Abstracts Now Available in i-Perception

Please click here.  
Posted: 2011-11-25

Reschedule Announcement

Prof. Mel Slater's keynote talk extends to Tuesday evening.  The details will be announced during the meeting. Sorry for the inconvenience.  
Posted: 2011-10-15

IMRF2011 Booklet Now Available

Now the pdf file of Program and Abstracts is available. Click here.  
Posted: 2011-10-13

Call for Full Paper Submission

i-PerceptionSpecial Issue “Multisensory Perception” will be published in i-Perception in association with the 2011 IMRF (Yôiti Suzuki as guest editor). All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by 2 or 3 referees. The submission deadline and details will be announced later.  
Posted: 2011-10-04

Abstracts will be available in i-Perception

i-PerceptionAll accepted and presented abstracts will be published in the open-access, online journal i-Perception soon after the conference.
Posted: 2011-10-03

Presentation Instructions

Instructions for Oral and Poster Presenters are here.  
Posted: 2011-09-26 More...


Pre-registration is available on Sunday.  
Posted: 2011-09-13 More...

Presentations & Authors Uploaded

Please visit the presentations page for the exact schedule for each presentation.  
Posted: 2011-09-03

Outline of the conference program uploaded

Please click here. We have accepted over 225 presentations out of the First and Second Call submissions (including symposia) and sent the acceptance notice to each author by August 26, 2011. The exact schedule for each presentation will be announced by the end of August, 2011.  
Posted: 2011-08-26

New Timeline Uploaded

Please pay attention to the Timeline page.  
Posted: 2011-04-13

Important Decision Notice - New date and venue

The IMRF 2011 organizing committee has decided to reschedule the meeting for October 17-20, 2011.  The meeting will now be held in Fukuoka, Japan, which is on an island in Southern Japan.  
Posted: 2011-04-03 More...


Message from IMRF2011 Organizing Team
Posted: 2011-03-18 More...

Symposia Abstracts Now Available

Symposium submission has closed and we have accepted six symposia. View Symposium Abstracts.  
Posted: 2011-02-07

Registration Opens

Be sure to take advantage of the early registration discount. See the Registration page for more information.  
Posted: 2010-11-26

ASSC 2011 in Kyoto June 9-12

Just after the close of IMRF 2011, the 15th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will take place in Kyoto, Japan. Details available on the ASSC 2011 website.  
Posted: 2010-11-02
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