early-deaf adults
Benedetta Heimler, Wieske van Zoest, Francesca Baruffaldi, Pasquale Rinaldi, Maria Cristina Caselli, Francesco Pavani